6. Insight
- Push scooters are popular among school kids
- Faster than walking
- Small and easy to carry around
- You can take it with you anywhere:
school, shopping centers, buses
- No substitute for winter
11. Opportunity space
Potential market: 3 million to 11 million children
Northerm America Alpes countries Scandinavia and Baltics Russia
Areas covered with snow - Winter 2011
12. User group
- Pre-teenagers from 7 to 14 years old
- Feeling independent
- They need to move around and want to be autonomous
- Freedom of movement
- They already use push scooter, but not in winter
13. - Faster than walking and it makes them look cool
- Allows them to make tricks
- Socially influenced - mass effect
- Strong decision power in the family
- Important purchasing power (via parents)
14. with friends who ride something else
anyone who is around alone
with few friends
in bigger group of friends