This document provides an introduction and overview of the first week of a songwriting course. It outlines the learning outcomes, which are to understand the assessment methods, identify two daily writing exercises, and use object writing to find one's unique voice. It then discusses different daily writing exercises like artists' pages and object writing. Object writing involves focusing senses on an object for 10 minutes without stopping. The document models this with examples and has students practice it in small groups.
? By the end of today¡¯s session, students will be able to:
1. Understand the assessment methods for this course
2. Identify and describe 2 di?erent daily writing exercises
3. Use object writing as a tool for ?nding their unique voice
? Who are your 5 favourite songwriters?
? Write them down, ?nd someone who has at least one of the
same answers
? Discuss: What makes them so good in your opinion?
? Share your ?ndings with the class.
6. ? Create 2 SMART goals for yourself for this semester
? Speci?c
? Measurable
? Achievable
? Realistic
? Time-based
7. ? What¡¯s the di?erence between a professional and a hobby
10. ¡°¡°If you want to be good at anything, you have to
work hard at it. It doesn¡¯t just fall from the sky. I
work every day at trying to improve my writing, and
I really enjoy it. Nothing fascinates me more than
putting words together, and seeing how a collection
of words can produce quite a profound e?ect.¡±
¨CPJ Harvey
11. ¡°¡°Inspiration is a word used by people
who aren¡¯t really doing anything. I go
into my o?ce every day that I¡¯m in
Brighton and work. Whether I feel like it
or not is irrelevant.'¡±
¨CNick Cave
? Why is it important to write daily?
? What are some daily writing activities you have tried?
? Julia Cameron
? Write 3 pages by hand every morning.
? Can be about anything
? If you don¡¯t know what to write about - write that
? Pat Pattison
? 10 minutes only every morning
? Pick an object and focus your senses on that object - write for
10 minutes, keeping sense-bound and free ?owing.