La casa fue bendecida por el Abuelito Jorge y los Bisabuelitos Rabeca y Rafael, quienes colocaron una Mezuzá en la entrada de la casa judÃa del autor. La Mezuzá contiene una bendición escrita a mano por el Bisabuelito Rafael y leÃda en voz alta por el Abuelito Jorge. Los Bisabuelitos Rabeca y Rafael fueron invitados especiales que ayudaron a bendecir la nueva casa.
Para acessar um curso online no site, siga as seguintes etapas: acesse o endereço eletrônico, clique no link de acesso, digite seu nome de usuário e senha, clique em acesso e role a tela para visualizar e iniciar o curso. Contate os emails ou telefone listados para dúvidas e sugestões.
This document summarizes key points that were discussed in an ethnomusicology meeting. The meeting touched on adapting cross-cultural perspectives from studies of how the brain responds to music. It also discussed defining music more broadly than just Western art music traditions, and examining music as an integral part of human communication, expression and social organization. Finally, the meeting linked music to human cognitive uniqueness and explored how music participations fosters togetherness in communities through shared experiences and social synchronization.
Trabaja con diferentes tipos de papel como papel periódico, papel tissue y chinitas. Realiza varios pasos para procesar y transformar estos materiales de papel.
The document discusses literary elements of setting and characterization. It defines setting as the time and place where the story takes place, including historical and cultural contexts. Cultural setting reflects the beliefs and values of a location. In Oedipus, cultural setting is evident through references to oracles and sacrifices. Characterization techniques include physical description, speech/actions, how others see the character, and direct narration. In Oedipus, Sophocles reveals Oedipus' nature through his own words and actions and how other characters view him. Understanding characters provides insights into the play's themes and cultural perspectives.
Streaming Media West - Podcast WorkshopJose Castillo
The document provides an overview of a workshop on planning, building, and launching a successful podcast. It discusses defining goals and audience, choosing a topic, planning content and format, acquiring necessary equipment and software, recording and editing audio, distributing the podcast through websites and feeds, and marketing the podcast for listeners. The workshop guides attendees through each step of the process and provides tips for creating a high-quality podcast.
La casa fue bendecida por el Abuelito Jorge y los Bisabuelitos Rabeca y Rafael, quienes colocaron una Mezuzá en la entrada de la casa judÃa del autor. La Mezuzá contiene una bendición escrita a mano por el Bisabuelito Rafael y leÃda en voz alta por el Abuelito Jorge. Los Bisabuelitos Rabeca y Rafael fueron invitados especiales que ayudaron a bendecir la nueva casa.
Para acessar um curso online no site, siga as seguintes etapas: acesse o endereço eletrônico, clique no link de acesso, digite seu nome de usuário e senha, clique em acesso e role a tela para visualizar e iniciar o curso. Contate os emails ou telefone listados para dúvidas e sugestões.
This document summarizes key points that were discussed in an ethnomusicology meeting. The meeting touched on adapting cross-cultural perspectives from studies of how the brain responds to music. It also discussed defining music more broadly than just Western art music traditions, and examining music as an integral part of human communication, expression and social organization. Finally, the meeting linked music to human cognitive uniqueness and explored how music participations fosters togetherness in communities through shared experiences and social synchronization.
Trabaja con diferentes tipos de papel como papel periódico, papel tissue y chinitas. Realiza varios pasos para procesar y transformar estos materiales de papel.
The document discusses literary elements of setting and characterization. It defines setting as the time and place where the story takes place, including historical and cultural contexts. Cultural setting reflects the beliefs and values of a location. In Oedipus, cultural setting is evident through references to oracles and sacrifices. Characterization techniques include physical description, speech/actions, how others see the character, and direct narration. In Oedipus, Sophocles reveals Oedipus' nature through his own words and actions and how other characters view him. Understanding characters provides insights into the play's themes and cultural perspectives.
Streaming Media West - Podcast WorkshopJose Castillo
The document provides an overview of a workshop on planning, building, and launching a successful podcast. It discusses defining goals and audience, choosing a topic, planning content and format, acquiring necessary equipment and software, recording and editing audio, distributing the podcast through websites and feeds, and marketing the podcast for listeners. The workshop guides attendees through each step of the process and provides tips for creating a high-quality podcast.
El documento habla sobre la importancia de que los videojuegos y software sean de código abierto y libres para que las personas puedan ayudarse mutuamente a superar los desafÃos, mejorar los productos y compartir lo que han aprendido sin restricciones. Señala que si los juegos fueran libres, los jugadores podrÃan cambiarlos para hacerlos más fáciles, publicar guÃas y traducciones para ayudar a otros, y aprender de la experiencia.