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What is a neighbourhood ?
Case studies.
Components of neighbourhood design
What is a neighbourhood ?
Neighbourhood design is how we make communities  shaping the layout and uses of buildings, streets, and natural
spaces to create connected and lively communities. There are different theories of sustainable neighbourhood desig
but they all have the following in common: Mixed-use, Sense of place, Housing diversity, Walk-able, Transit,
 Mixed-use: neighbourhoods should have multiple uses, such as homes, retail, and professional and service businesses.
More people are around at different times of the day supports businesses and can improve safety. Mixing jobs, shops
and housing also supports peoples ability to walk and cycle for some of their daily trips.
 Sense of place: neighbourhoods should be unique and reflect the people who live there and the landscape where it is
located. This helps support a vibrant community and attracts new residents and visitors.
 Housing diversity: neighbourhoods should provide a variety of housing types so that people can choose a home that
suits them at all life stages.
 Walk-able: neighbourhoods should include lots of street connections, good quality sidewalks, and places to walk to,
such as grocery stores, transit, and coffee shops.
 Transit: neighbourhoods that have enough people and street connections to make public transit feasible.
 Eco-Assets: neighbourhoods manage eco-assets, such as natural spaces, ecosystems, and storm water in a sustainable
way. This includes storm water, ponds and features such as bioswales. This also contributes to a neighbourhoods
character and liveability.
A well designed neighbourhood will assist in enhancing the health and well
being of a community by encouraging people to be more physically active a
nd engaged in the community.
 mixed land use:-
offering a range of opportunities and destinations
for the community to meet peoples daily needs,
eg employment, shopping, education, recreation
 mixed density:- of development, increasing the0
population catchment around key destinations
and public transport, and improving the viabilitY
and vitality of activity centres.
 an active transport network, including an
interconnected street network and a safe and
legible walking and cycling network that enables
direct access to key destinations
 availability of public transport and suitable
 integration with adjoining neighbourhoods such
as with cycle paths and access to key destinations
in the adjoining neighbourhood, and
 access to active and passive public open space:-
that caters for multiple users such as sports
players and recreational walkers.
 Components of neighbourhood design
 Gated communities because they do not encourage residents to
connect with the public realm and inhibit connectivity in and
between neighbourhoods.
 Street layouts that do not allow direct pedestrian movement
through the neighbourhood.
 Neighbourhoods that do not allocate appropriate levels of services
to residents such as shops and schools.
 Barriers to walking such as busy roads, creeks, etc with no safe
crossing points.
The City of New Westminster recognized that
the riverfront is the citys most significant
cultural and economic asset and was underutiliz
ed but could be home to vibrant spaces, quality
recreation, progressive business and housing.
New Westminster set out to rebrand the
riverfront as a valuable asset by engaging the c
ommunity in redefining Westminster Quay into
Riverfront with the River Market and developin
g a neighbourhood plan with public and private
The Riverfront vision is to seamlessly connect t
he riverfront through a system of parks and
greenways running the length of the city and to
provide improved connections from
neighbourhoods to the river. Along with enhanc
ed access and facilities, the riverfronts
recreation and tourism potential will be bolster
ed by public spaces and activities that generate
interest for all demographics, all year long.
The vision is supported by three goals:
 Creating a continuous network of attractive
greenways and parks.
 Providing connections
from all neighbourhoods to the
 Programing and animating
he riverfront with an active, engaging
and dynamic series of experiences
compatible with existing industrial uses
that entice visitors to explore its many
destinations and adjacent amenities.
Judkins Park is a walkable, diverse neighborhood. With the addition of a light rail station and two Rapid
Ride lines, the community will continue to grow into an urban center.
The neighborhood wants to make sure they are prepared for future growth by improving existing parks
and open space and increasing access to transit services.
1. JUDKINS PARK IMPROVEMENTS - Seattle Parks and Recreation (SPR) imp
rovements include an expansion of the picnic shelter area. The Chinatown/In
ternational District/Judkins Park Greenway will extend along the western ed
ge of the park.
Named after Norman B. Judkins, a pioneer realtor, Judkins Park is a
multipurpose park corridor in the Central Area. Its six-block strip of green
enlivens the Rainier Valley with picnic, play and sports areas with wide grass
fields, a skatespot, spraypark, and picnic tables.
Both an abundance of facilities and attractive landscaping here draw residents
from all over the Central Area and Rainier Valley all year long.
The park is kept well lighted at night by a veritable forest of lamps.
Improve parks and open space throughout our neighborhood.
The Department of Neighborhoods (DON) is funding improvements and expansion of the p-patch garden through the con
struction of retaining walls and reorganizing of existing infrastructure.
Provide better access to transportation options throughout our neighborhood
Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) and King County Metro are planning the Rainier RapidRide bus line along R
ainier Ave, which will connect Judkins Park with Downtown Seattle, Mt. Baker, Columbia City, and Rainier Beach. The Rapi
dRide Expansion Project will provide connections to the Link light rail, East Link light rail, and Seattle Streetcar lines. T
he project will build on existing and planned improvements in the corridor, including dedicated bus lanes, enhanced bus st
ops, transit signal priority, and bicycle and pedestrian connections. Service is scheduled to begin in 2021.
5. COMPLETE STREET- This three-phase SDOT project significantly modifies the cross section of 23rd Avenue
to improve safety and mobility for people who drive, walk, bike, and take transit. Phase 2, from S Jackson St t
o Rainier Ave S, will extend the reconfiguration of 23rd Ave from four lanes to three wider lanes, one lane in e
ach direction with a center-turn lane. Improvements are scheduled for completion in spring 2019.
6. NEIGHBOURHOOD GREENWAY- SDOT has planned a neighborhood greenway through the Judkins Park
Neighborhood, traveling north/south through Judkins Park and east/west along King Street. This section will
include speed humps, improved crossings, and prioritization for pedestrians and bicyclists. The greenway will incr
ease connectivity to the I-90 pedestrian and cyclist trail, Judkins Park neighborhood, and Chinatown/ International
District. The greenway is scheduled to open in 2019.
Simran deo- architectural conservation- neighbourhood design and planning

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Simran deo- architectural conservation- neighbourhood design and planning

  • 2. What is a neighbourhood ? Principles of NEIGHBOURHOOD DESIGN Case studies. Components of neighbourhood design Content
  • 3. What is a neighbourhood ? Neighbourhood design is how we make communities shaping the layout and uses of buildings, streets, and natural spaces to create connected and lively communities. There are different theories of sustainable neighbourhood desig but they all have the following in common: Mixed-use, Sense of place, Housing diversity, Walk-able, Transit, Eco-Assets...etc.
  • 4. Mixed-use: neighbourhoods should have multiple uses, such as homes, retail, and professional and service businesses. More people are around at different times of the day supports businesses and can improve safety. Mixing jobs, shops and housing also supports peoples ability to walk and cycle for some of their daily trips. Sense of place: neighbourhoods should be unique and reflect the people who live there and the landscape where it is located. This helps support a vibrant community and attracts new residents and visitors. Housing diversity: neighbourhoods should provide a variety of housing types so that people can choose a home that suits them at all life stages. Walk-able: neighbourhoods should include lots of street connections, good quality sidewalks, and places to walk to, such as grocery stores, transit, and coffee shops. Transit: neighbourhoods that have enough people and street connections to make public transit feasible. Eco-Assets: neighbourhoods manage eco-assets, such as natural spaces, ecosystems, and storm water in a sustainable way. This includes storm water, ponds and features such as bioswales. This also contributes to a neighbourhoods character and liveability. A well designed neighbourhood will assist in enhancing the health and well being of a community by encouraging people to be more physically active a nd engaged in the community.
  • 5. Principles of NEIGHBOURHOOD DESIGN
  • 6. mixed land use:- offering a range of opportunities and destinations for the community to meet peoples daily needs, eg employment, shopping, education, recreation mixed density:- of development, increasing the0 population catchment around key destinations and public transport, and improving the viabilitY and vitality of activity centres. an active transport network, including an interconnected street network and a safe and legible walking and cycling network that enables direct access to key destinations availability of public transport and suitable shelters integration with adjoining neighbourhoods such as with cycle paths and access to key destinations in the adjoining neighbourhood, and access to active and passive public open space:- that caters for multiple users such as sports players and recreational walkers. Components of neighbourhood design
  • 7. Avoid Gated communities because they do not encourage residents to connect with the public realm and inhibit connectivity in and between neighbourhoods. Street layouts that do not allow direct pedestrian movement through the neighbourhood. Neighbourhoods that do not allocate appropriate levels of services to residents such as shops and schools. Barriers to walking such as busy roads, creeks, etc with no safe crossing points.
  • 9. RIVERFRONT, NEW WESTMINISTER The City of New Westminster recognized that the riverfront is the citys most significant cultural and economic asset and was underutiliz ed but could be home to vibrant spaces, quality recreation, progressive business and housing. New Westminster set out to rebrand the riverfront as a valuable asset by engaging the c ommunity in redefining Westminster Quay into Riverfront with the River Market and developin g a neighbourhood plan with public and private investments. The Riverfront vision is to seamlessly connect t he riverfront through a system of parks and greenways running the length of the city and to provide improved connections from neighbourhoods to the river. Along with enhanc ed access and facilities, the riverfronts recreation and tourism potential will be bolster ed by public spaces and activities that generate interest for all demographics, all year long. The vision is supported by three goals: Connectivity Activity Continuity. Creating a continuous network of attractive greenways and parks. Providing connections from all neighbourhoods to the river. Programing and animating he riverfront with an active, engaging and dynamic series of experiences compatible with existing industrial uses that entice visitors to explore its many destinations and adjacent amenities.
  • 10. Judkins Park is a walkable, diverse neighborhood. With the addition of a light rail station and two Rapid Ride lines, the community will continue to grow into an urban center. The neighborhood wants to make sure they are prepared for future growth by improving existing parks and open space and increasing access to transit services. JUDKINS PARK
  • 11. 1. JUDKINS PARK IMPROVEMENTS - Seattle Parks and Recreation (SPR) imp rovements include an expansion of the picnic shelter area. The Chinatown/In ternational District/Judkins Park Greenway will extend along the western ed ge of the park. Named after Norman B. Judkins, a pioneer realtor, Judkins Park is a multipurpose park corridor in the Central Area. Its six-block strip of green enlivens the Rainier Valley with picnic, play and sports areas with wide grass fields, a skatespot, spraypark, and picnic tables. Both an abundance of facilities and attractive landscaping here draw residents from all over the Central Area and Rainier Valley all year long. The park is kept well lighted at night by a veritable forest of lamps. Improve parks and open space throughout our neighborhood.
  • 12. 2.JUDKINS COMMUNITY P-PATCH IMPROVEMENTS - The Department of Neighborhoods (DON) is funding improvements and expansion of the p-patch garden through the con struction of retaining walls and reorganizing of existing infrastructure. Provide better access to transportation options throughout our neighborhood 3. RAPIDRIDE TRANSIT SERVICE - Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) and King County Metro are planning the Rainier RapidRide bus line along R ainier Ave, which will connect Judkins Park with Downtown Seattle, Mt. Baker, Columbia City, and Rainier Beach. The Rapi dRide Expansion Project will provide connections to the Link light rail, East Link light rail, and Seattle Streetcar lines. T he project will build on existing and planned improvements in the corridor, including dedicated bus lanes, enhanced bus st ops, transit signal priority, and bicycle and pedestrian connections. Service is scheduled to begin in 2021.
  • 13. 5. COMPLETE STREET- This three-phase SDOT project significantly modifies the cross section of 23rd Avenue to improve safety and mobility for people who drive, walk, bike, and take transit. Phase 2, from S Jackson St t o Rainier Ave S, will extend the reconfiguration of 23rd Ave from four lanes to three wider lanes, one lane in e ach direction with a center-turn lane. Improvements are scheduled for completion in spring 2019. 6. NEIGHBOURHOOD GREENWAY- SDOT has planned a neighborhood greenway through the Judkins Park Neighborhood, traveling north/south through Judkins Park and east/west along King Street. This section will include speed humps, improved crossings, and prioritization for pedestrians and bicyclists. The greenway will incr ease connectivity to the I-90 pedestrian and cyclist trail, Judkins Park neighborhood, and Chinatown/ International District. The greenway is scheduled to open in 2019.
  • 14. http://www.universityendowmentlands.gov.bc.ca /library/Area_D_Backgrounder_Neighbourhood _Design.pdf https://www.okotoks.ca/sites/default/files/pdf s/publications/Neighbourhood%20Design.pdf https://www.chico.ca.us/sites/main/files/file-a ttachments/5._community_design_element.pdf? 1593458897 /Sherchan92/neighb ourhood-planning-60163606 /KimFowlerMScMCI PRPP/neighbourhoodplanningdesignstandardsco mbinedjune2015 http://www.healthyplaces.org.au/site/neighbour hood_planning_and_design_full_text.php