La gesti坦n educativa se define como un conjunto de tr叩mites sistem叩ticos orientados a fortalecer las instituciones educativas y sus proyectos para enriquecer los procesos pedag坦gicos, directivos, comunitarios y administrativos conservando la autonom鱈a institucional. La gesti坦n de aula implica establecer orden en el aula y crear condiciones para el aprendizaje. Los pilares b叩sicos de la gesti坦n son la estrategia, la cultura, la estructura y la ejecuci坦n. La gesti坦n educativa se fundamenta en marcos
This document summarizes the reproductive organs of plants, including the pistil and stamen. It describes animal pollination by birds and insects like bees and butterflies which are attracted to flowers by color and nectar. Pollen then sticks to the animals and is transferred. Wind pollination of plants without colorful petals is also discussed. The document also outlines how plants make their own food through processes like photosynthesis, with roots absorbing water and minerals from soil which travel through vessels to the leaves, where carbon dioxide, water and minerals are used to make sap through exposure to sunlight.
El documento resume la obra "Platero y yo" de Juan Ram坦n Jim辿nez, la cual narra las aventuras del autor con su burro Platero en prosa po辿tica. Incluye extractos que describen a Platero de manera tierna y detallan sus interacciones con el narrador y otros, como jugar con ni単os y ayudar a sacar una carreta atascada. El relato culmina con la muerte de Platero, entristeciendo al narrador.
The document discusses conditional sentences in English grammar. It explains the three types of conditional sentences: first, second, and third conditional. The first conditional refers to likely present or future events, using "if + present + will/may." The second conditional refers to unlikely or hypothetical present/future events, using "if + past + would." The third conditional refers to imagined past events, using "if + past perfect + would have." Examples are provided for each conditional along with exercises for learners to practice forming conditional sentences.
O documento relata v叩rios eventos culturais e iniciativas educacionais que ocorrer達o em cidades do Esp鱈rito Santo no m棚s de dezembro, incluindo o lan巽amento de livros, revistas e CDs pela Fames, um festival de leituras dram叩ticas em Cachoeiro de Itapemirim, alunos transformando materiais descart叩veis em 叩rvore de Natal, o tradicional Concerto de Natal em Vit坦ria e Vila Velha, investimentos do Nossocr辿dito em Ponto Belo, uma palestra sobre o Programa Municipal de
Este documento ofrece asistencia virtual personalizada y especializada para ayudar a las empresas a cumplir con sus programas de trabajo y objetivos a trav辿s de la comunicaci坦n sobre procesos operativos, el apoyo social interactivo y el aprendizaje cooperativo.
Dokumen ini membahas tentang cara mengakses internet dengan menjelaskan browser Internet Explorer, mengakses website melalui URL, menggunakan mesin pencari, dan berkomunikasi melalui email seperti membuat alamat email, membuka email, mengirim dan meneruskan email.
Meghan Valentine Gifford is a freelance interior designer and stylist based in New York City with over 7 years of experience. She has expertise in styling, interior design, set and event production, merchandising, lifestyle branding, and product development. Gifford owns her own design firm, Gifford Antiques & Design, and has also worked as a prop stylist and purchaser as well as in creative roles for advertising agencies.
Shooting the film will take approximately 2-3 hours, processing the film will take around 15 minutes to upload to a computer and 3+ hours to render, and editing the film is estimated at 5-6+ hours. Equipment needed includes a camera, tripod, USB stick, Mac computer with Final Cut Pro software, lighting, as well as non-technical items like a storyboard, shot list, and costumes.
Este documento presenta el primer cap鱈tulo del Evangelio de Juan de la Biblia. Narra el ministerio de Juan el Bautista y su testimonio sobre Jes炭s como el Cordero de Dios. Juan el Bautista bautiz坦 a Jes炭s y testific坦 que hab鱈a visto al Esp鱈ritu Santo descender sobre 辿l. Jes炭s comenz坦 a reunir a sus primeros disc鱈pulos, incluidos Andr辿s, Pedro, Felipe y Natanael. Realiz坦 su primer milagro en una boda en Can叩 convirtiendo agua en vino.
La energ辿tica Endesa, presidida por Borja Prado, reforma la red de Llan巽El_Blog_De_La_Energia
Ha sido la red de Llan巽a, en Girona, una de las reformadas por al compa単鱈a energ辿tica Endesa, cuyo presidente es Borja Prado.
El documento habla sobre el cine. Explica las or鱈genes del cine, sus componentes y la ilusi坦n f鱈lmica. Describe los tres ciclos del proceso de creaci坦n de una pel鱈cula: el ciclo econ坦mico, el ciclo narrativo y el ciclo ejecutivo. Finalmente, analiza elementos del lenguaje f鱈lmico como la inquadratura, escena y secuencia.
El documento describe las principales pol鱈ticas y proyectos relacionados con las tecnolog鱈as de la informaci坦n y la comunicaci坦n (TIC) implementados en las diferentes comunidades aut坦nomas de Espa単a. Se mencionan iniciativas como Escuela 2.0, Guadalinex, Averroes, Plumier y otras plataformas educativas, redes y dotaci坦n tecnol坦gica de aulas dirigidas a integrar las TIC en los procesos de ense単anza y aprendizaje.
Leveling the Playing Field_TRA Conference_2013NoelleSmith
The document summarizes a presentation given by Misty Mercer and Noelle Smith from Greene County Schools in Greeneville, TN at the Tennessee Reading Association conference on December 9, 2013. It includes lists of vocabulary words related to Christmas, types of landforms and bodies of water, and statements for an activity on evaluating the truth of claims with evidence.
Matthew Bullock is seeking a career that provides financial stability and allows him to interact with and help people. He has a Bachelor of Arts degree in History and English from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln with minors in Japanese and Asian Studies and relevant coursework. His skills include programming languages, Microsoft Office, and he has honors including being an Eagle Scout. He has held leadership roles and internships providing educational workshops and maintenance work.
El documento habla sobre la evoluci坦n biol坦gica y el origen de la vida. Explica que la evoluci坦n biol坦gica ocurri坦 a trav辿s de procesos naturales como la mutaci坦n y la selecci坦n natural a lo largo del tiempo.
La LOMCE modifica la ley educativa anterior (LOE) para enfatizar la transmisi坦n de valores como fundamento de la educaci坦n. Promueve valores como la libertad, igualdad, responsabilidad y resoluci坦n pac鱈fica de conflictos. La competencia social y c鱈vica es clave para fomentar la participaci坦n democr叩tica y el bienestar social. La educaci坦n en valores est叩 presente en los objetivos, est叩ndares y asignaturas del curr鱈culo escolar.
El documento habla sobre los avances tecnol坦gicos en materia de protecci坦n, higiene y seguridad industrial. El autor es Stalin Guedez, estudiante de la Escuela de Mec叩nica de la Facultad de Ingenier鱈a de la Universidad Ferm鱈n Toro, y proporciona un enlace a un video de YouTube sobre el tema.
Jeff Ryan has over 30 years of experience in graphic and video design, production art, and prepress services. He owns and operates Graphics Under Pressure, offering graphic design, video production, photography, and printing services. Ryan has a Certificate of Achievement in Video and Media Design from MiraCosta College and a Production Art Certificate from Platt College San Diego. He is proficient in Adobe Creative Suite, video editing, and project management.
El documento discute varios proyectos para introducir nuevas tecnolog鱈as en las aulas, incluyendo el programa Althia, la Escuela 2.0 y la Mochila Digital. Se単ala que el programa Althia tuvo 辿xito en su mayor parte, pero que una barrera clave es la falta de capacitaci坦n del profesorado. Aunque la Escuela 2.0 intent坦 renovar la innovaci坦n del siglo XX, fue demasiado ambicioso. La Mochila Digital es considerada uno de los proyectos m叩s acertados para Castilla la Mancha ya que proporciona incl
The viability of personal health related information camillemaxwell2
This document discusses HIPAA regulations regarding access to and protection of personal health information. It outlines who can access protected health information under what circumstances according to HIPAA, such as for treatment, payment, and healthcare operations. It also discusses HIPAA guidelines including maintaining appropriate security of information, giving individuals control over their records, and establishing accountability for improper handling of protected health information. Finally, it provides examples of protected health information and emphasizes the importance of following HIPAA rules and regulations to avoid security breaches of personal health data.
Upgrade your communication with the best mobile VoIP phones and enhance the efficiency of your support and sales team. Get a quick set-up on any device you already have and start smarter communication.
Choosing the Right Social Media Agency in Dubai_ A Complete Guide.pdfSafcodes LLC
In today's digital era, businesses in Dubai need a strong online presence to stay ahead of the competition. Social media marketing plays a crucial role in brand awareness, customer engagement, and lead generation. However, choosing the right social media agency in Dubai can be challenging with so many options available. This guide will help you understand what to look for when selecting the best agency for your business.
Este documento ofrece asistencia virtual personalizada y especializada para ayudar a las empresas a cumplir con sus programas de trabajo y objetivos a trav辿s de la comunicaci坦n sobre procesos operativos, el apoyo social interactivo y el aprendizaje cooperativo.
Dokumen ini membahas tentang cara mengakses internet dengan menjelaskan browser Internet Explorer, mengakses website melalui URL, menggunakan mesin pencari, dan berkomunikasi melalui email seperti membuat alamat email, membuka email, mengirim dan meneruskan email.
Meghan Valentine Gifford is a freelance interior designer and stylist based in New York City with over 7 years of experience. She has expertise in styling, interior design, set and event production, merchandising, lifestyle branding, and product development. Gifford owns her own design firm, Gifford Antiques & Design, and has also worked as a prop stylist and purchaser as well as in creative roles for advertising agencies.
Shooting the film will take approximately 2-3 hours, processing the film will take around 15 minutes to upload to a computer and 3+ hours to render, and editing the film is estimated at 5-6+ hours. Equipment needed includes a camera, tripod, USB stick, Mac computer with Final Cut Pro software, lighting, as well as non-technical items like a storyboard, shot list, and costumes.
Este documento presenta el primer cap鱈tulo del Evangelio de Juan de la Biblia. Narra el ministerio de Juan el Bautista y su testimonio sobre Jes炭s como el Cordero de Dios. Juan el Bautista bautiz坦 a Jes炭s y testific坦 que hab鱈a visto al Esp鱈ritu Santo descender sobre 辿l. Jes炭s comenz坦 a reunir a sus primeros disc鱈pulos, incluidos Andr辿s, Pedro, Felipe y Natanael. Realiz坦 su primer milagro en una boda en Can叩 convirtiendo agua en vino.
La energ辿tica Endesa, presidida por Borja Prado, reforma la red de Llan巽El_Blog_De_La_Energia
Ha sido la red de Llan巽a, en Girona, una de las reformadas por al compa単鱈a energ辿tica Endesa, cuyo presidente es Borja Prado.
El documento habla sobre el cine. Explica las or鱈genes del cine, sus componentes y la ilusi坦n f鱈lmica. Describe los tres ciclos del proceso de creaci坦n de una pel鱈cula: el ciclo econ坦mico, el ciclo narrativo y el ciclo ejecutivo. Finalmente, analiza elementos del lenguaje f鱈lmico como la inquadratura, escena y secuencia.
El documento describe las principales pol鱈ticas y proyectos relacionados con las tecnolog鱈as de la informaci坦n y la comunicaci坦n (TIC) implementados en las diferentes comunidades aut坦nomas de Espa単a. Se mencionan iniciativas como Escuela 2.0, Guadalinex, Averroes, Plumier y otras plataformas educativas, redes y dotaci坦n tecnol坦gica de aulas dirigidas a integrar las TIC en los procesos de ense単anza y aprendizaje.
Leveling the Playing Field_TRA Conference_2013NoelleSmith
The document summarizes a presentation given by Misty Mercer and Noelle Smith from Greene County Schools in Greeneville, TN at the Tennessee Reading Association conference on December 9, 2013. It includes lists of vocabulary words related to Christmas, types of landforms and bodies of water, and statements for an activity on evaluating the truth of claims with evidence.
Matthew Bullock is seeking a career that provides financial stability and allows him to interact with and help people. He has a Bachelor of Arts degree in History and English from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln with minors in Japanese and Asian Studies and relevant coursework. His skills include programming languages, Microsoft Office, and he has honors including being an Eagle Scout. He has held leadership roles and internships providing educational workshops and maintenance work.
El documento habla sobre la evoluci坦n biol坦gica y el origen de la vida. Explica que la evoluci坦n biol坦gica ocurri坦 a trav辿s de procesos naturales como la mutaci坦n y la selecci坦n natural a lo largo del tiempo.
La LOMCE modifica la ley educativa anterior (LOE) para enfatizar la transmisi坦n de valores como fundamento de la educaci坦n. Promueve valores como la libertad, igualdad, responsabilidad y resoluci坦n pac鱈fica de conflictos. La competencia social y c鱈vica es clave para fomentar la participaci坦n democr叩tica y el bienestar social. La educaci坦n en valores est叩 presente en los objetivos, est叩ndares y asignaturas del curr鱈culo escolar.
El documento habla sobre los avances tecnol坦gicos en materia de protecci坦n, higiene y seguridad industrial. El autor es Stalin Guedez, estudiante de la Escuela de Mec叩nica de la Facultad de Ingenier鱈a de la Universidad Ferm鱈n Toro, y proporciona un enlace a un video de YouTube sobre el tema.
Jeff Ryan has over 30 years of experience in graphic and video design, production art, and prepress services. He owns and operates Graphics Under Pressure, offering graphic design, video production, photography, and printing services. Ryan has a Certificate of Achievement in Video and Media Design from MiraCosta College and a Production Art Certificate from Platt College San Diego. He is proficient in Adobe Creative Suite, video editing, and project management.
El documento discute varios proyectos para introducir nuevas tecnolog鱈as en las aulas, incluyendo el programa Althia, la Escuela 2.0 y la Mochila Digital. Se単ala que el programa Althia tuvo 辿xito en su mayor parte, pero que una barrera clave es la falta de capacitaci坦n del profesorado. Aunque la Escuela 2.0 intent坦 renovar la innovaci坦n del siglo XX, fue demasiado ambicioso. La Mochila Digital es considerada uno de los proyectos m叩s acertados para Castilla la Mancha ya que proporciona incl
The viability of personal health related information camillemaxwell2
This document discusses HIPAA regulations regarding access to and protection of personal health information. It outlines who can access protected health information under what circumstances according to HIPAA, such as for treatment, payment, and healthcare operations. It also discusses HIPAA guidelines including maintaining appropriate security of information, giving individuals control over their records, and establishing accountability for improper handling of protected health information. Finally, it provides examples of protected health information and emphasizes the importance of following HIPAA rules and regulations to avoid security breaches of personal health data.
Upgrade your communication with the best mobile VoIP phones and enhance the efficiency of your support and sales team. Get a quick set-up on any device you already have and start smarter communication.
Choosing the Right Social Media Agency in Dubai_ A Complete Guide.pdfSafcodes LLC
In today's digital era, businesses in Dubai need a strong online presence to stay ahead of the competition. Social media marketing plays a crucial role in brand awareness, customer engagement, and lead generation. However, choosing the right social media agency in Dubai can be challenging with so many options available. This guide will help you understand what to look for when selecting the best agency for your business.
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A comprehensive Local SEO Audit evaluates your online presence to identify strengths and weaknesses, ensuring your business is easily discoverable by local customers. Key elements include auditing your Google Business Profile, checking NAP consistency, optimizing on-page SEO for local pages, conducting local keyword research, performing a technical SEO audit, assessing content relevance, reviewing social media engagement, analyzing local traffic metrics, auditing local citations, and evaluating backlinks for local authority.
Amplifying Black Voices: The Power of Social Media Listening & Inclusive Mark...Jasper Colin
As Black History Month 2025 wraps up, social media has only scratched the surface of how different generations engage with Black culture, history, and representation.
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The Relationship Between Stressful Environment and Academic Performance Among...AJHSSR Journal
ABSTRACT : This study aimed to deduce the academic performance of the University of Mindanao Criminology
students and its relationship with stressful environments and mediated by their psychological well-being. The
stratified simple random sampling technique selected 300 Criminology students as respondents. The study utilized
an adapted questionnaire to gather the needed data. The study used Mean, Pearson Product Moment Correlation,
Medgraph using Sobel z-test, and path analysis to analyze the collected data. The study disclosed that the
Criminology students' psychological well-being and academic performance are high. On the other hand, the
stressful environment they experienced was rated moderately. A significant correlation was observed between the
stressful environment and the academic performance of Criminology. Furthermore, there is a significant
correlation between the stressful environment and the psychological well-being of Criminology students and the
psychological well-being and academic performance of the Criminology students. The mediation test revealed
that psychological well-being fully mediated the relationship between the stressful environment the Criminology
students experience and their academic performance.
KEYWORDS - stressful environment, academic performance, psychological wellbeing, mediation.
This ppt analyses how Brain-rot has become part and parcel of everyone's day to day life and how it is affecting us as a society, along with discussing its who where when how why
GRAB Market Expansion of Online Transportation Businesses in IndonesiaAJHSSR Journal
ABSTRACT: This research aims to determine the impact of market expansion carried out by Grab, an online
transportation service provider company from Singapore, on the online transportation business in Indonesia. The
research method used in preparing this thesis is a descriptive method, with data collection techniques in the form
of literature reviews sourced from various literature such as books, journals, articles, official internet sites, news
portals, and reports related to this research. The results of this research show that the market expansion activities
carried out by Grab in Indonesia have had an impact, namely the enactment of the latest regulations and laws
regarding online transportation business operations in Indonesia. Apart from that, the presence of Grab in
Indonesia also revives competition in the online transportation business in Indonesia in the initial process of its
development, several experts believed the science of International Relations covered all relations between
countries, was very dynamic and developed in accordance with the conditions of the natural environment and the
conditions of the human social environment. In Schwarzenbeger's opinion, International Relations is the subject
of sociology which studies international society. In this way, the science of International Relations in a general
sense does not only cover politics, but also includes other elements such as social, economic, cultural, defense
and security, tourism, and cultural exchange. (Perwita & Yani, 2005). The dynamic scope of International
Relations science and the increasing development of the times have finally given rise to other elements of
International Relations science. One of them is the element of international trade which is part of the economic
element of the science of International Relations. Barro (2003) explains that economic growth is closely related
to the openness of a country's economy, where international trade will have a positive and significant impact on
economic growth. Therefore, almost every country has carried out international trade activities. The driving
factors why countries carry out activities are differences in natural resources, differences in production factors,
different economic conditions, not all countries can produce certain goods, the existence of a profit motive in
trade, and competition between nations.
Keywords: GRAB, Online Transportation, Business Service, E-commerce, Indonesia
Carnival Across The Globe: Social Media InsightsUNICEPTA
UNICEPTA analyzed the public discourse on social media throughout the year regarding various Carnival festivities across the globe. Which carnival generates the most engagement on social media? Which countries are in the focus of the public?
Carnival captivates millions worldwide, but which festivities spark the most engagement on social media? UNICEPTA analyzed global public discourse throughout the year to uncover which Carnival celebrations generate the highest buzz online. From Rio to Cologne, from Mardi Gras to Barranquilla - our data-driven insights reveal which countries dominate the conversation and how regional traditions shape engagement. Discover the key trends, cultural significance, and social media impact of the worlds most celebrated Carnivals.