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Prepared By
Doppalapudi Sandeep
M. Pharmacy,
Assistant Professor
Department of Physiology & Pharmacology
Chebrolu Hanumaiah Institute of Pharmaceutical
Sciences, Chandramoulipuram, Chowdavaram,
Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India  522019
The Skeletal System
 Parts of the skeletal system include:
 Bones (skeleton)
 Divided into two divisions:
1. Axial skeleton  80 bones
2. Appendicular skeleton  126 bones
Functions of Bones
 Supports muscle, fat and skin
 Surrounds vital organs like skull, ribs, pelvis
 Muscles attach to bones to provide movement
 Mineral homeostasis
 Stores and maintain minerals (Calcium & phosphorus)
 Production of blood cells
 Red bone marrow  produes Red and white blood cells and platelets
 Yellow bone marrow  has adipocytes  stores fat.
Classification of Bones
 Long bones
 Typically longer than wide
 Have a shaft with heads at both ends
 Contain mostly compact bone
 Examples: Femur, humerus
 Short bones
 Generally cube-shape
 Contain mostly spongy bone
 Examples: Carpals, tarsals
Classification of Bones
 Flat bones
 Thin and flattened, usually curved
 Thin layers of compact bone around a layer
of spongy bone
 Examples: Skull, ribs, sternum
 Irregular bones
 Irregular in shape
 Do not fit into other bone classification
 Example: Vertebrae and hip
Skeletal System presentation for college.pdf
Gross Anatomy
of a Long Bone
 Composed of compact
 Ends of the bone
 Composed mostly of
spongy bone
Divisions of the Skeletal System
The Axial Skeleton
 Forms the longitudinal part of the body
 Divided into three parts
 Vertebral column
 Bony thorax
Skull (Cranium)
 Consists of 22 bones
 Bones of the skull are grouped into two categories:
 Cranial bones - Eight cranial bones form the cranial cavity
 Frontal bone,
 two parietal bones,
 two temporal bones,
 the occipital bone,
 the sphenoid bone,
 ethmoid bone
 Facial bones - Fourteen facial bones form the face
 Two nasal bones,
 two maxillae,
 two zygomatic bones,
 the mandible,
 two lacrimal bones,
 two palatine bones,
 two inferior nasal conchae and vomer
 The cranial and facial bones protect and support
special sense organs and the brain.
 Besides forming the large cranial cavity, the skull
also forms several smaller cavities
 Nasal cavity
 Orbits (eye sockets)
 Paranasal sinuses
 Small cavities which house organs involved in hearing
and equilibrium
Bones of the Skull
 Immovable joints called sutures fuse most of the skull
bones together.
 The skull provides large areas of attachment for
muscles that move various parts of the head.
 Skull and facial bones provide attachment for muscles
that produce facial expressions.
 The facial bones form the framework of the face and
provide support for the entrances to the digestive and
respiratory systems.
Skull (Cranial Bones)
 Frontal Bone
 Forms the forehead
 Parietal Bones
 Form the sides and roof of the cranial cavity
 Temporal Bones
 Form the lateral aspects and floor of the cranium
 Occipital Bone
 Forms the posterior part and most of the base of the cranium
 Sphenoid Bone
 Lies at the middle part of the base of the skull
 Ethmoid Bone
 Located on the midline in the anterior part of the cranial floor medial to
the orbits
 A major superior supporting structure of the nasal cavity
 Contain thin projections called conchae which are lined by mucous
 Increased surface area in the nasal cavity helps to humidify inhaled air
trapping inhaled particles
Posterior View
Skull (Facial Bones)
 Nasal Bones
 Form the bridge of the nose
 Form the upper jawbone and most of the hard palate
 Separates the nasal cavity from the oral cavity
 Zygomatic Bones (Cheek bones)
 form the prominences of the cheeks
 Lacrimal Bones
 Form a part of the medial wall of each orbit
 Palatine Bones
 Form the posterior portion of the hard palate
 Inferior Nasal Conchae
 Form a part of the inferior lateral wall of the nasal cavity
Skull (Facial Bones)
 Forms the inferior portion of the nasal septum
 Lower jawbone and the only movable skull bone
 The largest, strongest facial bone
 Nasal Septum
 Divides the interior of the nasal cavity into right and left sides
 Eye socket
 Openings for blood vessels, nerves or ligaments of the skull
Sphenoid Bone
Ethmoid Bone & Vomer
Paranasal Sinuses
 Hollow portions of bones surrounding the
nasal cavity
 Lighten the skull
 Give resonance and
amplification to voice
 Warm and moisten
The Hyoid Bone
 The only bone that
does not articulate
with another bone
 Serves as a
moveable base for
the tongue
 The hyoid bone also
helps to keep the
larynx (voice box)
open at all times
Vertebral Column
 Also called the spine, backbone, or spinal column
 Protect the spinal cord
 Support the head
 Serve as a point of attachment for the ribs, pelvic girdle, and
 The vertebral column is curved to varying degrees in
different locations
 Curves increase the column strength
 Help maintain balance in the upright position
 Absorb shocks during walking, and help protect the vertebrae from
Vertebral Column
 Composed of a series of bones called vertebrae
 7 cervical are in the neck region
 12 thoracic are posterior to the thoracic cavity
 5 lumbar support the lower back
 1 sacrum consists of five fused sacral vertebrae
 1 coccyx consists of four fused coccygeal vertebrae
Cervical Vertebrae(7)
Thoracic Vertebrae (12)
Lumbar Vertebrae (5)
Vertebral Column
Intervertebral Discs
 Found between the bodies of adjacent vertebrae
 Functions to:
 Form strong joints
 Permit various movements of the vertebral column
 Absorb vertical shock
 Vertebrae typically consist of:
 A Body (weight bearing)
 A vertebral arch (surrounds the spinal cord)
 Several processes (points of attachment for muscles)
Vertebral Column (Regions)
 Cervical Region
 Cervical vertebrae (C1C7)
 The atlas (C1) is the first cervical vertebra
 The axis (C2) is the second cervical vertebra
 Thoracic Region
 Thoracic vertebrae (T1T12)
 Articulate with the ribs
 Lumbar Region
 Lumbar vertebrae (L1L5)
 Provide for the attachment of the large back muscles
 The sacrum is a triangular bone formed by the union of five
sacral vertebrae (S1S5)
 Serves as a strong foundation for the pelvic girdle
 The coccyx, like the sacrum, is triangular in shape
 It is formed by the fusion of usually four coccygeal vertebrae
Skeletal System presentation for college.pdf
Comparison of Vertebrae
Sacrum & Coccyx
 Thoracic cage is formed by the:
 Costal cartilages
 Thoracic vertebrae
 Functions to:
 Enclose and protect the organs in the thoracic and
abdominal cavities
 Provide support for the bones of the upper limbs
 Play a role in breathing
 Breastbone located in the center of the thoracic wall
 Consists of the manubrium, body, xiphoid process
 Twelve pairs of ribs give structural support to the sides of the
thoracic cavity
 True ribs (7 pairs), False ribs (3 Pairs) and floating ribs(2 pairs).
 Costal cartilages
 Costal cartilages contribute to the elasticity of the thoracic cage
 Three parts
 Xiphoid process
The Appendicular Skeleton
 Limbs (appendages)
 Pectoral girdle
 Pelvic girdle
Upper Limb
 The pectoral girdle consists of two bones,
the scapula and the clavicle
 The free part has 30 bones
 1 humerus (arm)
 1 ulna (forearm)
 1 radius (forearm)
 8 carpals (wrist)
 19 metacarpal and phalanges (hand)
The Pectoral (Shoulder) Girdle
 Composed of two bones
 Clavicle  collarbone
 Scapula  shoulder blade
 These bones allow the upper limb to have
exceptionally free movement.
 The clavicle is convex in shape anteriorly
near the sternal junction
 The clavicle is concave anteriorly on its
lateral edge near the acromion
Bones of the Shoulder Girdle
Pectoral Girdle - Scapula
 Also called the shoulder blade
 Triangular in shape
 Most notable features include the spine,
acromion, coracoid process and the
glenoid cavity
Bones of the Shoulder Girdle
Features on the Scapula
 Spine - a large process on the posterior of
the scapula that ends laterally as the
 Acromion - the flattened lateral portion of
the spine of the scapula
 Coracoid process - a protruding projection
on the anterior surface just inferior to the
lateral aspect of the clavicle
 Glenoid cavity - shallow concavity that
articulates with the head of the humerus
Skeleton of the Arm - Humerus
 Longest and largest bone of the free part
of the upper limb
 The proximal ball-shaped end articulates
with the glenoid cavity of the scapula
 The distal end articulates at the elbow with
the radius and ulna
Bones of the Upper Limb
 The arm is formed by a single bone- Humerus
Skeleton of the Forearm - Ulna
 The longer of the two forearm bones
 Located medial to the radius
 Olecranon - the large, prominent proximal end, the tip of
your elbow
 Coronoid process - the anterior lip of the proximal ulna
 Trochlear notch - the deep fossa that receives the
trochlea of the humerus during elbow flexion
 Styloid process - the thin cylindrical projection on the
posterior side of the ulnas head
 Lies lateral to the ulna (thumb side of the forearm)
 The head (disc-shaped) and neck are at the
proximal end
 The head articulates with the capitulum of the
humerus and the radial notch of the ulna
 Radial tuberosity - medial and inferior to neck,
attachment site for biceps brachii muscle
 Styloid process - large distal projection on lateral
side of radius
Radius & Ulna
Bones of the Upper Limb
 The hand
 Carpals  wrist
Skeleton of the Hand
 The carpus (wrist) consists of 8 small bones
 Two rows of carpal bones
 Proximal row - scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum, pisiform
 Distal row - trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, hamate
 Scaphoid - most commonly fractured
 Carpal tunnel - space between carpal bones and
flexor retinaculum
Metacarpals and Phalanges
 Five metacarpals - numbered I-V, lateral to
 14 phalanges - two in the thumb (pollex)
and three in each of the other fingers
 Each phalanx has a base, shaft, and head
 Joints - carpometacarpal,
metacarpophalangeal, interphalangeal
Bones of the Pelvic Girdle
 Hip bones
 Composed of three pair of fused bones
 Pubic bone
 The total weight of the upper body rests on the pelvis
 Protects several organs
 Reproductive organs
 Urinary bladder
 Part of the large intestine
The Pelvis
The Pelvis: Right Coxal Bone
The Ilium
 Largest of the three hip bones
 Ilium is the superior part of the hip bone
 Consists of a superior ala and inferior body which
forms the acetabulum (socket for head of the femur)
 Superior border - iliac crest
 Hip pointer - occurs at anterior superior iliac spine
 Greater sciatic notch - allows passage of sciatic nerve
Ischium and Pubis
 Ischium - inferior and posterior part of the hip
 Most prominent feature is the ischial
tuberosity, it is the part that meets the chair
when you are sitting
 Pubis - inferior and anterior part of the hip
 Superior and inferior rami and body
Comparing Male and Female Pelves
Skeleton of the Thigh - Femur and Patella
 Femur - longest, heaviest, and strongest bone in the
 Proximally, the head articulates with the acetabulum
of the hip bone forming the hip (coxal) joint
 Neck - distal to head, common site of fracture
 Distally, the medial and lateral condyles articulate
with the condyles of the tibia forming the knee joint
 Also articulates with patella
 Largest sesamoid bone in the body
 Forms the patellofemoral joint
 Superior surface is the base
 Inferior, narrower surface is the apex
 Thick articular cartilage lines the posterior surface
 Increases the leverage of the quadriceps femoris
Tibia (shin bone)
 The larger, medial weight-bearing bone of leg
 The lateral and medial condyles at the proximal
end articulate with the femur
 It articulates distally with the talus and fibula
 Tibial tuberosity - attachment site for the patellar
 Medial malleolus - medial surface of distal end
(medial surface of ankle joint)
 The smaller, laterally placed bone of leg
 Non-weight bearing
 The head forms the proximal tibiofibular
 Lateral malleolus - distal end, articulates
with the tibia and the talus at the ankle
Bones of Lower Limbs
 The foot
 Tarsus  ankle
 Metatarsals  sole
 Phalanges  toes
Skeleton of the Foot - Tarsals,
Metatarsals & Phalanges
 Seven tarsal bones - talus (articulates with
tibia and fibula), calcaneus (the heel bone,
the largest and strongest), navicular, cuboid
and three cuneiforms
 Five metatarsals - (I-V) base, shaft, head
 14 phalanges (big toe is the hallux)
 Tarsus = ankle

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Scotland's Museums and Galleries Strategy Symposium 2025 - Auditorium Session 3
Scotland's Museums and Galleries Strategy Symposium 2025 - Auditorium Session 3Scotland's Museums and Galleries Strategy Symposium 2025 - Auditorium Session 3
Scotland's Museums and Galleries Strategy Symposium 2025 - Auditorium Session 3
Museums Galleries Scotland

Skeletal System presentation for college.pdf

  • 1. SKELETAL SYSTEM Prepared By Doppalapudi Sandeep M. Pharmacy, Assistant Professor Department of Physiology & Pharmacology Chebrolu Hanumaiah Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chandramoulipuram, Chowdavaram, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India 522019
  • 2. The Skeletal System Parts of the skeletal system include: Bones (skeleton) Joints Cartilages Ligaments Divided into two divisions: 1. Axial skeleton 80 bones 2. Appendicular skeleton 126 bones
  • 3. Functions of Bones Framework Supports muscle, fat and skin Protection Surrounds vital organs like skull, ribs, pelvis Movement Muscles attach to bones to provide movement Mineral homeostasis Stores and maintain minerals (Calcium & phosphorus) Production of blood cells Red bone marrow produes Red and white blood cells and platelets Storage Calcium Yellow bone marrow has adipocytes stores fat.
  • 4. Classification of Bones Long bones Typically longer than wide Have a shaft with heads at both ends Contain mostly compact bone Examples: Femur, humerus Short bones Generally cube-shape Contain mostly spongy bone Examples: Carpals, tarsals
  • 5. Classification of Bones Flat bones Thin and flattened, usually curved Thin layers of compact bone around a layer of spongy bone Examples: Skull, ribs, sternum Irregular bones Irregular in shape Do not fit into other bone classification categories Example: Vertebrae and hip
  • 7. Gross Anatomy of a Long Bone Diaphysis Shaft Composed of compact bone Epiphysis Ends of the bone Composed mostly of spongy bone
  • 8. Divisions of the Skeletal System
  • 9. The Axial Skeleton Forms the longitudinal part of the body Divided into three parts Skull Vertebral column Bony thorax
  • 10. Skull (Cranium) Consists of 22 bones Bones of the skull are grouped into two categories: Cranial bones - Eight cranial bones form the cranial cavity Frontal bone, two parietal bones, two temporal bones, the occipital bone, the sphenoid bone, ethmoid bone Facial bones - Fourteen facial bones form the face Two nasal bones, two maxillae, two zygomatic bones, the mandible, two lacrimal bones, two palatine bones, two inferior nasal conchae and vomer
  • 11. Skull The cranial and facial bones protect and support special sense organs and the brain. Besides forming the large cranial cavity, the skull also forms several smaller cavities Nasal cavity Orbits (eye sockets) Paranasal sinuses Small cavities which house organs involved in hearing and equilibrium
  • 12. Bones of the Skull
  • 13. Skull Immovable joints called sutures fuse most of the skull bones together. The skull provides large areas of attachment for muscles that move various parts of the head. Skull and facial bones provide attachment for muscles that produce facial expressions. The facial bones form the framework of the face and provide support for the entrances to the digestive and respiratory systems.
  • 14. Skull (Cranial Bones) Frontal Bone Forms the forehead Parietal Bones Form the sides and roof of the cranial cavity Temporal Bones Form the lateral aspects and floor of the cranium Occipital Bone Forms the posterior part and most of the base of the cranium Sphenoid Bone Lies at the middle part of the base of the skull Ethmoid Bone Located on the midline in the anterior part of the cranial floor medial to the orbits A major superior supporting structure of the nasal cavity Contain thin projections called conchae which are lined by mucous membranes Increased surface area in the nasal cavity helps to humidify inhaled air trapping inhaled particles
  • 16. Skull (Facial Bones) Nasal Bones Form the bridge of the nose Maxillae Form the upper jawbone and most of the hard palate Separates the nasal cavity from the oral cavity Zygomatic Bones (Cheek bones) form the prominences of the cheeks Lacrimal Bones Form a part of the medial wall of each orbit Palatine Bones Form the posterior portion of the hard palate Inferior Nasal Conchae Form a part of the inferior lateral wall of the nasal cavity
  • 17. Skull (Facial Bones) Vomer Forms the inferior portion of the nasal septum Mandible Lower jawbone and the only movable skull bone The largest, strongest facial bone Nasal Septum Divides the interior of the nasal cavity into right and left sides Orbits Eye socket Foramina Openings for blood vessels, nerves or ligaments of the skull
  • 19. Ethmoid Bone & Vomer
  • 21. Paranasal Sinuses Hollow portions of bones surrounding the nasal cavity Functions: Lighten the skull Give resonance and amplification to voice Warm and moisten air
  • 22. The Hyoid Bone The only bone that does not articulate with another bone Serves as a moveable base for the tongue The hyoid bone also helps to keep the larynx (voice box) open at all times
  • 23. Vertebral Column Also called the spine, backbone, or spinal column Functions: Protect the spinal cord Support the head Serve as a point of attachment for the ribs, pelvic girdle, and muscles The vertebral column is curved to varying degrees in different locations Curves increase the column strength Help maintain balance in the upright position Absorb shocks during walking, and help protect the vertebrae from fracture
  • 24. Vertebral Column Composed of a series of bones called vertebrae (Adult=26) 7 cervical are in the neck region 12 thoracic are posterior to the thoracic cavity 5 lumbar support the lower back 1 sacrum consists of five fused sacral vertebrae 1 coccyx consists of four fused coccygeal vertebrae
  • 25. Cervical Vertebrae(7) Thoracic Vertebrae (12) Lumbar Vertebrae (5) Sacrum Coccyx Vertebral Column
  • 26. Intervertebral Discs Found between the bodies of adjacent vertebrae Functions to: Form strong joints Permit various movements of the vertebral column Absorb vertical shock Vertebrae typically consist of: A Body (weight bearing) A vertebral arch (surrounds the spinal cord) Several processes (points of attachment for muscles)
  • 27. Vertebral Column (Regions) Cervical Region Cervical vertebrae (C1C7) The atlas (C1) is the first cervical vertebra The axis (C2) is the second cervical vertebra Thoracic Region Thoracic vertebrae (T1T12) Articulate with the ribs Lumbar Region Lumbar vertebrae (L1L5) Provide for the attachment of the large back muscles Sacrum The sacrum is a triangular bone formed by the union of five sacral vertebrae (S1S5) Serves as a strong foundation for the pelvic girdle Coccyx The coccyx, like the sacrum, is triangular in shape It is formed by the fusion of usually four coccygeal vertebrae
  • 32. Thorax Thoracic cage is formed by the: Sternum Ribs Costal cartilages Thoracic vertebrae Functions to: Enclose and protect the organs in the thoracic and abdominal cavities Provide support for the bones of the upper limbs Play a role in breathing
  • 33. Thorax Sternum Breastbone located in the center of the thoracic wall Consists of the manubrium, body, xiphoid process Ribs Twelve pairs of ribs give structural support to the sides of the thoracic cavity True ribs (7 pairs), False ribs (3 Pairs) and floating ribs(2 pairs). Costal cartilages Costal cartilages contribute to the elasticity of the thoracic cage
  • 35. Rib
  • 36. Sternum Three parts Manubrium Body Xiphoid process
  • 37. The Appendicular Skeleton Limbs (appendages) Pectoral girdle Pelvic girdle
  • 38. Upper Limb The pectoral girdle consists of two bones, the scapula and the clavicle The free part has 30 bones 1 humerus (arm) 1 ulna (forearm) 1 radius (forearm) 8 carpals (wrist) 19 metacarpal and phalanges (hand)
  • 39. The Pectoral (Shoulder) Girdle Composed of two bones Clavicle collarbone Scapula shoulder blade These bones allow the upper limb to have exceptionally free movement. The clavicle is convex in shape anteriorly near the sternal junction The clavicle is concave anteriorly on its lateral edge near the acromion
  • 40. Bones of the Shoulder Girdle
  • 41. Pectoral Girdle - Scapula Also called the shoulder blade Triangular in shape Most notable features include the spine, acromion, coracoid process and the glenoid cavity
  • 42. Bones of the Shoulder Girdle
  • 43. Features on the Scapula Spine - a large process on the posterior of the scapula that ends laterally as the acromion Acromion - the flattened lateral portion of the spine of the scapula Coracoid process - a protruding projection on the anterior surface just inferior to the lateral aspect of the clavicle Glenoid cavity - shallow concavity that articulates with the head of the humerus
  • 44. Skeleton of the Arm - Humerus Longest and largest bone of the free part of the upper limb The proximal ball-shaped end articulates with the glenoid cavity of the scapula The distal end articulates at the elbow with the radius and ulna
  • 45. Bones of the Upper Limb The arm is formed by a single bone- Humerus
  • 46. Skeleton of the Forearm - Ulna The longer of the two forearm bones Located medial to the radius Olecranon - the large, prominent proximal end, the tip of your elbow Coronoid process - the anterior lip of the proximal ulna Trochlear notch - the deep fossa that receives the trochlea of the humerus during elbow flexion Styloid process - the thin cylindrical projection on the posterior side of the ulnas head
  • 47. Radius Lies lateral to the ulna (thumb side of the forearm) The head (disc-shaped) and neck are at the proximal end The head articulates with the capitulum of the humerus and the radial notch of the ulna Radial tuberosity - medial and inferior to neck, attachment site for biceps brachii muscle Styloid process - large distal projection on lateral side of radius
  • 49. Bones of the Upper Limb The hand Carpals wrist Metacarpals palm Phalanges fingers
  • 50. Skeleton of the Hand The carpus (wrist) consists of 8 small bones (carpals) Two rows of carpal bones Proximal row - scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum, pisiform Distal row - trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, hamate Scaphoid - most commonly fractured Carpal tunnel - space between carpal bones and flexor retinaculum
  • 51. Metacarpals and Phalanges Five metacarpals - numbered I-V, lateral to medial 14 phalanges - two in the thumb (pollex) and three in each of the other fingers Each phalanx has a base, shaft, and head Joints - carpometacarpal, metacarpophalangeal, interphalangeal
  • 52. Bones of the Pelvic Girdle Hip bones Composed of three pair of fused bones Ilium Ischium Pubic bone The total weight of the upper body rests on the pelvis Protects several organs Reproductive organs Urinary bladder Part of the large intestine
  • 54. The Pelvis: Right Coxal Bone
  • 55. The Ilium Largest of the three hip bones Ilium is the superior part of the hip bone Consists of a superior ala and inferior body which forms the acetabulum (socket for head of the femur) Superior border - iliac crest Hip pointer - occurs at anterior superior iliac spine Greater sciatic notch - allows passage of sciatic nerve
  • 56. Ischium and Pubis Ischium - inferior and posterior part of the hip bone Most prominent feature is the ischial tuberosity, it is the part that meets the chair when you are sitting Pubis - inferior and anterior part of the hip bone Superior and inferior rami and body
  • 57. Comparing Male and Female Pelves
  • 58. FEMUR
  • 59. Skeleton of the Thigh - Femur and Patella Femur - longest, heaviest, and strongest bone in the body Proximally, the head articulates with the acetabulum of the hip bone forming the hip (coxal) joint Neck - distal to head, common site of fracture Distally, the medial and lateral condyles articulate with the condyles of the tibia forming the knee joint Also articulates with patella
  • 60. Patella Largest sesamoid bone in the body Forms the patellofemoral joint Superior surface is the base Inferior, narrower surface is the apex Thick articular cartilage lines the posterior surface Increases the leverage of the quadriceps femoris muscle
  • 62. Tibia (shin bone) The larger, medial weight-bearing bone of leg The lateral and medial condyles at the proximal end articulate with the femur It articulates distally with the talus and fibula Tibial tuberosity - attachment site for the patellar ligament Medial malleolus - medial surface of distal end (medial surface of ankle joint)
  • 63. Fibula The smaller, laterally placed bone of leg Non-weight bearing The head forms the proximal tibiofibular joint Lateral malleolus - distal end, articulates with the tibia and the talus at the ankle
  • 64. Bones of Lower Limbs The foot Tarsus ankle Metatarsals sole Phalanges toes
  • 65. Skeleton of the Foot - Tarsals, Metatarsals & Phalanges Seven tarsal bones - talus (articulates with tibia and fibula), calcaneus (the heel bone, the largest and strongest), navicular, cuboid and three cuneiforms Five metatarsals - (I-V) base, shaft, head 14 phalanges (big toe is the hallux) Tarsus = ankle