Este documento presenta un diplomado en habilidades directivas de supervisi坦n para el 叩rea log鱈stica. El diplomado cubrir叩 temas como el liderazgo, las relaciones con clientes y proveedores, y los controles de inventario. Consta de 120 horas presenciales con requisitos de asistencia y evaluaciones. La primera unidad se enfoca en conceptos de liderazgo como rasgos, habilidades, comportamientos de l鱈deres y tipos de poder e influencia.
La gu鱈a proporciona instrucciones para realizar presentaciones orales efectivas en 3 pasos: 1) Planeaci坦n - analizar el tema, objetivo, audiencia y estructura. 2) Realizaci坦n - comunicaci坦n verbal y no verbal, participaci坦n del p炭blico. 3) Control del nerviosismo. El objetivo es ayudar a maestros y estudiantes a mejorar sus habilidades de presentaci坦n.
2. civilizaciones antiguas del continente americanoAnguloespa22
Este documento presenta una secuencia did叩ctica de 3 horas sobre las civilizaciones antiguas del continente americano para estudiantes de grado 9. La secuencia incluye objetivos, contenidos, competencias, metodolog鱈a, recursos y evaluaci坦n. La metodolog鱈a consiste en ver un video, explicaciones del docente, actividades grupales como hacer carteleras, y el uso de recursos como videos e internet para conocer los imperios maya, azteca e inca.
This document provides information on salaries, case studies, and spending priorities for OSMA Investment Program participants. It notes that desirable locations like Dallas or Austin offer starting salaries in the low $200k range, while OUHSC starts around $250k and private groups pay mid to high $300k. A case study outlines debts totaling $200k in school loans, $240k mortgage, $25k car loan, and $25k credit cards against a $375k salary. It recommends paying off highest interest debt first, consolidating if possible, and saving at least 10% of income across IRAs, education accounts, and emergency funds.
Baz Luhrmann is known as an auteur director who expresses his unique artistic vision through the films he directs and produces. The document analyzes Luhrmann's work in Romeo + Juliet, The Great Gatsby, and Moulin Rouge. For each film, Luhrmann uses stylistic techniques like music, camerawork, colors and text to set the atmosphere and provide subtle clues about the story and themes. For example, in Romeo + Juliet he uses a broken ring image and the words "star crossed lovers" to foreshadow the love and violence in the story. In The Great Gatsby, he contrasts shots of gold and fading green light with snow to represent
CADISON R10.1 brings new capabilities for integrating CADISON with other engineering tools. It introduces a new Inventor interface that allows importing Inventor data into CADISON projects. It also enables real DWG export from PID designs to Microsoft Visio. Additionally, it features an enhanced 2D extraction tool to support assembly processes and an advanced security concept.
Este documento proporciona informaci坦n sobre una asignatura de Derecho Administrativo. Detalla los datos del curso como el c坦digo, grupo, cr辿ditos, horas, docente responsable y objetivos. El objetivo general es analizar el marco legal que rige el control y auditor鱈a en el sector p炭blico y determinar si el patrimonio del estado se administra de forma adecuada y legal.
2013 - Str淡m 1 - Petter M淡ller - Programledelse - mest program eller mest led...Prosjekt 2013
Marketing de conte炭do para empresas B2BYago Dantas
Apresenta巽達o realizada no evento Integra MEJ 2013, na Universidade Estadual do Cear叩.
Atrav辿s ao Marketing de Conte炭do:
Como conseguir clientes usando texto
Diferen巽as Branding e Vendas
Uso das palavras-chave e dicas de SEO
Ambiente on line integrado
M辿tricas reais
Como implementar essa estrat辿gia na cultura organizacional de uma empresa B2B
O documento apresenta a programa巽達o da Liga Serrana Infantil de 2013, incluindo datas e hor叩rios dos jogos das categorias sub-11, sub-13 e sub-15 nas fases classificat坦ria, semifinal e final do campeonato, al辿m dos resultados, tabelas de classifica巽達o e premia巽探es.
Der erste marokkanisch franz旦sische parlamentsforum begr端t die konstante pos...Tanja Seidemann
Der erste marokkanisch-franz旦sische Parlamentsforum, der am Freitag in
Rabat zu Ende ging, begr端te die konsequente Haltung Frankreichs
gegen端ber der Sahara-Frage.
Matriz de valoraci坦n nombramiento de profesores 2015 MINEDUDaniel Rogelio
Este documento presenta una matriz de valoraci坦n de la trayectoria profesional para concursos de nombramiento y contrataci坦n docente. La matriz contiene 3 rubros principales (formaci坦n acad辿mica y profesional, m辿ritos, y experiencia profesional) que suman un puntaje total de 25 puntos. Cada rubro incluye diferentes criterios y documentos de acreditaci坦n para otorgar puntajes parciales.
El documento es una carta de Angeliz Perozo dirigida al Vice-rectorado Academico de la Universidad Fermin Toro en la Facultad de ciencias economicas y sociales, Escuela de Relaciones Industriales en Cabudare el 23 de Mayo de 2015.
Pamela Sue Schwarz and Donald Allen Hussey did something fabulous on Wednesday which was the best day of the week for them. He likes blue while she likes purple. The best is yet to come for Mr. and Mrs. Don and Pam Hussey.
Las franquicias internacionales de comida como Wings Army, Pizza Hut y Carl's Jr. han tenido un gran impacto en San Luis Potos鱈, M辿xico. Sus estrategias de marketing efectivas, como anuncios llamativos y atractivos para los clientes, les han permitido ganar popularidad entre la poblaci坦n local a expensas de las franquicias y negocios mexicanos m叩s peque単os. Este documento analiza el efecto de estas franquicias extranjeras en la ciudad y propone investigar formas para que las empresas locales puedan competir mejor.
HelloPT is an application that allows users to control PowerPoint presentations from an iPhone or iPod touch. It provides major functions like slide navigation and control, slide notes, and using the screen as a digital whiteboard. The application works with PowerPoint 2000 through 2010 on Windows XP, Vista or 7, and requires installation of the HelloPT Server software on a Windows server.
The document discusses how to compile LaTeX (.tex) files into PDF files using pdflatex. It recommends tools like pdflatex, acroread, ghostscript, and ghostview. It also provides instructions on writing LaTeX documents, including creating a main document file and chapter files, and using spellcheck. Finally, it discusses LaTeX and pdfLaTeX capabilities like fonts, math symbols, and hyperlinks.
The document discusses how to compile LaTeX (.tex) files into PDF files using pdflatex. It recommends tools like pdflatex, acroread, ghostscript, and ghostview. It also provides instructions on writing LaTeX documents, including creating a main document file and chapter files, and using spellcheck. Finally, it discusses LaTeX and pdfLaTeX capabilities like fonts, math symbols, and hyperlinks.
The document discusses how to compile LaTeX (.tex) files into PDF files using pdflatex. It recommends tools like pdflatex, acroread, ghostscript, and ghostview. It also provides instructions on writing LaTeX documents, including creating a main document file and chapter files, and using spell-checking. Finally, it overview LaTeX and pdfLaTeX capabilities like formatting, fonts, math symbols, and links.
This document provides instructions on how to write and compile LaTeX documents. It discusses the tools needed like pdflatex and how to use them to compile a .tex file into a .pdf file. It also covers how to structure the main document and chapters as separate files and include them. The document concludes with an overview of LaTeX and pdfLaTeX capabilities such as references, fonts, mathematics, and more.
This document provides instructions on how to write and compile LaTeX documents. It discusses the tools needed like pdflatex and how to use them to compile a .tex file into a .pdf file. It also covers how to structure the main document and chapters as separate files and include them. The document concludes with an overview of LaTeX and pdfLaTeX capabilities such as references, fonts, mathematics, and more.
Este documento proporciona informaci坦n sobre una asignatura de Derecho Administrativo. Detalla los datos del curso como el c坦digo, grupo, cr辿ditos, horas, docente responsable y objetivos. El objetivo general es analizar el marco legal que rige el control y auditor鱈a en el sector p炭blico y determinar si el patrimonio del estado se administra de forma adecuada y legal.
2013 - Str淡m 1 - Petter M淡ller - Programledelse - mest program eller mest led...Prosjekt 2013
Marketing de conte炭do para empresas B2BYago Dantas
Apresenta巽達o realizada no evento Integra MEJ 2013, na Universidade Estadual do Cear叩.
Atrav辿s ao Marketing de Conte炭do:
Como conseguir clientes usando texto
Diferen巽as Branding e Vendas
Uso das palavras-chave e dicas de SEO
Ambiente on line integrado
M辿tricas reais
Como implementar essa estrat辿gia na cultura organizacional de uma empresa B2B
O documento apresenta a programa巽達o da Liga Serrana Infantil de 2013, incluindo datas e hor叩rios dos jogos das categorias sub-11, sub-13 e sub-15 nas fases classificat坦ria, semifinal e final do campeonato, al辿m dos resultados, tabelas de classifica巽達o e premia巽探es.
Der erste marokkanisch franz旦sische parlamentsforum begr端t die konstante pos...Tanja Seidemann
Der erste marokkanisch-franz旦sische Parlamentsforum, der am Freitag in
Rabat zu Ende ging, begr端te die konsequente Haltung Frankreichs
gegen端ber der Sahara-Frage.
Matriz de valoraci坦n nombramiento de profesores 2015 MINEDUDaniel Rogelio
Este documento presenta una matriz de valoraci坦n de la trayectoria profesional para concursos de nombramiento y contrataci坦n docente. La matriz contiene 3 rubros principales (formaci坦n acad辿mica y profesional, m辿ritos, y experiencia profesional) que suman un puntaje total de 25 puntos. Cada rubro incluye diferentes criterios y documentos de acreditaci坦n para otorgar puntajes parciales.
El documento es una carta de Angeliz Perozo dirigida al Vice-rectorado Academico de la Universidad Fermin Toro en la Facultad de ciencias economicas y sociales, Escuela de Relaciones Industriales en Cabudare el 23 de Mayo de 2015.
Pamela Sue Schwarz and Donald Allen Hussey did something fabulous on Wednesday which was the best day of the week for them. He likes blue while she likes purple. The best is yet to come for Mr. and Mrs. Don and Pam Hussey.
Las franquicias internacionales de comida como Wings Army, Pizza Hut y Carl's Jr. han tenido un gran impacto en San Luis Potos鱈, M辿xico. Sus estrategias de marketing efectivas, como anuncios llamativos y atractivos para los clientes, les han permitido ganar popularidad entre la poblaci坦n local a expensas de las franquicias y negocios mexicanos m叩s peque単os. Este documento analiza el efecto de estas franquicias extranjeras en la ciudad y propone investigar formas para que las empresas locales puedan competir mejor.
HelloPT is an application that allows users to control PowerPoint presentations from an iPhone or iPod touch. It provides major functions like slide navigation and control, slide notes, and using the screen as a digital whiteboard. The application works with PowerPoint 2000 through 2010 on Windows XP, Vista or 7, and requires installation of the HelloPT Server software on a Windows server.
The document discusses how to compile LaTeX (.tex) files into PDF files using pdflatex. It recommends tools like pdflatex, acroread, ghostscript, and ghostview. It also provides instructions on writing LaTeX documents, including creating a main document file and chapter files, and using spellcheck. Finally, it discusses LaTeX and pdfLaTeX capabilities like fonts, math symbols, and hyperlinks.
The document discusses how to compile LaTeX (.tex) files into PDF files using pdflatex. It recommends tools like pdflatex, acroread, ghostscript, and ghostview. It also provides instructions on writing LaTeX documents, including creating a main document file and chapter files, and using spellcheck. Finally, it discusses LaTeX and pdfLaTeX capabilities like fonts, math symbols, and hyperlinks.
The document discusses how to compile LaTeX (.tex) files into PDF files using pdflatex. It recommends tools like pdflatex, acroread, ghostscript, and ghostview. It also provides instructions on writing LaTeX documents, including creating a main document file and chapter files, and using spell-checking. Finally, it overview LaTeX and pdfLaTeX capabilities like formatting, fonts, math symbols, and links.
This document provides instructions on how to write and compile LaTeX documents. It discusses the tools needed like pdflatex and how to use them to compile a .tex file into a .pdf file. It also covers how to structure the main document and chapters as separate files and include them. The document concludes with an overview of LaTeX and pdfLaTeX capabilities such as references, fonts, mathematics, and more.
This document provides instructions on how to write and compile LaTeX documents. It discusses the tools needed like pdflatex and how to use them to compile a .tex file into a .pdf file. It also covers how to structure the main document and chapters as separate files and include them. The document concludes with an overview of LaTeX and pdfLaTeX capabilities such as references, fonts, mathematics, and more.
This document provides instructions on how to write and compile LaTeX documents. It discusses the tools needed like pdflatex and how to use them to compile a .tex file into a .pdf file. It also covers how to structure the main document and chapters as separate files and include them. The document concludes with an overview of LaTeX and pdfLaTeX capabilities such as references, fonts, mathematics, and more.
This document does not contain any meaningful information to summarize. It consists of random letters and symbols with no discernible topic, context or narrative.
This document does not contain any meaningful information to summarize. It consists of random letters and symbols with no discernible topic, context or narrative.
This document does not contain any meaningful information to summarize. It consists of random letters and symbols with no discernible topic, context or narrative.