The Sixth Meeting of the ASME chapter at UCF was held in Spring 2015. It included information about an upcoming tour of a co-gen power plant on April 18th and the availability of their 3D printer for members to use for a small fee. Upcoming ASME events were also listed, including a hovercraft workshop on April 17th. The 2015-2016 officers were announced, led by President Michael Gonzalez. Members were wished good luck on finals and a great summer.
2. Tour: Co-Gen Power plant
• When: Saturday, April 18th
• Time: 10:00am
• Where: Meet in Engineering Atrium
3. 3-D Printer
• We have a 3D Printer available
use! We have a Makerbot
Replicator 2, which uses PLA
• The cost to print
– 10 Cents per gram
– 1 Dollar per hour of print time.
– We will round the final cost to the
nearest dollar.
• All money collected will go
towards buying more filament
and upgrades for the printer.
4. ASME Events
Date Event Info Time Where
April 17th Hovercraft Workshop/build 3:00pm Rubin’s House
April 18th Power plant Tour Tour of a combine cycle
cogeneration power plant
10:00am Meet in ENG
5. Congratulations to the 2015-16 officers!
• Presidentïƒ Michael Gonzalez
• Vice Presidentïƒ Will Rumplik
• Secretaryïƒ Jonathan Winn
• Treasurerïƒ Derek Medellin
• Projectsïƒ Luis Felipe Marin
• External Programsïƒ Ben Lord
• Internal Programsïƒ Alex Carlisle
• Fundraisingïƒ Juan Lopez
6. Good Luck on Finals and have
a great summer!
Thank you for coming!