How to emerge from the physical agony to the mental dilemma encountered during sports and play against all odds defying all ordinary traits and giving extraordinary challenge to the ailments dodging them out of the way.
2. Pain is an unpleasant
sensory and emotional
experience associated with
actual or potential tissue
damage, or described in
terms of such damage.
3. The word PAIN comes from
POENA, the assistant of
NEMESIS, the Goddess of
Divine Vengeance in Roman
In Latin, POENA means
8. Studies have shown that athletes have
substantially higher tolerances of pain
than normal people, even though both
groups have similar pain thresholds.
Training cant make athletes numb to
pain, but it can condition them to
tolerate it.
Ones training decides how far ones
body can go, as rising lactic acid levels
make it harder for your muscle tissue to
break down glucose.
9. In 1973, Muhammad Ali fought with Ken
Norton with a broken jaw. Norton broke
his jaw, but Ali continued to fight for
four more rounds.
In 1997, Michael Jordon scored 38
points in the NBA Finals in spite of being
delirious with fever. When the game
ended, Jordon had to be bodily carried
off the court.