This document discusses different types of muscular contractions including concentric, eccentric, and isometric contractions. It provides examples of muscle pairings acting as agonists and antagonists in simple exercises. Learners complete tasks to identify muscle contractions in different exercises and sports skills. They discuss the definitions of each contraction type and analyze which types of contractions occur in the agonist and antagonist muscles during press ups and sit ups. The document aims to help learners understand muscular contractions and be able to identify the different types that occur in simple sports exercises and skills.
2. Session Aim/Objectives Aim By the end of this learning outcome you will successfully achieve your target grade in the muscular section of the assignment Objectives By the end of the session you will be able to: Identify the bones, joints and antagonistic muscle pairings of simple sports exercises 2. Explain the terms eccentric, concentric and isometric muscular contractions 3. Identifying the type of muscular contractions occurring in simple sports exercises
3. Recap tasks Gapped Handout List pairs without any notes or prompts Yesterdays handout Agonist/Antagonist
4. Gapped Handout Pls / L.s .i ..r dds /r d..ds Trz..s / De.s Er.. Spin.. / R..t.s abs Right e...l / Left el Hgs / / Ti.s anterior T.s / s
6. Agonist or Prime Mover (Biceps contract) The muscle doing the work (contracting) and creating the movement is called the agonist or prime mover. Antagonist (Triceps relax) The muscle which is relaxing and letting the movement take place is called the antagonist.
7. Task 1 Move around the room to analyse 3 exercises Complete the blank movement table on the flip chart paper. Each member of the group using one colour pen to insert their answers 10 minutes allowed
12. Task 2 Pairs decide on and write out a definition for the 3 types of contraction:- 1.Concentric 2.Eccentric 3.Isometric contractions Extension task - Look at the diagrams below what type of contractions is occurring on the agonist and antagonists.? Press up (upward phase -Upper arms) Sit up (Upward Phase - Stomach)
13. Task 3 Using the movement tables you started in task 1 Add the type of contractions in the agonists and antagonists for each skill Extension question. What sports skills require isometric muscular contractions?
14. Summary Objectives achieved? Can you: 1. Identify the bones, joints and antagonistic muscle pairings of simple sports exercises? 2. Explain the terms eccentric, concentric and isometric muscular contractions? 3. Identify the type of muscular contractions occurring in simple sports exercises? Next Session the effects of exercise on the muscular system