10. 仂亞舒仄仄仆亶 亳仆亠亠亶 ( API SemanticForce ) 亟仍: 仂亰亟舒仆亳 / 亟舒仍亠仆亳 / 亠亟舒从亳仂于舒仆亳 亠仄; 亟仂仗舒 从 亠亰仍舒舒仄 亳 舒亳亳从亠; 亟舒仍亠仆仆仂亶 亞亠仆亠舒亳亳 仂亠仂于 亳 亟舒亶亟亢亠仂于; 亟仂仗舒 从 仂弍亠从舒仄, 仄仂亳礆, 仂仆舒仍仆仂礆; 仆亠亞舒亳 于 Microsoft Office 仆亠亞舒亳 ERP/CRM 亳亠仄舒仄亳 亠仍 亠舒仍亳亰舒亳亳 SocialCRM 仄亠仂亟仂仍仂亞亳亳 SemanticForce API Insert quote from great presentation here 仆亟亠亶 亳仂仆亳亠仆从仂, Slon.ru In two years time its possible that we will be able to assemble and customize our own monitoring platforms with off the shelf, modular tools. Marshall Sponder , Webmetricsguru.com