Federal felonies, direct R Bush, American General, credit checks, with Elena Meyers, HSBC, Citi Corp, American General, direct WSFS banking, timing thousands in overdraft fee charges, minus in the bank to 2011, for Susan and son and violent crimes on Suasn and son, with John Honaker walking around, mowing or sitting daily from 1990 and mo memory of two weeks or long ter memory, operated with his emergencies here an dloans on dates calling himi an setting up loans, WITH CAP PAYDAY loans operated with him for threats to steal all from susan camoeron honaker, Patented work and have her locked up, to carry out mortgage fraud, slander, medical frauds, vioelnt crmes, and timing to 2011 no money, no gas, putting services into arrears with john at work, all crimes timed by surveillance direct w Robert BUsh, F Genovese. Meyers. Bill Clinton combined banking.