The document contains 11 bug reports for the Snapchat application. Each report includes the bug ID, test case number, title, submitter details, bug summary, severity level, affected product and version, platforms, actual and expected results, customer impact, and test plan status. The bugs relate to issues like stories playing continuously after the intended story finishes, images being zoomed in on smaller screens, filters not adjusting for screen size, unclear icons, and lack of navigation cues. Severities range from 1 to 3 on a scale where 1 is more severe.
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Snapchat Bug Reporting
1. Bug ID
Test Case # TP_USABILITY_09b
Test Title Click on Friends Name to View Their Story From Last 24 hours
Submit Date 17 May 2016
Summary of BUG When userclicks on a friends story to view it, subsequent stories start playing
after the target story finishes. Theres no boundary defining the end of one
story and beginning of another.
Severity 1
Product Snapchat
Platform LG G-2, iPhone
OS Android, iOS
ActualResults Subsequent stories are also displayed.
Expected Result Only the story clicked on will be played.
Customer Impact Severe annoyance.
Test Plan Status
2. Bug ID X02
Test Case # TP_USABILITY_09b
Test Title Click on Friends Name to View Their Story From Last 24 hours
Submit Date 17 May 2016
Summary of BUG When viewing a snap sent from a phone with bigger screensize, user viewing
it from a smaller screen sees a zoomed in version of the image, instead of the
complete picture.
Severity 1
Product Snapchat
Platform LG G-2, iPhone
OS Android, iOS
ActualResults Image displayed is zoomed in.
Expected Result Picture will be adjusted and displayed according to screen size.
Customer Impact Severe annoyance.
Test Plan Status
3. Bug ID X03
Test Case # TP_USABILITY_03c
Test Title Add Filter To Picture
Submit Date 17 May 2016
Summary of BUG Islamabads orange location filter is not adjusted according to screen size.
When applied, it appears cropped from the top.
Severity 2
Product Snapchat
Platform LG G-2, iPhone
OS Android, iOS
ActualResults The filter is not set according to the pictures proportions.
Expected Result The filter will be appropriately applied.
Customer Impact Slight annoyance.
Test Plan Status
4. Bug ID X04
Test Case # TP_USABILITY_07c
Test Title Click on the Newly Visible Download Button
Submit Date 17 May 2016
Summary of BUG When user clicks on download button to download his story, the complete
story is downloaded as a video, while the user is expecting individual snaps
and videos.
Severity 2
Product Snapchat
Platform LG G-2, iPhone
OS Android, iOS
ActualResults Story is downloaded as a video.
Expected Result Storys contents will be downloaded as individual pictures/videos.
Customer Impact Slight annoyance.
Test Plan Status
5. Bug ID X05
Test Case # TP_USABILITY_08b
Test Title Click on MyStory to view it, and swipe up the arrow on bottom of
Picture/Video You Wish To Delete
Submit Date 17 May 2016
Summary of BUG When user clicks on own story to delete it, an unfamiliar icon is displayed
alongside the seen icon and download button. The icon turns green to
indicatethat someone has taken a screenshot of a snap from users story, but
it is unclear to the user.
Severity 3
Product Snapchat
Platform LG G-2, iPhone
OS Android, iOS
ActualResults An unfamiliar icon is displayed.
Expected Result Icons displayed will be familiar and self-explanatory.
Customer Impact Arouses curiosity.
Test Plan Status
6. Bug ID X06
Test Case # TP_USABILITY_11b
Test Title Click on the thumbnail of private snap to view it
Submit Date 18 May 2016
Summary of BUG When user clicks on thubnail of private snap, he/she expects to view the snap
but instead after waiting to see the snap, he comes to know that that click was
only to load the snap. He has to click again to view the snap
Severity 3
Product Snapchat
Platform Samsung Grand Prime
OS Android
ActualResults Snap is not displayed
Expected Result Snap is displayed
Customer Impact Disappointment, Frustration
Test Plan Status
7. Bug ID X07
Test Case # TP_USABILITY_13d
Test Title When friend of user accepts the video call, video call is established
Submit Date 18 May 2016
Summary of BUG When friend of user accepts the video call, video call is established. It appears
in a small circular window.
Severity 3
Product Snapchat
Platform Samsung Grand Prime
OS Android
ActualResults Video Call is Established
Expected Result Video Call is Established
Customer Impact Annoyed
Test Plan Status
8. Bug ID X08
Test Case # TP_USABILITY_15a
Test Title Tap on ghost icon at the main page to view settings icon and then change the
Submit Date 18 May 2016
Summary of BUG The settings icon is not visible. User has to explore the application to find it
by chance.
Severity 3
Product Snapchat
Platform Samsung Grand Prime
OS Android
ActualResults The settings icon will appear
Expected Result The settings icon appears
Customer Impact Lost
Test Plan Status
9. Bug ID X09
Test Case # TP_USABILITY_01a
Test Title Sign up using email id.
Submit Date 17 May 2016
Summary of BUG When a user enters an invalid email id. It still makes a new profile without
validating the email.
Severity 2
Product Snapchat
Platform LG G-2
OS Android
Actual Results No validation, next screen is displayed
Expected Result Warning of invalid email id.
Customer Impact Arouses curiosity.
Test Plan Status
10. Bug ID X10
Test Case # TP_USABILITY_18
Test Title Navigation to see public snaps and friends snaps.
Submit Date 17 May 2016
Summary of BUG When on main page there is no indication how to navigate to public snaps or
friends snap screen.
Severity 3
Product Snapchat
Platform LG G-2
OS Android
Actual Results No indication.
Expected Result Indication like an arrow to swipe left to see friends snaps or swipe right to see
public snaps
Customer Impact Create Annoyance.
Test Plan Status
11. Bug ID X11
Test Case # TP_USABILITY_17
Test Title Add a friend.
Submit Date 17 May 2016
Summary of BUG When on main page it is not clear that you have to click ghost button at top
to get Add friend option.
Severity 3
Product Snapchat
Platform LG G-2
OS Android
Actual Results Ghost button is mistaken as a logo and user doesnt clicks on it.
Expected Result A proper button that indicates that it should be pressed to go to add friends
Customer Impact Create Confusion.
Test Plan Status