Creating a dataset of peer review in computer science conferences published b...Aliaksandr Birukou
Computer science (CS) as a field is characterised by higher publication numbers and prestige of conference proceedings as opposed to scholarly journal articles. In this presentation we present preliminary results of the extraction and analysis of peer review information from computer science conferences published by Springer in almost 10,000 proceedings volumes. The results will be uploaded to, with the purpose of creation of the largest dataset of peer review processes in CS conferences.
Claim #1: Intramembranous A硫 behaves as chaperones of other membrane proteins
An example of application of the nanopublications approach to represent AlzSWAN content.
Diversity-aware search for people, content, events AND Diversity-aware hiring...Aliaksandr Birukou
The document discusses designing diversity-aware metrics for recommending scientific entities like researchers, papers, and events. It proposes metrics that consider dimensions like relevance, reputation, and diversity to surface a more well-rounded set of recommendations. The goal is to apply these metrics to applications like matching papers to reviewers and assigning conference talks to achieve more diverse perspectives.
The slides of the invited talk Maurizio Marchese from the LiquidPub team gave at the Workhop on Automated Experimentation at e-Science Institute, Edinburgh, February 24th, 2010
This document contains a list of common high frequency words that kindergarten students are taught. It includes basic words like "a", "am", "and", "at", "away", as well as more complex words like "find", "funny", "have", "help", "here", "hers", "jump", "little", "make", and "yellow". The list seems to be focused on sight words and basic vocabulary that form a foundation for early reading skills.
An Integrated Solution for Runtime Compliance Governance in SOAAliaksandr Birukou
In response to recent financial scandals (e.g. those involving Enron, Fortis, Parmalat), new regulations for protecting the society from financial and operational risks of the companies have been introduced. Therefore, companies are required to assure compliance of their operations with those new regulations as well as those already in place. Regulations are only one example of compliance sources modern organizations deal with every day. Other sources of compliance include licenses of business partners and other contracts, internal policies, and international standards. The diversity of compliance sources introduces the problem of compliance governance in an organization. In this paper, we propose an integrated solution for runtime compliance governance in Service-Oriented Architectures (SOAs). We show how the proposed solution supports the whole cycle of compliance management: from modeling compliance requirements in domain-specific languages through monitoring them during process execution to displaying information about the current state of compliance in dashboards. We focus on the runtime part of the proposed solution and describe it in detail. We apply the developed framework in a real case study coming from EU FP7 project COMPAS, and this case study is used through the paper to illustrate our solution.
An online survey of 96 IT decision makers from large enterprises and SMBs was conducted to understand their top technology priorities for 2014. The survey found that key business priorities like improving productivity and reducing expenses were top priorities across organization sizes. Most respondents said that specific company objectives would impact IT spending in 2014. The survey also found that hybrid cloud was of high interest among large enterprises, while software defined networking remains unclear to most. Information security and choosing the right technologies were among the top challenges cited.
The document appears to contain random letters and symbols with no discernible meaning or context. No understandable information could be extracted from the content provided.
Gavin emails his father Declan to update him on college. Gavin's brother Harry got engaged to his girlfriend Rosie after meeting her freshman year, though Gavin finds her unintelligent. Gavin also comes out as gay to his father. Gavin and his friends have built the start of a fraternity house after their freshman year.
Dec and his husband Knut have finally finished moving into their new home after being forced to relocate due to a river being rerouted through their town. Dec reflects on the difficult political battle they lost and is tired of politics. He now wants to open his own business selling playground equipment. Meanwhile, the four young boys Ambrose, Luke, Harry and Gavin have a sleepover at Ambrose's house, playing video games and tenting indoors, though they are reminded to keep the noise down as they wake Ambrose's younger brother Noah.
Five Contracts Every Non-profit Should Know AboutErin McClarty
This document discusses 5 types of contracts non-profits should be familiar with: license agreements, commercial leases, non-disclosure agreements, master service agreements, and purchase agreements. It provides an overview of when non-profits may encounter each type and important concepts to consider like scope, warranties, liability, and termination. The document encourages non-profits to clearly define terms, think through the whole transaction, and seek review from legal resources to ensure their organization is properly covered.
This document provides tips for effective preaching with a focus on delivering a message that can change lives. It recommends preachers pick a single point, determine the goal of the message, create a map or structure, internalize the content, engage the audience and find their authentic voice to avoid coming across as foolish, ridiculous or uncomfortable. The overall goal of preaching should be life change, not just information sharing.
This document discusses assistive technologies and supports for students with disabilities in inclusive classrooms. It defines inclusion and least restrictive environment, and notes benefits of inclusion such as increased socialization and role models. For students with ADHD, low-to-high tech assistive technologies include voice recorders, manipulatives, and reading trackers, while additional supports do not require technology, like highlighted materials and breaks. Students with auditory disabilities may use voice-to-text software, hearing aids, real-time captioning, and FM systems. Learning disabilities can be assisted through word processors, prediction software, audio books and e-dictionaries, along with extended time and customized materials.
The document contains lyrics to several children's songs. It describes 6 little ducks going to and from the river, led by one duck with his father on his back. Another song encourages singing when the spirit says sing. A third is about little marionettes doing turns and going away. The document provides snippets of lyrics from multiple upbeat children's songs.
The document provides instructions for what to do if experiencing a heart attack while alone in a car. It advises to not panic, but to start coughing repeatedly and taking deep breaths before each cough. This is because coughing squeezes the heart and keeps blood circulating, while deep breaths get oxygen into the lungs. This technique can help the heart regain its normal rhythm and potentially get the victim to a hospital until help arrives. The document stresses sharing this information widely as it could save lives, and that heart attacks now occur in people of all ages due to changes in lifestyle.
"LiquidPub: Services at Service of Science". Invited talks of Fabio Casati at the European Conference on Web Services 2009 and in the Politechnico di Milano
This document provides an overview of several medieval heresies including the Catharists, Waldensians, Bogomils, Fraticelli, Patarine, and Apostolici. It defines heresy and includes perspectives on heresy from historical figures. For each heresy, it summarizes their beliefs, origins, and how they were viewed by the Catholic Church as opposing orthodox doctrine and in some cases threatening the social order. It also notes how heretics were sometimes identified by their dress, phrases, or ideas that differed from the Church.
Integrating OPEN ANNOTATION with any DOMAIN ONTOLOGY Paolo Ciccarese
This document discusses integrating annotations with domain ontologies using the Open Annotation model. It begins by introducing the speaker, Paolo Ciccarese, and his background working on knowledge representation and annotation. It then provides an overview of annotation and the Open Annotation model. Key points include that annotation allows relating digital resources, is important for search and discovery, and the Open Annotation model supports annotating any type of body and target. The document discusses using semantic tags from ontologies to annotate resources and provides examples of annotating images and text. It also introduces tools like Domeo that facilitate semantic annotation using ontologies and text mining. Finally, it discusses additional applications of annotation like annotating antibodies and scientific hypotheses.
This document provides guidance for starting a Bible club or volunteering on a school campus. It recommends conceiving an idea and choosing how to reach students, then contacting the appropriate district, school, and community levels for approval. Finally, it stresses the importance of connecting with others, such as existing Bible clubs, youth pastors, and the school community through volunteering in order to get support and not try to work alone.
際際滷s presented at the 2nd Snow Workshop (
Galahad discovers the grave of his long-lost twin sister Guinevere at a graveyard. Upon reading her name on the tombstone, he is overcome with emotion as memories of her come flooding back. While Galahad's parents have no recollection of ever having a second child, Galahad insists Guinevere was real. His father believes him and plans to investigate further.
An Integrated Solution for Runtime Compliance Governance in SOAAliaksandr Birukou
In response to recent financial scandals (e.g. those involving Enron, Fortis, Parmalat), new regulations for protecting the society from financial and operational risks of the companies have been introduced. Therefore, companies are required to assure compliance of their operations with those new regulations as well as those already in place. Regulations are only one example of compliance sources modern organizations deal with every day. Other sources of compliance include licenses of business partners and other contracts, internal policies, and international standards. The diversity of compliance sources introduces the problem of compliance governance in an organization. In this paper, we propose an integrated solution for runtime compliance governance in Service-Oriented Architectures (SOAs). We show how the proposed solution supports the whole cycle of compliance management: from modeling compliance requirements in domain-specific languages through monitoring them during process execution to displaying information about the current state of compliance in dashboards. We focus on the runtime part of the proposed solution and describe it in detail. We apply the developed framework in a real case study coming from EU FP7 project COMPAS, and this case study is used through the paper to illustrate our solution.
An online survey of 96 IT decision makers from large enterprises and SMBs was conducted to understand their top technology priorities for 2014. The survey found that key business priorities like improving productivity and reducing expenses were top priorities across organization sizes. Most respondents said that specific company objectives would impact IT spending in 2014. The survey also found that hybrid cloud was of high interest among large enterprises, while software defined networking remains unclear to most. Information security and choosing the right technologies were among the top challenges cited.
The document appears to contain random letters and symbols with no discernible meaning or context. No understandable information could be extracted from the content provided.
Gavin emails his father Declan to update him on college. Gavin's brother Harry got engaged to his girlfriend Rosie after meeting her freshman year, though Gavin finds her unintelligent. Gavin also comes out as gay to his father. Gavin and his friends have built the start of a fraternity house after their freshman year.
Dec and his husband Knut have finally finished moving into their new home after being forced to relocate due to a river being rerouted through their town. Dec reflects on the difficult political battle they lost and is tired of politics. He now wants to open his own business selling playground equipment. Meanwhile, the four young boys Ambrose, Luke, Harry and Gavin have a sleepover at Ambrose's house, playing video games and tenting indoors, though they are reminded to keep the noise down as they wake Ambrose's younger brother Noah.
Five Contracts Every Non-profit Should Know AboutErin McClarty
This document discusses 5 types of contracts non-profits should be familiar with: license agreements, commercial leases, non-disclosure agreements, master service agreements, and purchase agreements. It provides an overview of when non-profits may encounter each type and important concepts to consider like scope, warranties, liability, and termination. The document encourages non-profits to clearly define terms, think through the whole transaction, and seek review from legal resources to ensure their organization is properly covered.
This document provides tips for effective preaching with a focus on delivering a message that can change lives. It recommends preachers pick a single point, determine the goal of the message, create a map or structure, internalize the content, engage the audience and find their authentic voice to avoid coming across as foolish, ridiculous or uncomfortable. The overall goal of preaching should be life change, not just information sharing.
This document discusses assistive technologies and supports for students with disabilities in inclusive classrooms. It defines inclusion and least restrictive environment, and notes benefits of inclusion such as increased socialization and role models. For students with ADHD, low-to-high tech assistive technologies include voice recorders, manipulatives, and reading trackers, while additional supports do not require technology, like highlighted materials and breaks. Students with auditory disabilities may use voice-to-text software, hearing aids, real-time captioning, and FM systems. Learning disabilities can be assisted through word processors, prediction software, audio books and e-dictionaries, along with extended time and customized materials.
The document contains lyrics to several children's songs. It describes 6 little ducks going to and from the river, led by one duck with his father on his back. Another song encourages singing when the spirit says sing. A third is about little marionettes doing turns and going away. The document provides snippets of lyrics from multiple upbeat children's songs.
The document provides instructions for what to do if experiencing a heart attack while alone in a car. It advises to not panic, but to start coughing repeatedly and taking deep breaths before each cough. This is because coughing squeezes the heart and keeps blood circulating, while deep breaths get oxygen into the lungs. This technique can help the heart regain its normal rhythm and potentially get the victim to a hospital until help arrives. The document stresses sharing this information widely as it could save lives, and that heart attacks now occur in people of all ages due to changes in lifestyle.
"LiquidPub: Services at Service of Science". Invited talks of Fabio Casati at the European Conference on Web Services 2009 and in the Politechnico di Milano
This document provides an overview of several medieval heresies including the Catharists, Waldensians, Bogomils, Fraticelli, Patarine, and Apostolici. It defines heresy and includes perspectives on heresy from historical figures. For each heresy, it summarizes their beliefs, origins, and how they were viewed by the Catholic Church as opposing orthodox doctrine and in some cases threatening the social order. It also notes how heretics were sometimes identified by their dress, phrases, or ideas that differed from the Church.
Integrating OPEN ANNOTATION with any DOMAIN ONTOLOGY Paolo Ciccarese
This document discusses integrating annotations with domain ontologies using the Open Annotation model. It begins by introducing the speaker, Paolo Ciccarese, and his background working on knowledge representation and annotation. It then provides an overview of annotation and the Open Annotation model. Key points include that annotation allows relating digital resources, is important for search and discovery, and the Open Annotation model supports annotating any type of body and target. The document discusses using semantic tags from ontologies to annotate resources and provides examples of annotating images and text. It also introduces tools like Domeo that facilitate semantic annotation using ontologies and text mining. Finally, it discusses additional applications of annotation like annotating antibodies and scientific hypotheses.
This document provides guidance for starting a Bible club or volunteering on a school campus. It recommends conceiving an idea and choosing how to reach students, then contacting the appropriate district, school, and community levels for approval. Finally, it stresses the importance of connecting with others, such as existing Bible clubs, youth pastors, and the school community through volunteering in order to get support and not try to work alone.
際際滷s presented at the 2nd Snow Workshop (
Galahad discovers the grave of his long-lost twin sister Guinevere at a graveyard. Upon reading her name on the tombstone, he is overcome with emotion as memories of her come flooding back. While Galahad's parents have no recollection of ever having a second child, Galahad insists Guinevere was real. His father believes him and plans to investigate further.
This document provides contact information for Siteco Lighting Systems sales offices around the world. It lists their addresses, phone numbers, emails and other contact details. Siteco has sales offices in many countries across Europe, Asia, the Middle East and other parts of the world to serve customers locally. The document aims to inform interested parties about how to get in touch with their nearest Siteco sales office.