Intended as a lightweight camping utensil, the spatula head has two holes at the base that allows the user to 'plug in' two chopsticks which then function as a handle. Minimizing weight and space, the set is all one needs to cook on trail.
Wooden four screen printing press equipped with the microadjustmet capabilities of any simple production model press. Used for more complex screen printing designs, the arms of the tabletop press rotate to change colors, and the arms come down individually to lock the rotation of the arms. Screens are clamped into place, and each head can be shifted in, out and side to side to align all four screens properly on the platen. Springs hold screens at an angle when not in use.
El documento enfatiza que el verdadero conocimiento y sabidur鱈a consiste en conocerse a uno mismo y tener humildad ante Dios, m叩s que en el estudio de otros temas. Aunque la ciencia es deseable, es m叩s importante servir a Dios y vivir una vida santa. Cuanto m叩s se sabe, m叩s se ser叩 juzgado, por lo que es mejor temer por el conocimiento que se posee y reconocer la propia ignorancia que enorgullecerse.
O documento discute como os sismos ocorrem devido ao movimento de placas tect担nicas, gerando acumula巽達o de energia ao longo do tempo at辿 sua libera巽達o repentina. Os sismos s達o registrados por sism坦grafos e avaliados pelas escalas de Mercalli e Richter. Medidas preventivas s達o importantes para reduzir danos.
Vinit Kumar Maurya has over 5 years of experience in software development and IT support. He has expertise in Maximo customization, implementation, and support. He has worked on projects in various domains including utilities, mining, and nuclear energy. Currently, he works as a Senior Software Engineer at Tech Mahindra on projects involving Maximo and middleware technologies.
CFQ: Propriedades F鱈sicas e Qu鱈micas das Subst但ncias7F
O documento discute as propriedades qu鱈micas e f鱈sicas das subst但ncias. Explica que as propriedades qu鱈micas identificam uma subst但ncia atrav辿s de ensaios qu鱈micos, enquanto as propriedades f鱈sicas incluem ponto de fus達o, ponto de ebuli巽達o e massa vol炭mica. Tamb辿m descreve as mudan巽as de estado f鱈sico como fus達o, vaporiza巽達o e outros processos.
O documento descreve o triatlo paral鱈mpico, que estreia nos Jogos Paral鱈mpicos do Rio 2016. Ele consiste em tr棚s provas: 750m de nata巽達o, 20km de ciclismo e 5km de corrida, com classes para atletas com diferentes defici棚ncias.
The document contains the competition schedule for the 2016 IPC Athletics European Championships held from June 11-13. It lists the date, time, gender, event, class, and other details for over 200 track and field events taking place each day, including running events, jumps, throws, and more for various disability classifications. Medal ceremonies are also included at specific times each day.
The document describes various kitchen tools used in baking and pastry work. It provides brief descriptions of tools such as a pastry blender for cutting fat into flour, a rolling pin for flattening dough, and pizza cutters for cutting pizza or other foods. It also mentions tools for measuring ingredients accurately, mixing batters, baking items like cakes, pies, and cookies, and piping or decorating baked goods.
Cookie sheets and baking sheets are flat metal pans used to bake cookies and other baked goods. Jelly roll pans are baking sheets with raised edges used for baking bars, cakes, breads, and more. Common cake pans include round 8-9 inch pans and loaf pans. Muffin pans hold muffins and cupcakes. Various bowls, measuring tools, utensils, rolling pins, cutters and other tools are used in baking and food preparation.
Este documento presenta un libro titulado "Grupos peque単os: Profundizando la caminata" publicado por el Departamento de Ministerio Personal de la Divisi坦n Sudamericana de la Iglesia Adventista del S辿ptimo D鱈a. El libro contiene art鱈culos de te坦logos, pastores y administradores sobre los principios b鱈blicos, el desarrollo hist坦rico, las implicaciones eclesiol坦gicas y la implementaci坦n pr叩ctica de los grupos peque単os. El objetivo es consolidar una visi坦n adventista de los grupos peque単os bas
This document provides guidance for teachers on teaching the exploratory Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) course on Consumer Electronics Servicing. It discusses the background and framework of TLE within the K to 12 curriculum, which aims to develop 21st century skills in students. TLE courses are categorized into fields like Industrial Arts and focus on competencies like tool use. The 24 exploratory TLE courses expose students to basic skills to help them obtain Certificate of Competency or lead to vocational qualifications. Each TLE exploratory course has a learning module consisting of lessons targeting the basic competencies through hands-on learning activities.
This document provides an overview of various baking tools, including their names, purposes, and functions. It describes dry and liquid measuring cups and spoons for precise ingredient measurement. Mixing bowls, wooden spoons, scrapers, and spatulas are outlined for mixing and preparing ingredients. Rolling pins, baking pans like cake pans and muffin tins, and cooling racks are covered for shaping and baking goods. The document also mentions knives, shears, graters, electric mixers, scales, cutters, and other tools for preparing ingredients and baking. It concludes with assigning students to search for a cake recipe to demonstrate next time.
1. The document discusses various types of baking equipment used in commercial bakeries and pastry shops including various pans for baking cakes, muffins, breads and more.
2. It describes different types of ovens used for baking such as deck ovens, rack ovens, mechanical ovens, and convection ovens.
3. The document also lists other baking tools and equipment used in commercial bakeries like measuring cups and spoons, mixing bowls, spatulas, whisks, and more.
Portable screen printing studio made up of two units, one (right) fitting into another (middle) to form one enclosed, portable unit (left). Both are meant to be placed either on a table top or sawhorse legs as shown. The outside unit functions as a desk and carrying case for inner unit which functions as the studio. Inner unit includes dark drying rack for unexposed screens (left third of unit), drawer storage for squeegees, ink cards, etc. (bottom middle section of unit), platen and screen housing for printing shirts (middle section of unit, above drawer), and heater for curing ink (left third of unit). The headboard allows you to rack screens when not in use, mount exposure light, and easily coat screen with emulsion. When detached from the main unit, the headboard also can be inverted, and used to enclose the unit for transportation.
The Single Piece furniture concept combines the essentials for living into a single low-impact unit. It provides the necessities for one person to live comfortably in a small space. Made of plywood, steel, and concrete, the industrial unit has sparse white finishes and features a small tree. Minimal built-in storage is included for dry goods, kitchen items, clothes, and books, with room for additional storage solutions. The kitchen uses the tree's evapotranspiration and the concrete planter's thermal mass to preserve produce without a refrigerator. Appliances include a cooktop, oven, sink, and drawers. Above is a rack for pans and utensils. The work/dining table can rotate to expose the
Two simple, nesting bento dishes glazed with an earthy 'moss black' and accented with a drop of 'coral blue' glaze. Intended as an alternative to plates, the shallow, vertical walls of the dish make collecting food on a utensil much easier. Also perfect for a vegetable and dip serving set.
Black tee shirt with blue, screen printed pocket sewn on left breast. The black screen printed wave pattern is meant to blend with the black of the shirt in a slightly confusing, intriguing way.
Two lightweight flat pack twig stoves as an exploration of simplicity of material and form while maintaining function. Made of 28 gauge stainless steel, shaped with tin snips, pliers, and file.
Part of the portable screen printing studio concept, this shelf fits cleaning products, inks, and emulsions used in the silk screen process. With detachable legs, the unit can be taken apart and transformed into a briefcase-like box for portability.
Molded concrete from duck decoy intended as subtly quirky public art. When set on concrete surface (ex. a sidewalk), it appears the duck is partially submerged, giving the hard surface a contrastingly fluid effect.
Cruiser skateboard shaped from a re-purposed skateboard deck using jigsaw and block plane. Grip tape has been removed and re-applied only where necessary. Intended as transportation rather than recreation.
L湛dica didactica (Report finale residenza Diego Alatorre Go_Innovation a Casa...Casa Netural
Go_Innovation is a special residency for social innovator held by Netural Coop in Gorizia, European Capital of Culture 2025.
L炭dica did叩ctica / Play to Connect is a provocation to think outside the box, a methodology to board uncomfortable topics in a respectful and joyful manner and an excuse to discuss unconventional solutions to contemporary challenges, where play is seen as an attitude and game design as a metaphor of creativity by which to imagine, experiment and learn about our surroundings.
Casa Netural residency in Gorizia offered Diego an opportunity to test the ideas that he has been developing over the past years and to enrich them by looking at them from a different and complementary perspective. In other words to put theory into practice.
Along the 4 weeks that he lived in Gorizia he realized how mature and innovative his own understanding of the ludic phenomenon, as most people he connected with, found the value of his research, but what was amazing for him is how much his project was fed back from completely different and complementary perspectives.
Along these days he crafter four game ideas, with different levels of complexity and currently in different stages of development. These are described in the final report.
Industrial Designer by CIDI UNAM and Master in Science of Design for Interaction by TU Delft, Diego ALatorre is currently doing a PhD in Contemporary Studies at the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of Coimbra University.
His research explores the role of games in education: from a multimodal literacy perspective, he explores the creative process of writers, scientists, designers, artists, teachers and reflective players to learn how to critically read the world and creatively write.
Go_Innovation is a project designed and coordinated by Netural Coop Impresa Sociale within the framework of A THOUSAND YEARS OF HISTORY AT THE CENTER OF EUROPE: CASTLE BORGO CROCEVIA OF PEOPLES AND CULTURES, funded by PNRR - Next Generation EU, for the PNRR pilot project M1C3 Measure 2 Investment 2.1 line A - CUP F88F220000007
The document contains the competition schedule for the 2016 IPC Athletics European Championships held from June 11-13. It lists the date, time, gender, event, class, and other details for over 200 track and field events taking place each day, including running events, jumps, throws, and more for various disability classifications. Medal ceremonies are also included at specific times each day.
The document describes various kitchen tools used in baking and pastry work. It provides brief descriptions of tools such as a pastry blender for cutting fat into flour, a rolling pin for flattening dough, and pizza cutters for cutting pizza or other foods. It also mentions tools for measuring ingredients accurately, mixing batters, baking items like cakes, pies, and cookies, and piping or decorating baked goods.
Cookie sheets and baking sheets are flat metal pans used to bake cookies and other baked goods. Jelly roll pans are baking sheets with raised edges used for baking bars, cakes, breads, and more. Common cake pans include round 8-9 inch pans and loaf pans. Muffin pans hold muffins and cupcakes. Various bowls, measuring tools, utensils, rolling pins, cutters and other tools are used in baking and food preparation.
Este documento presenta un libro titulado "Grupos peque単os: Profundizando la caminata" publicado por el Departamento de Ministerio Personal de la Divisi坦n Sudamericana de la Iglesia Adventista del S辿ptimo D鱈a. El libro contiene art鱈culos de te坦logos, pastores y administradores sobre los principios b鱈blicos, el desarrollo hist坦rico, las implicaciones eclesiol坦gicas y la implementaci坦n pr叩ctica de los grupos peque単os. El objetivo es consolidar una visi坦n adventista de los grupos peque単os bas
This document provides guidance for teachers on teaching the exploratory Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) course on Consumer Electronics Servicing. It discusses the background and framework of TLE within the K to 12 curriculum, which aims to develop 21st century skills in students. TLE courses are categorized into fields like Industrial Arts and focus on competencies like tool use. The 24 exploratory TLE courses expose students to basic skills to help them obtain Certificate of Competency or lead to vocational qualifications. Each TLE exploratory course has a learning module consisting of lessons targeting the basic competencies through hands-on learning activities.
This document provides an overview of various baking tools, including their names, purposes, and functions. It describes dry and liquid measuring cups and spoons for precise ingredient measurement. Mixing bowls, wooden spoons, scrapers, and spatulas are outlined for mixing and preparing ingredients. Rolling pins, baking pans like cake pans and muffin tins, and cooling racks are covered for shaping and baking goods. The document also mentions knives, shears, graters, electric mixers, scales, cutters, and other tools for preparing ingredients and baking. It concludes with assigning students to search for a cake recipe to demonstrate next time.
1. The document discusses various types of baking equipment used in commercial bakeries and pastry shops including various pans for baking cakes, muffins, breads and more.
2. It describes different types of ovens used for baking such as deck ovens, rack ovens, mechanical ovens, and convection ovens.
3. The document also lists other baking tools and equipment used in commercial bakeries like measuring cups and spoons, mixing bowls, spatulas, whisks, and more.
Portable screen printing studio made up of two units, one (right) fitting into another (middle) to form one enclosed, portable unit (left). Both are meant to be placed either on a table top or sawhorse legs as shown. The outside unit functions as a desk and carrying case for inner unit which functions as the studio. Inner unit includes dark drying rack for unexposed screens (left third of unit), drawer storage for squeegees, ink cards, etc. (bottom middle section of unit), platen and screen housing for printing shirts (middle section of unit, above drawer), and heater for curing ink (left third of unit). The headboard allows you to rack screens when not in use, mount exposure light, and easily coat screen with emulsion. When detached from the main unit, the headboard also can be inverted, and used to enclose the unit for transportation.
The Single Piece furniture concept combines the essentials for living into a single low-impact unit. It provides the necessities for one person to live comfortably in a small space. Made of plywood, steel, and concrete, the industrial unit has sparse white finishes and features a small tree. Minimal built-in storage is included for dry goods, kitchen items, clothes, and books, with room for additional storage solutions. The kitchen uses the tree's evapotranspiration and the concrete planter's thermal mass to preserve produce without a refrigerator. Appliances include a cooktop, oven, sink, and drawers. Above is a rack for pans and utensils. The work/dining table can rotate to expose the
Two simple, nesting bento dishes glazed with an earthy 'moss black' and accented with a drop of 'coral blue' glaze. Intended as an alternative to plates, the shallow, vertical walls of the dish make collecting food on a utensil much easier. Also perfect for a vegetable and dip serving set.
Black tee shirt with blue, screen printed pocket sewn on left breast. The black screen printed wave pattern is meant to blend with the black of the shirt in a slightly confusing, intriguing way.
Two lightweight flat pack twig stoves as an exploration of simplicity of material and form while maintaining function. Made of 28 gauge stainless steel, shaped with tin snips, pliers, and file.
Part of the portable screen printing studio concept, this shelf fits cleaning products, inks, and emulsions used in the silk screen process. With detachable legs, the unit can be taken apart and transformed into a briefcase-like box for portability.
Molded concrete from duck decoy intended as subtly quirky public art. When set on concrete surface (ex. a sidewalk), it appears the duck is partially submerged, giving the hard surface a contrastingly fluid effect.
Cruiser skateboard shaped from a re-purposed skateboard deck using jigsaw and block plane. Grip tape has been removed and re-applied only where necessary. Intended as transportation rather than recreation.
L湛dica didactica (Report finale residenza Diego Alatorre Go_Innovation a Casa...Casa Netural
Go_Innovation is a special residency for social innovator held by Netural Coop in Gorizia, European Capital of Culture 2025.
L炭dica did叩ctica / Play to Connect is a provocation to think outside the box, a methodology to board uncomfortable topics in a respectful and joyful manner and an excuse to discuss unconventional solutions to contemporary challenges, where play is seen as an attitude and game design as a metaphor of creativity by which to imagine, experiment and learn about our surroundings.
Casa Netural residency in Gorizia offered Diego an opportunity to test the ideas that he has been developing over the past years and to enrich them by looking at them from a different and complementary perspective. In other words to put theory into practice.
Along the 4 weeks that he lived in Gorizia he realized how mature and innovative his own understanding of the ludic phenomenon, as most people he connected with, found the value of his research, but what was amazing for him is how much his project was fed back from completely different and complementary perspectives.
Along these days he crafter four game ideas, with different levels of complexity and currently in different stages of development. These are described in the final report.
Industrial Designer by CIDI UNAM and Master in Science of Design for Interaction by TU Delft, Diego ALatorre is currently doing a PhD in Contemporary Studies at the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of Coimbra University.
His research explores the role of games in education: from a multimodal literacy perspective, he explores the creative process of writers, scientists, designers, artists, teachers and reflective players to learn how to critically read the world and creatively write.
Go_Innovation is a project designed and coordinated by Netural Coop Impresa Sociale within the framework of A THOUSAND YEARS OF HISTORY AT THE CENTER OF EUROPE: CASTLE BORGO CROCEVIA OF PEOPLES AND CULTURES, funded by PNRR - Next Generation EU, for the PNRR pilot project M1C3 Measure 2 Investment 2.1 line A - CUP F88F220000007
In this presentation, we explore effective strategies for mastering signage in various industries. From design principles to placement techniques, we cover everything you need to know to create impactful, attention-grabbing signage that resonates with your target audience. Whether you're looking to enhance visibility, improve branding, or drive customer engagement, this guide will provide key insights and practical tips to elevate your signage strategy and ensure long-term success.
UNIPAWS: Making Web3 More Human
Transforming complex blockchain experiences into intuitive, high-converting interfaces that drive measurable results.
Who We Are:
We're a strategic UI/UX design studio specializing in making Web3 and crypto products accessible, engaging, and conversion-focused.
Our Services:
Product Design Blending innovation with functionality
Web Design Strategic visual systems that engage users
Design Systems Consistent visual language for efficiency
MidJourney Art AI-driven visuals for modern interfaces
Motion Design Animations that enhance product storytelling
Featured Projects:
CYBRO AI-powered DeFi platform with 50K+ users
Roketo Gamified mini-app with 300K+ users in first month
BlastUP Launchpad driving $26M+ daily trading volume
Pawthereum Charity platform facilitating $480K+ in donations
DOGEN Memecoin UX with 133% price increase by phase 5
Our 4-step process ensures we transform complex Web3 mechanics into intuitive, accessible experiences that deliver measurable business results.
Design I.Y. HOUSING at Lonavala by S+PS Architects, Sublime Ordinariness H...JnaneshPreethan
I.Y. Housing located Near Railway Crossing, Nangargaon, Lonavla, Maharashtra
Is located next to a railway track, so to decrease the sound coming from the trains they have designed a green buffer
The sublime ordinariness project is located about 60 km to the north east of Mumbai. Built around already existing g+2
residential buildings needing no such spaces
What is 3D Visualization? A Simple Guide for BeginnersZealous Services
Explore how 3D visualization transforms ideas into reality from architectural designs to product concepts. This guide dives into its wide-ranging applications, essential tools, and step-by-step processes, making it easy for both beginners and professionals to master. Whether youre creating immersive environments, crafting product prototypes, or enhancing customer experiences, 3D visualization bridges the gap between imagination and execution. Perfect for designers, marketers, and innovators alike discover how this powerful technology brings your concepts to life with stunning precision and creativity. Lets step into the future of design!
Blog Link:
Our 3D Works:
"Seeing vs. Understanding: The Hidden Psychology of Design", Irene Shkarovska...Fwdays
Looks matter. But do they really help? In design, we often glorify aesthetics, but does making something pretty actually make it more usable? This talk breaks down the psychological battle between visual appeal and functional clarity, exploring how design influences both emotion and cognition.
We'll take you through:
- How composition theory shapes both aesthetics and usability.
- Why visual design is crucial for some products but useless for others.
- The role of cognitive load: real reason users click (or dont).
- How visual triggers manipulate emotions and decision-making.
- The secret to balancing eye candy with functionality to create truly effective design.
Get ready for a mix of psychology, interaction design, and a few hard truths. If you've ever wondered whether you should lean into visuals or focus on usabilitythis talk will help you decide.
Craft a logo that speaks volumes! Boost brand recognition & connect emotionally. Learn 5 ways to create a logo that resonates. Click to learn more!