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Theta Crescent                   Alpha Gamma Rho Fraternity

Spring 2011                                  www.mizzouagr.com                   University of Missouri

                                   Noble Ruler Report
  At the beginning of the year I mentioned that Theta       cess, earning more than $4,000 for True North and the
Chapter was looking forward to the new semester and         George D. Peak Memorial Burn Center.
the things we wanted to accomplish. I am proud to             The men of Alpha Gamma Rho are looking for-
write that Theta Chapter was able to accomplish many        ward to this fall semester with the celebration of
of those things that we set out to do. We have had a        Mizzous 100 th homecoming. We will be paired
strong recruiting se-                                                                       with the women of
mester, and will con-                                                                       Alpha Delta Pi and
tinue our efforts well                                                                      are looking forward
into the summer.                                                                            to a great home-
      Theta Chapter                                                                         coming celebration.
earned      numerous THETA CHAPTER                                                          We have achieved a
awards this semester, M I S S O U R I                                                       lot of great things
earning three of the seven cups awarded at Greek Hon-       here at Theta Chapter, and we will continue to work
ors night, CAFNRs Outstanding Organization award,          towards the goal of being the premier fraternity on
and IFC Spotlight Chapter. This past semester we were       this campus.
paired with the women of Zeta Tau Alpha for Greek
Week and had a great time participating in sports, fling,   Fraternally,
service opportunities and many other activities. Our        Jared Henderson #1626
philanthropy, Fire Fighter Face-Off, was a great suc-       Noble Ruler

                  Alumni, You Are Cordially Invited...
  This semester we have hosted a number of din-             And, on March 21 Lawrence Turpin (82) from Delton,
ner guests at 602 S. College. Alumni, we hope you           Mich. was able to join us for dinner. He was in Colum-
know you are always welcome to dine with us. We             bia to address some CAFNR classes.
especially like it if you can also join us for Chapter       In April we hosted Julie Drury and Dan Jonas from the
on Monday.                                                  office of Greek Life as well as our philanthropy Queen
 Since January we have welcomed Cory Gregg (02),           Candidates. We also had a faculty night with animal
Bill Ehrich (04), Mark Baker (00), Curtis Fisher (98)    science professor Dr. George Jesse (10) and ag econ
and Stephen Ellis (71). All are members of the Theta       professor Dr. Christian Boessen.
Building Association.                                        In addition, several alumni have come for lunch when
  On March 7, David Buckman (77) from Mexico,              they are on campus or visiting Columbia for business.
Mo. joined us for dinner and spoke to the chapter. On       Stop by, dine with us, meet the undergrads, and share
March 14, Loyd Wilson (84) brought Dr. Jon Hagler,         your knowledge and experiences! Alumni are always
Missouri director of agriculture to meet the chapter.       welcome at 602 S. College Avenue.

                                           Whats Inside
Upcoming Events  Dr. Jon Hagler Initiated by Theta  Alumni Spotlight  And More...
Why Are We Here?
  Your Building Association Board of Directors operates a       to change. We are hearing of plans in the works for five
not-for-profit business for the benefit of current and future   fraternities, and weve seen four other recent upgrades.
members of our chapter. Our primary asset is property (1.33       However, we are also reminded of a profound statement
acres), plant, equipment and furnishings with an appraised      once made by distinguished alumnus, and past president
value of $2.75 million, less accumulated depreciation of        of the MU Board of Curators, Brother Paul Steele (59).
$700,000. We carry a mortgage of $930,000, with annual          He said, I dont know about you, but I didnt choose to
debt service of $110,000. Our other fixed costs are insur-      join Alpha Gamma Rho because of the building; I chose to
ances and property taxes of $32,000. We allocate roughly        join because of the men in the building.
$16,000 to scholarship and leadership recognition and some        Our board also engages with another 1959 Theta initi-
help with publishing the Theta Crescent. Our repairs, main-     ate, past Grand President and member of the AGR Hall of
tenance schedule and a prudent set-aside use up the balance     Fame, Brother Zane Akins. Every three to four years he
of our revenue. We charge and collect rent from the chapter,    facilitates a strategic planning session with our board and
which pencils out to $2,469 per man per year at 81 capacity.    leadership from our collegiate chapter. We try to prioritize
Our current chapter size is 100 of the best and brightest men   and seek balance between the wants and needs that
seeking careers in our broader and better agriculture.          might help us in the next business cycles to be more suc-
  We try to collect and compare competitive housing alter-      cessful in accomplishing our mission and purpose.
native information, as one measure of our offering. The           We ask ourselves the question Why are we here? We
University publishes pricing for dormitories (75% of their      are directing those questions toward a strategic analysis
beds/spaces are now newer than ours), and we do find            of our current and projected competitive offering. If you
somewhat reliable information for other fraternities from       wish to participate, please let board president Mark Bak-
time to time. Comparisons are arbitrary and quite a bit         er know. Why are we here? In part, we are here to move
subjective. As an example, we know our offering includes        forward from questions toward developing answers.
79 parking spaces, and access to free laundry machines.         In closing, your board members, as stewards and rep-
At this time, we do believe that our offering is competi-       resentatives are most thankful for the support of YOUR
tive. But we realize this environment is fluid and subject      TIME, YOUR TALENT AND YOUR TREASURE.

                                              Tap Day 2011
  The inexhaustible April showers forced the 84th an-           secret societies at the University of Missouri.
nual Mizzou Tap Day to move from Francis Quadran-                We are proud of Brandon Thiel (08) of Marshall, Mo.
gle into the auditorium at Jesse Hall. But the clouds           who was tapped by Omicron Delta Kappa and Dalton
and rain on April 22 didnt interfere with the celebra-         Brown (08) of Wheaton, Mo. who was tapped by Mor-
tions as two Theta brothers were tapped by two of the           tar Board. Congratulations to both of you!

                                             Greek Awards
  On the evening of Tuesday, April 26, the Greek com-
munity gathered at the Memorial Union to honor Greek
chapters and individuals who excelled during the 2010
year. Theta Chapter did not go unnoticed as three of
the seven IFC cups now reside at 602 S. College. Al-
though referred to as cups, the silver Paul Revere bowls
mounted atop a wooden base have been retired, and
we were given acrylic trophies in their place. The bad
news is they are not as imposing as the old cups, but the
good news is we get to keep them. We were awarded the
Brotherhood Cup for programming, the Chancellors               Left to right: Alan Master (adviser), Jared Henderson and Breck Babbs pose with
Cup for leadership and the Columbia Cup for service.            the new version of the Greek Cups awarded at the 2011 Greek Honors Night.
Dr. Jon Hagler Initiated by Theta
   Dr. Jon Hagler, Missouri                                                                                   governors agriculture policy.
director of agriculture, was                                                                                    Prior to becoming director of
initiated by Theta Chapter                                                                                    agriculture, Dr. Hagler served
on May 1, 2011. Dr. Hagler                                                                                    as Gov. Nixons principal ag-
was appointed by Governor                                                                                     ricultural and environmental
Nixon on January 9, 2009.                                                                                     policy adviser and was instru-
  Collegiate and alumni mem-                                                                                  mental in developing the Gov-
bers gathered at the Chapter                                                                                  ernors agricultural and envi-
House to celebrate his ini-                                                                                   ronmental policies. He trav-
tiation. It was followed by a                                                                                 eled more than 60,000 miles
reception catered by Brother Left: Some of the alumni at Dr. Haglers initiation included (Row 1) Dr. George meeting with farmers and farm
Leslie Jett (96). Alumni Jesse, Dr. Jon Hagler, Dean Thomas Payne, Douglas Thomas; (Row 2) Rep. Ca- families all across Missouri to
present for the event included leb Jones, Stephen Ellis; (Row 3) Lowell Mohler, Loyd Wilson, William Jackson; learn about their operations
                                  (Row 4) Alan Masters, Dan Clemens.
Lowell Mohler (57), Loyd Right: Dr. Hagler receives his Golden Crescent from Larry Warren, former Grand and assess their needs.
Wilson (84), Dan Clemens President of Alpha Gamma Rho, and Jared Henderson, Theta Noble Ruler.                 Loyd Wilson (84) brought
(65), Caleb Jones (10), Larry Warren (65), Dean Thomas Dr. Hagler to dinner and introduced him to the undergradu-
Payne (01), Dr. George Jesse (10), Bob Thompson (80), ates on March 7. We learned a bit about him and his vision
Spencer Thompson (07), Matt Peiter (96), Steve Ellis for agriculture in Missouri. He expressed pride in the fact
(71), Doug Thomas (79), Bill Jackson (10), Alan Masters that agriculture is the number one industry in Missouri. Dr.
(80) and Ryan Milhollin (98).                                         Hagler talked about the legacy program and how it would
  A lifelong horseman, Dr. Hagler was raised on a horse farm benefit young farmers. He believes agriculture has a bright
in Dent County and continues to operate a small horse opera- future because farmers are optimistic. He spoke optimisti-
tion, Cheyenne Farms, near St. James, where he trains and cally about jobs for college graduates, advances in bio-tech-
sells Missouri Fox Trotters  the state horse. He has met with nology and the animal health industry in Kansas City.
farmers in every corner of the state on Gov. Nixons behalf to And Dr. Hagler shared his favorite quote, Four out of
learn about the operations, assess their needs and develop the four people eat  everybody has a tie to agriculture.

                                              Upcoming Events
     June 24 & 25                          August 6                             August 24                    *Please note the date July 23,
     Formal Recruitment                 House Betterment Day                      Initiation                 not June 23 as stated in the
                                                                                                             previous Crescent.
        June 25                            August 19                          September 3
Young Alumni Baseball Game             Freshmen Move-In Day                   Mizzou vs. Miami               **Before you go to your tail-
       in Springfield                       August 21                         social at the house            gate, stop by the Chapter
         July 23                             Tiger Walk                    4 hours prior to kick off**       House and help us usher in a
                                                                                                             new year of Tiger Football.
        Alumni Picnic                      August 22                          October 15
                                                                                                             Food, beverage and temporary
        in Brunswick*                 Classes Resume, fall 2011              Homecoming vs. ISU              parking will be available.

                       Crescent Publishing Service
               This issue of the Theta Chapter Crescent was published through
                            the Crescent Publishing Service (CPS).
                This is a special project of the Alpha Gamma Rho Home Office
                 to assist chapters in improving communications with alumni.
           Chapters pay a small fee for the service below the actual production cost
           to encourage regular contact. This project is made possible by donations
                      from alumni like you. Please consider contributing.
Alumni Spotlight
 Dr. Robert E. Bud Hertzog, DVM
(49) received the Alumni of the Year
Award at the 2011 CAFNR Celebra-
tion of Excellence held April 7, at the
Reynolds Alumni Center. The fol-
lowing excerpt is taken from the pro-
gram and letters of support received
for the nomination of Dr. Hertzog.
  When it comes to describing Bud
Hertzog, his longtime friend and col-
league Michael Cathey likes to para-
phrase humorist Will Rogers. I nev-
er met a man or animal who did not
like  and have great things to say        Collegiate members with Dr. Hertzog at the CAFNR Celebration of Excellence. Left to right: Brad Eisen-
 about Bud Hertzog, says Cathey,         bath, Jason Reichert, Brent Dye, Alec Fodge, Dr. Hertzog, Breck Babbs, Kelsey Flynn, Ryan Milhollin
                                           (adviser), Matthew Snook, Jon Kirchhoff and Jared Henderson.
executive director of the American
Veterinary Medical Foundation.               Over the years, Hertzog has more                  members of the MU Dairy Club in
  Hertzogs friends say it seems like      than lived up to that early reputation.             the early 1950s. Throughout my
it has always been that way for the        He founded and manages one of the                   40-year academic administrative
Lees Summit, Mo. veterinarian,            most extensive veterinary practices in              career he was my model, my philo-
farmer, civil leader and avid MU           the Midwest. He is past president of                sophical hero, Campbell says.
supporter. Former Mizzou class-            the Missouri Veterinary Medical As-                   Bud is a true leader who, despite his
mates from the early 1950s still re-       sociation and past executive chairman               success and professional accolades, has
member the reputation he had as an         of the American Veterinary Medi-                    never lost sight of his roots. He has al-
agriculture student leader.                cal Association. He has been official               ways been an ardent supporter of the
  Dean Lindsey learned about Hertzog       veterinarian for both the Kansas City               University of Missouri, an unofficial
in 1951 when he was a freshman in          Zoo and the Kansas City American                    spokesperson who conveys a sense of
college and Hertzog was a senior. They     Royal. He also found time to serve                  pride in the many opportunities the in-
were members of different and com-         on the Jackson County Legislature,                  stitution provides its students and alum-
peting ag fraternities. My brothers       the Lees Summit School Board and                   ni. For Bud, his time at MU opened
often made disparaging remarks about       other civic posts and organizations.                doors to a world he now takes pride in
the Alpha Gamma Rhos, but there was         John Campbell, president emeritus                  offering others the chance to enter.
a usual exception that Bud Hertzog         of Oklahoma State University got to                 Charles Kruse, president of the
was a class guy, Lindsey says.            know Hertzog when they were both                    Missouri Farm Bureau Federation

                             Celebration of Excellence
 The College of Agriculture, Food and      ing Junior CAFNR Member. Con-                       (49) was named the Outstanding
Natural Resources hosted the 2011 Cel-     gratulations to freshman Britt Kagay                CAFNR Alumni for 2011; Dr. James
ebration of Excellence on Thursday,        and sophomore Jacob Buehler who                     Spain (03) was selected to be an Hon-
April 7, at the Reynolds Alumni Center.    were finalists for their respective                 orary CAFNR Alumni; and finally,
Many collegiate and alumni brothers        classes. Jason Reichert and Shannon                 James Hundle (10) was honored as an
were on hand to celebrate our successes.   Weber are both finalists for Outstand-              Outstanding CAFNR Staff Member.
 The CAFNR Student Council chose           ing CAFNR Senior, an award which                      It was a great night of celebra-
Theta Chapter as the 2011 Outstand-        will be announced at the graduation                 tion for the men of Theta Chapter.
ing Student Organization. Dalton           ceremonies on May 14, 2011.                         Congratulations to all of the indi-
Brown was honored as the Outstand-           Dr. Robert Bud Hertzog, DVM                     vidual winners!
Our Newest Alumni
On May, 14, 2011 fifteen brothers received their degree from the University of Missouri. Several others will move
to alumni status and receive their degree in December 2011 or May 2012. Congratulations to each of you. We wish
you continued success as you move into your careers.
Dillon Anderson, Lancaster,           Jon Kirchhoff, Concordia, Mo.,      Steven Keith Reid, Jr.,
Mo., graduated with a degree in     graduated with a bachelor of science Cooter, Mo., graduated with a de-
animal science.                     degree in agriculture education. He gree in ag business. He is return-
                                    has taken a teaching position with ing to the family farm.
Logan Chrislaw, Fayette, Mo.,
                                    the Sherwood School District.
graduated with a degree in ag eco-                                        Spencer Riley, Carrollton, Mo.,
nomics.                             Bradley Meineka, Concordia, graduated with an honors degree in
                                    Mo., graduated with an honors de- plant science. Spencer has accepted a
Ryan Distler, Russellville, Mo.,
                                    gree in ag systems management. He graduate assistantship in research and
graduated with honors, receiving a is returning to the family farm.       will work toward a masters degree in
degree in ag business.                                                    crop, soil and pest management.
                                    Miles Morris, Hamilton, Mo.,
Lance      Dobson, Lexington,
                                    graduated with a degree in animal Brandon Salmons, Madison,
Mo., graduated with a dual degree science. He has accepted a summer Mo., graduated with a degree in bio-
in ag systems management and ag internship with Select Sires and will chemistry.
economics. He is returning to the become a registered AI technician.
family farm.                                                              Shannon Weber, Orchard Farm,
                                    Cody Moss, Caruthersville, Mo., Mo., graduates with an honors de-
Bradley Eisenbath, Silex,
                                    will attend graduate school at South- gree in ag business. He has accepted
Mo., graduated with a degree in ag east Missouri State University.        a position with Renaissance Finan-
business management and a minor                                           cial Securities in St. Louis, Mo.
in international business. He has Jason Reichert, Brunswick,
taken a job as district sales man- Mo., graduated with an honors degree Tyler West, Wellington, Mo.,
ager for Channel Bio, a division of in ag business management. He has graduated with a degree in general
Monsanto.                           taken a position with Heartland John agriculture. He has accepted a posi-
                                    Deere in Warrensburg, Mo.             tion with Lansing Trading Company.

                               Fire Fighter Face-Off
                                                                               Paul Pierson coached this team for
                                                                             the AGRs 2011 Fire Fighter Face-
                                                                             Off. Many women from the partici-
                                                                             pating sororities showed up bright and
                                                                             early, ready to participate or cheer on
                                                                             their teams. The Columbia Fire De-
                                                                             partment not only volunteered their
                                                                             time, but they also provided three
                                                                             of their fire trucks to help with the
                                                                             competition. Between relays, balloon
                                                                             drops, tug-of-war and of course the
                                                                             hose-down competition everyone had
                                                                             a blast! The weeklong event raised
                                                                             more than $4,000 for True North
                                                                             Shelter of Columbia and the George
                                                                             D. Peek Memorial Burn Center.
Alpha Gamma Rho Fraternity                                                               NON-PROFIT ORG.
10101 North Ambassador Drive                                                              U.S. POSTAGE
Kansas City, MO 64153-1395                                                                Kansas City, MO
                                                                                          Permit No. 4092

Theta Chapter Crescent

                       Have you visited our website?
     Log on to www.mizzouagr.com and see whats happening at 602 S. College Ave.
                Alumni.please log on to update your alumni profile.

                      Recruitment Recommendation
Please help us recruit the best of men. If you know someone who would make a good addition to our Fraternity,
                     please let us know so we can contact him and enhance our brotherhood.
Name: __________________________________________________ Age: _______________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________
E-mail address: _______________________________________________________________________________
Phone - home: ____________________________________________ School: ____________________________
Classification/Major: ___________________________________________________________________________
Comments: __________________________________________________________________________________
Your name and address: ________________________________________________________________________

             Please Mail to: Alpha Gamma Rho  Theta Chapter,
       Attn: Recruitment, 602 S. College Ave., Columbia, MO 65201

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  • 1. Theta Crescent Alpha Gamma Rho Fraternity Spring 2011 www.mizzouagr.com University of Missouri Noble Ruler Report At the beginning of the year I mentioned that Theta cess, earning more than $4,000 for True North and the Chapter was looking forward to the new semester and George D. Peak Memorial Burn Center. the things we wanted to accomplish. I am proud to The men of Alpha Gamma Rho are looking for- write that Theta Chapter was able to accomplish many ward to this fall semester with the celebration of of those things that we set out to do. We have had a Mizzous 100 th homecoming. We will be paired strong recruiting se- with the women of mester, and will con- Alpha Delta Pi and tinue our efforts well are looking forward into the summer. to a great home- Theta Chapter coming celebration. earned numerous THETA CHAPTER We have achieved a awards this semester, M I S S O U R I lot of great things earning three of the seven cups awarded at Greek Hon- here at Theta Chapter, and we will continue to work ors night, CAFNRs Outstanding Organization award, towards the goal of being the premier fraternity on and IFC Spotlight Chapter. This past semester we were this campus. paired with the women of Zeta Tau Alpha for Greek Week and had a great time participating in sports, fling, Fraternally, service opportunities and many other activities. Our Jared Henderson #1626 philanthropy, Fire Fighter Face-Off, was a great suc- Noble Ruler Alumni, You Are Cordially Invited... This semester we have hosted a number of din- And, on March 21 Lawrence Turpin (82) from Delton, ner guests at 602 S. College. Alumni, we hope you Mich. was able to join us for dinner. He was in Colum- know you are always welcome to dine with us. We bia to address some CAFNR classes. especially like it if you can also join us for Chapter In April we hosted Julie Drury and Dan Jonas from the on Monday. office of Greek Life as well as our philanthropy Queen Since January we have welcomed Cory Gregg (02), Candidates. We also had a faculty night with animal Bill Ehrich (04), Mark Baker (00), Curtis Fisher (98) science professor Dr. George Jesse (10) and ag econ and Stephen Ellis (71). All are members of the Theta professor Dr. Christian Boessen. Building Association. In addition, several alumni have come for lunch when On March 7, David Buckman (77) from Mexico, they are on campus or visiting Columbia for business. Mo. joined us for dinner and spoke to the chapter. On Stop by, dine with us, meet the undergrads, and share March 14, Loyd Wilson (84) brought Dr. Jon Hagler, your knowledge and experiences! Alumni are always Missouri director of agriculture to meet the chapter. welcome at 602 S. College Avenue. Whats Inside Upcoming Events Dr. Jon Hagler Initiated by Theta Alumni Spotlight And More...
  • 2. Why Are We Here? Your Building Association Board of Directors operates a to change. We are hearing of plans in the works for five not-for-profit business for the benefit of current and future fraternities, and weve seen four other recent upgrades. members of our chapter. Our primary asset is property (1.33 However, we are also reminded of a profound statement acres), plant, equipment and furnishings with an appraised once made by distinguished alumnus, and past president value of $2.75 million, less accumulated depreciation of of the MU Board of Curators, Brother Paul Steele (59). $700,000. We carry a mortgage of $930,000, with annual He said, I dont know about you, but I didnt choose to debt service of $110,000. Our other fixed costs are insur- join Alpha Gamma Rho because of the building; I chose to ances and property taxes of $32,000. We allocate roughly join because of the men in the building. $16,000 to scholarship and leadership recognition and some Our board also engages with another 1959 Theta initi- help with publishing the Theta Crescent. Our repairs, main- ate, past Grand President and member of the AGR Hall of tenance schedule and a prudent set-aside use up the balance Fame, Brother Zane Akins. Every three to four years he of our revenue. We charge and collect rent from the chapter, facilitates a strategic planning session with our board and which pencils out to $2,469 per man per year at 81 capacity. leadership from our collegiate chapter. We try to prioritize Our current chapter size is 100 of the best and brightest men and seek balance between the wants and needs that seeking careers in our broader and better agriculture. might help us in the next business cycles to be more suc- We try to collect and compare competitive housing alter- cessful in accomplishing our mission and purpose. native information, as one measure of our offering. The We ask ourselves the question Why are we here? We University publishes pricing for dormitories (75% of their are directing those questions toward a strategic analysis beds/spaces are now newer than ours), and we do find of our current and projected competitive offering. If you somewhat reliable information for other fraternities from wish to participate, please let board president Mark Bak- time to time. Comparisons are arbitrary and quite a bit er know. Why are we here? In part, we are here to move subjective. As an example, we know our offering includes forward from questions toward developing answers. 79 parking spaces, and access to free laundry machines. In closing, your board members, as stewards and rep- At this time, we do believe that our offering is competi- resentatives are most thankful for the support of YOUR tive. But we realize this environment is fluid and subject TIME, YOUR TALENT AND YOUR TREASURE. Tap Day 2011 The inexhaustible April showers forced the 84th an- secret societies at the University of Missouri. nual Mizzou Tap Day to move from Francis Quadran- We are proud of Brandon Thiel (08) of Marshall, Mo. gle into the auditorium at Jesse Hall. But the clouds who was tapped by Omicron Delta Kappa and Dalton and rain on April 22 didnt interfere with the celebra- Brown (08) of Wheaton, Mo. who was tapped by Mor- tions as two Theta brothers were tapped by two of the tar Board. Congratulations to both of you! Greek Awards On the evening of Tuesday, April 26, the Greek com- munity gathered at the Memorial Union to honor Greek chapters and individuals who excelled during the 2010 year. Theta Chapter did not go unnoticed as three of the seven IFC cups now reside at 602 S. College. Al- though referred to as cups, the silver Paul Revere bowls mounted atop a wooden base have been retired, and we were given acrylic trophies in their place. The bad news is they are not as imposing as the old cups, but the good news is we get to keep them. We were awarded the Brotherhood Cup for programming, the Chancellors Left to right: Alan Master (adviser), Jared Henderson and Breck Babbs pose with Cup for leadership and the Columbia Cup for service. the new version of the Greek Cups awarded at the 2011 Greek Honors Night.
  • 3. Dr. Jon Hagler Initiated by Theta Dr. Jon Hagler, Missouri governors agriculture policy. director of agriculture, was Prior to becoming director of initiated by Theta Chapter agriculture, Dr. Hagler served on May 1, 2011. Dr. Hagler as Gov. Nixons principal ag- was appointed by Governor ricultural and environmental Nixon on January 9, 2009. policy adviser and was instru- Collegiate and alumni mem- mental in developing the Gov- bers gathered at the Chapter ernors agricultural and envi- House to celebrate his ini- ronmental policies. He trav- tiation. It was followed by a eled more than 60,000 miles reception catered by Brother Left: Some of the alumni at Dr. Haglers initiation included (Row 1) Dr. George meeting with farmers and farm Leslie Jett (96). Alumni Jesse, Dr. Jon Hagler, Dean Thomas Payne, Douglas Thomas; (Row 2) Rep. Ca- families all across Missouri to present for the event included leb Jones, Stephen Ellis; (Row 3) Lowell Mohler, Loyd Wilson, William Jackson; learn about their operations (Row 4) Alan Masters, Dan Clemens. Lowell Mohler (57), Loyd Right: Dr. Hagler receives his Golden Crescent from Larry Warren, former Grand and assess their needs. Wilson (84), Dan Clemens President of Alpha Gamma Rho, and Jared Henderson, Theta Noble Ruler. Loyd Wilson (84) brought (65), Caleb Jones (10), Larry Warren (65), Dean Thomas Dr. Hagler to dinner and introduced him to the undergradu- Payne (01), Dr. George Jesse (10), Bob Thompson (80), ates on March 7. We learned a bit about him and his vision Spencer Thompson (07), Matt Peiter (96), Steve Ellis for agriculture in Missouri. He expressed pride in the fact (71), Doug Thomas (79), Bill Jackson (10), Alan Masters that agriculture is the number one industry in Missouri. Dr. (80) and Ryan Milhollin (98). Hagler talked about the legacy program and how it would A lifelong horseman, Dr. Hagler was raised on a horse farm benefit young farmers. He believes agriculture has a bright in Dent County and continues to operate a small horse opera- future because farmers are optimistic. He spoke optimisti- tion, Cheyenne Farms, near St. James, where he trains and cally about jobs for college graduates, advances in bio-tech- sells Missouri Fox Trotters the state horse. He has met with nology and the animal health industry in Kansas City. farmers in every corner of the state on Gov. Nixons behalf to And Dr. Hagler shared his favorite quote, Four out of learn about the operations, assess their needs and develop the four people eat everybody has a tie to agriculture. Upcoming Events June 24 & 25 August 6 August 24 *Please note the date July 23, Formal Recruitment House Betterment Day Initiation not June 23 as stated in the previous Crescent. June 25 August 19 September 3 Young Alumni Baseball Game Freshmen Move-In Day Mizzou vs. Miami **Before you go to your tail- in Springfield August 21 social at the house gate, stop by the Chapter July 23 Tiger Walk 4 hours prior to kick off** House and help us usher in a new year of Tiger Football. Alumni Picnic August 22 October 15 Food, beverage and temporary in Brunswick* Classes Resume, fall 2011 Homecoming vs. ISU parking will be available. Crescent Publishing Service This issue of the Theta Chapter Crescent was published through the Crescent Publishing Service (CPS). This is a special project of the Alpha Gamma Rho Home Office to assist chapters in improving communications with alumni. Chapters pay a small fee for the service below the actual production cost to encourage regular contact. This project is made possible by donations from alumni like you. Please consider contributing.
  • 4. Alumni Spotlight Dr. Robert E. Bud Hertzog, DVM (49) received the Alumni of the Year Award at the 2011 CAFNR Celebra- tion of Excellence held April 7, at the Reynolds Alumni Center. The fol- lowing excerpt is taken from the pro- gram and letters of support received for the nomination of Dr. Hertzog. When it comes to describing Bud Hertzog, his longtime friend and col- league Michael Cathey likes to para- phrase humorist Will Rogers. I nev- er met a man or animal who did not like and have great things to say Collegiate members with Dr. Hertzog at the CAFNR Celebration of Excellence. Left to right: Brad Eisen- about Bud Hertzog, says Cathey, bath, Jason Reichert, Brent Dye, Alec Fodge, Dr. Hertzog, Breck Babbs, Kelsey Flynn, Ryan Milhollin (adviser), Matthew Snook, Jon Kirchhoff and Jared Henderson. executive director of the American Veterinary Medical Foundation. Over the years, Hertzog has more members of the MU Dairy Club in Hertzogs friends say it seems like than lived up to that early reputation. the early 1950s. Throughout my it has always been that way for the He founded and manages one of the 40-year academic administrative Lees Summit, Mo. veterinarian, most extensive veterinary practices in career he was my model, my philo- farmer, civil leader and avid MU the Midwest. He is past president of sophical hero, Campbell says. supporter. Former Mizzou class- the Missouri Veterinary Medical As- Bud is a true leader who, despite his mates from the early 1950s still re- sociation and past executive chairman success and professional accolades, has member the reputation he had as an of the American Veterinary Medi- never lost sight of his roots. He has al- agriculture student leader. cal Association. He has been official ways been an ardent supporter of the Dean Lindsey learned about Hertzog veterinarian for both the Kansas City University of Missouri, an unofficial in 1951 when he was a freshman in Zoo and the Kansas City American spokesperson who conveys a sense of college and Hertzog was a senior. They Royal. He also found time to serve pride in the many opportunities the in- were members of different and com- on the Jackson County Legislature, stitution provides its students and alum- peting ag fraternities. My brothers the Lees Summit School Board and ni. For Bud, his time at MU opened often made disparaging remarks about other civic posts and organizations. doors to a world he now takes pride in the Alpha Gamma Rhos, but there was John Campbell, president emeritus offering others the chance to enter. a usual exception that Bud Hertzog of Oklahoma State University got to Charles Kruse, president of the was a class guy, Lindsey says. know Hertzog when they were both Missouri Farm Bureau Federation Celebration of Excellence The College of Agriculture, Food and ing Junior CAFNR Member. Con- (49) was named the Outstanding Natural Resources hosted the 2011 Cel- gratulations to freshman Britt Kagay CAFNR Alumni for 2011; Dr. James ebration of Excellence on Thursday, and sophomore Jacob Buehler who Spain (03) was selected to be an Hon- April 7, at the Reynolds Alumni Center. were finalists for their respective orary CAFNR Alumni; and finally, Many collegiate and alumni brothers classes. Jason Reichert and Shannon James Hundle (10) was honored as an were on hand to celebrate our successes. Weber are both finalists for Outstand- Outstanding CAFNR Staff Member. The CAFNR Student Council chose ing CAFNR Senior, an award which It was a great night of celebra- Theta Chapter as the 2011 Outstand- will be announced at the graduation tion for the men of Theta Chapter. ing Student Organization. Dalton ceremonies on May 14, 2011. Congratulations to all of the indi- Brown was honored as the Outstand- Dr. Robert Bud Hertzog, DVM vidual winners!
  • 5. Our Newest Alumni On May, 14, 2011 fifteen brothers received their degree from the University of Missouri. Several others will move to alumni status and receive their degree in December 2011 or May 2012. Congratulations to each of you. We wish you continued success as you move into your careers. Dillon Anderson, Lancaster, Jon Kirchhoff, Concordia, Mo., Steven Keith Reid, Jr., Mo., graduated with a degree in graduated with a bachelor of science Cooter, Mo., graduated with a de- animal science. degree in agriculture education. He gree in ag business. He is return- has taken a teaching position with ing to the family farm. Logan Chrislaw, Fayette, Mo., the Sherwood School District. graduated with a degree in ag eco- Spencer Riley, Carrollton, Mo., nomics. Bradley Meineka, Concordia, graduated with an honors degree in Mo., graduated with an honors de- plant science. Spencer has accepted a Ryan Distler, Russellville, Mo., gree in ag systems management. He graduate assistantship in research and graduated with honors, receiving a is returning to the family farm. will work toward a masters degree in degree in ag business. crop, soil and pest management. Miles Morris, Hamilton, Mo., Lance Dobson, Lexington, graduated with a degree in animal Brandon Salmons, Madison, Mo., graduated with a dual degree science. He has accepted a summer Mo., graduated with a degree in bio- in ag systems management and ag internship with Select Sires and will chemistry. economics. He is returning to the become a registered AI technician. family farm. Shannon Weber, Orchard Farm, Cody Moss, Caruthersville, Mo., Mo., graduates with an honors de- Bradley Eisenbath, Silex, will attend graduate school at South- gree in ag business. He has accepted Mo., graduated with a degree in ag east Missouri State University. a position with Renaissance Finan- business management and a minor cial Securities in St. Louis, Mo. in international business. He has Jason Reichert, Brunswick, taken a job as district sales man- Mo., graduated with an honors degree Tyler West, Wellington, Mo., ager for Channel Bio, a division of in ag business management. He has graduated with a degree in general Monsanto. taken a position with Heartland John agriculture. He has accepted a posi- Deere in Warrensburg, Mo. tion with Lansing Trading Company. Fire Fighter Face-Off Paul Pierson coached this team for the AGRs 2011 Fire Fighter Face- Off. Many women from the partici- pating sororities showed up bright and early, ready to participate or cheer on their teams. The Columbia Fire De- partment not only volunteered their time, but they also provided three of their fire trucks to help with the competition. Between relays, balloon drops, tug-of-war and of course the hose-down competition everyone had a blast! The weeklong event raised more than $4,000 for True North Shelter of Columbia and the George D. Peek Memorial Burn Center.
  • 6. Alpha Gamma Rho Fraternity NON-PROFIT ORG. 10101 North Ambassador Drive U.S. POSTAGE PAID Kansas City, MO 64153-1395 Kansas City, MO Permit No. 4092 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Theta Chapter Crescent Have you visited our website? Log on to www.mizzouagr.com and see whats happening at 602 S. College Ave. Alumni.please log on to update your alumni profile. Recruitment Recommendation Please help us recruit the best of men. If you know someone who would make a good addition to our Fraternity, please let us know so we can contact him and enhance our brotherhood. Name: __________________________________________________ Age: _______________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________ E-mail address: _______________________________________________________________________________ Phone - home: ____________________________________________ School: ____________________________ Classification/Major: ___________________________________________________________________________ Comments: __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Your name and address: ________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please Mail to: Alpha Gamma Rho Theta Chapter, Attn: Recruitment, 602 S. College Ave., Columbia, MO 65201