Social learning is learning with and from others through interactions both online and offline. Social media allows social learning to scale in unprecedented ways by connecting people globally and facilitating ongoing knowledge sharing and transfer. For social learning to be effective using social media, it requires shifting perceptions to encourage learning as an enjoyable social experience. Social media platforms like Facebook and Yammer can expand conversations, connections, and communities to reach broader audiences in ways that were previously only possible on a local level.
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Social Learning Workshop Presentation
1. Free the mind, it is amazing what
you will find. ~Charlie Robinson
Alone we can do so little; together
we can do so much. ~Helen Keller
2. Social Learning | Social Media
Social Learning is learning with and from others. It happens at conferences,
cafes or online with or without social media tools. Social learning cant be
forced. It must be organic. Social Media has the ability to scale things in ways
never imagined in the past.
3. Social Learning, using the technology of Social Media.
Requires a perception shift; a shift that encourages ongoing knowledge
transfer and connects people in ways that make learning a joy. The
students hear we are coming into your world to play.
4. Social Medias Public Domain
Facebook (Public)
Conversations and exchanges
once only possible on a local
level now become macro and
available to a potential world
audience... Conversations
that in many situations exist
between small groups or in a
classroom or studio now
have the potential to reach
the whole university, local,
national and international
communities. ~Charlie
Yammer (Invited)
Connections between people,
groups, offices and ideas. You
help build the network every
time you post your work, ask
a question, provide an
answer, or share a discovery.
Brainstorm with anyone,
anywhere in the world. You
might find inspiration from
the most unusual of places!
5. Yammer
Charlie has been accepted into Jane Harts Social Learning Environment Network for
further learning and knowledge sharing.
6. Facebook
Facebook Pages help educators join the conversation, share their
stories, and build a meaningful dialogue with their audience. ~Facebook
7. Facebook Notes
The primary reason for using the Notes Application (on Facebook) is to publish
something longer than the usual character limit of 420 characters. Notes can
be formatted (bold and/or italic text, bulleted and numbered lists, etc.) and
pictures can be used to make the overall appearance more attractive.
8. Facebook Images
With Facebook such a visual communications tool, the use of images to
capture the eye, required a defined strategy. Photo albums posted
officially used black/white images. This allowed for student postings to
be visually distinct .
9. Facebook Wall Postings
The Unearthing Ideas online area became, in essence, an online journal.
Each day, references to articles, quotes, books and theories were posted
to the wall for the students future reference.