1. The document summarizes a final lecture on service design that covered three parts: reviewing the knowledge from the course so far, discussing the concept of overdelivery in customer service, and designing service experiences.
2. It provides an example of an airline overdelivering for passengers on a flight that experienced an emergency water landing, by providing assistance, replacements, and compensation that went above and beyond normal procedures.
3. The last part of the lecture focused on using a service pyramid and simple business case models to design a single feature that could provide overdelivery for customers.
5. 5
Jan 2009, flight nr. 1549 NY Seattle
All 150 people survived, but stressed, wet and with nothing.
Free help line for relatives
Cash and credit cards to buy essentials
Pre-charged phones
Food, transportation
Flight ticket voucher, VIP card, 5000 $
In 6 weeks, 1/3 of passengers flew again.
Chesley B. 'Sully'
Sullenberger, III
US airways overdelivery
7. Summing up
Write down the Tandem Teams
12 May Whos coming?
30 May diner Need your help
18 June Presentations + reports (after 2 PM)
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3. On the scale 1 to 10 how likely are you to recommend the course to your
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