This document discusses using social commerce and social networks to grow a business. It recommends that companies develop their business using e-commerce and social networks, turn customers and prospects into brand advocates on social media, and learn how to effectively communicate on new social channels. It also briefly introduces Oxatis, an e-commerce solutions provider, and their vision, mission, offerings, and focus on quality.
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Social Commerce: Add a new dimension to your business and reap the rewards
1. Herv辿 BOURDON VP Marketing Communication OxatisTania CHAMMA Business Development managerSocial Commerce: Add a new dimension to your business and reap the rewards
2. Social Commerce: Add a new dimension to your business and reap the rewardsDevelop your business thanks to E-Commerce and social networksTurn your clients and prospects into your best spokespeopleBuzz and attention marketing? Master new communication channels.Lets start on a short introduction about the market and about Oxatis
13. 1 In Real Life = Beer?InexpensiveEasy to drink: anytime/anywhereQuicklyreach the limits
14. 2 SearchEngine Optimisation = Martini?NeedssomepreparationEfficient, long terminvestmentChoose the best ingredients
15. 3 Price comparison services = Vodka Shot?As quick as youcanEasy to manageDirect return, easilymeasurable
16. 4 Developingcustomerloyalty = Theirfavourite CocktailTailor made offers for your best customersAdapted to their expectationsAnticipate the demandVaryveryoften
17. 5 Social Networks = Champagne!Bubbles!Satisfy all yourguestsForget marketing, launch the conversation2.0 is User Generated Content: Bringyourownbottle
18. Choose a Social Network?Usage value, forget the tool, its all about conversation!Be adaptive, serious, fun, proactive, real Tell your story!Watch the time spentcarefullyThinkreputationThink ROIDoes the toolmatter? What are the keys to success?