Roboticsdeepakk308This document provides an overview of robotics and the basic components of a mobile robot. It discusses how locomotion systems use motors, pulleys, and gear systems to provide movement and manipulate torque and speed. The document also outlines the need for sensory devices, control systems, actuators, and a power supply to allow the robot to perform tasks. Gear systems are described as a way to efficiently increase torque output through gear reduction. Finally, there is a discussion of different power supply options including batteries and converting AC to DC current.
Roboticsdeepakk308The document provides an overview of robotics and the basic parts of a mobile robot. It discusses how locomotion systems use motors, pulleys, and gear systems to provide movement and manipulate torque and speed. The document also outlines the need for sensory devices, control systems, actuators, and a power supply to allow the robot to perform tasks.
Presentation2abeesannero- Bacterial meningitis requires immediate treatment with empiric antibiotics such as vancomycin plus a third-generation cephalosporin. Supportive care including fluid management and monitoring for complications is also important.
- Once the causative organism is identified, treatment should be narrowed to the most appropriate antibiotic. A 10-14 day course is typically needed for S. pneumoniae. Consider adjunctive dexamethasone for H. influenzae or S. pneumoniae meningitis.
- Pneumococcal resistance rates are increasing, so vancomycin should be continued if non-susceptibility is possible until sensitivities are known. Outcomes can include long-term neurological deficits or death
Why Are Millennials So Unhealthy? Insights ReportInvoke Solutions, IncUsing our patented technology for hosting large-scale online research events, we conducted a live research session with Millennials recruited across the US.
During the webinar we watched the research unfold in real-time, and the format allowed us to insert on-the-fly questions and combine qualitative perspectives with quantitative sample sizes.
As an outcome of the live research event, Jennafer Stahl, VP of Research and Insights, created a report that explores why Millennials behave the way they do, and what can be done to change their behavior and health outcomes.
Feel free to contact us with any questions you may have at
The sisterhood of the traveling pantsPaul OxalesThe author of The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants was Ann Brashares. She got the idea for the novel from a friend who talked about sharing a pair of pants with friends over one summer. The main characters are four friends - Tibby, Lena, Carmen, and Bridget. Over their first summer apart, they share a magical pair of pants that allows them to feel connected to each other as each girl has an adventure while wearing the pants.
Change management teaching lessonJodyDietzThe document discusses a personal change management model called the Personal Power Grid that can help individuals navigate change by assessing how they are responding across four categories: mastery, ceaseless striving, giving up, and letting go. It provides examples of behaviors that fit within each category and encourages focusing efforts on mastery and letting go, which provide the greatest sense of well-being. Participants are assigned homework to apply this model to a current change by analyzing their own responses and identifying specific actions for letting go and taking mastery.
Total Branch MakeoverjoelnicholsThe document outlines a 6 month action plan to renovate the Lillian Marrero Branch Library located in a neighborhood with a median household income of $19,048 and population that is 57.88% Hispanic. It analyzes the demographic data and educational attainment of the local population, describes previous renovations from 1997, and provides strategies and an inventory of changes needed to makeover the library's collections, floor plan, programs, services, staff training, and marketing/outreach efforts to better serve the culturally diverse Latino community.
Invoke introduction 2015Invoke Solutions, IncInvoke provides next generation large-scale focus groups that combine qualitative insights with quantitative sample sizes of up to 350 consumers. Their focus groups allow clients to receive answers fast in 2-3 weeks, understand the "why" behind responses through real-time probing, and gain statistical confidence to make business decisions. Participants take part anonymously from any location while observers can analyze live feedback, ask questions, and make on-the-fly adjustments to gain instant insights. Invoke then provides various levels of automated reports and insights to help clients quickly understand results and make decisions.
Conscious Consumption: Navigating the Grocery StoreInvoke Solutions, IncIn the first installment of a three part series titled "Conscious Consumption", Invoke Solutions digs deeper into the ultimate purchasing choices driven by consumers attitudes and behaviors in relation to terms such as "organic", "local" and "natural.
Some of the key finding from this study are:
-Local offers a three-fold message and is regarded with the highest amount of positivity from consumers.
-While respondents aren't necessarily searching for the information, all three claims influence the purchasers decision for brand loyalty.
-The term "Green" is not the only way to communicate "good for the environment".
Evaluación FPUniversidad de Deusto - Deustuko Unibertsitatea - University of DeustoEl documento describe el Dispositivo de Reconocimiento de la Competencia Profesional en el País Vasco, el cual evalúa las competencias adquiridas a través de la experiencia laboral y aprendizajes no formales para certificarlas. El proceso incluye fases de información, asesoramiento y pruebas de competencia realizadas por equipos evaluadores. El objetivo es que las personas puedan progresar en su carrera mediante el reconocimiento de sus conocimientos previos.
Aprenentatge i desenvolupament motor - Presentació resumjuanma_vic
Aula11Jamelao da Silva[1] O documento discute o caso de uma partícula que incide sobre uma barreira de potencial retangular, onde a energia potencial tem valor 0 fora da barreira e valor V0 dentro da barreira.
[2] São analisados dois casos: energia da partícula menor que a altura da barreira (E < V0) e energia maior que a altura da barreira (E > V0).
[3] No caso E < V0, a mecânica quântica prevê a possibilidade da partícula atravessar a barreira
Memoria de Investigación 2009 - 2010 Universidad de Deusto - Deustuko Unibertsitatea - University of Deusto José Luis del Val Román
Correo electrónico:
Oficina de Transferencia de Resultados de Investigación (OTRI)
Dirección: Avenida de las Universidades, 24 – 48007 Bilbao
Teléfono: 944 139 000 ext. 8030
Correo electrónico:
Junta de Investigación
Dirección: Avenida de las Universidades, 24 – 48007 Bilbao
Teléfono: 944 139 000 ext. 8030
ativ17_eligiafreitas_spamEligia2010O documento discute o que é spam, os motivos para o envio de spam, os problemas que o spam causa para os usuários da internet e como os spammers obtêm endereços de e-mail. Ele também fornece informações sobre onde encontrar mais detalhes sobre spam.
La evolución de la tecnología y su influencia en la sociedadelaca02La tecnología ha influido en todos los ámbitos de la sociedad y se ha convertido en una de las palabras más mencionadas debido a su importancia. El internet constituye una fuente de recursos e información compartida a nivel mundial y permite la cooperación entre comunidades y grupos de todo el planeta. La tecnología se define como el conjunto de conocimientos técnicos y científicos que permiten diseñar y crear bienes y servicios para adaptarse al medio ambiente y satisfacer las necesidades humanas.
ALee_Thesis_printAisling LeeThis document describes a student's final year project to design an upper limb prosthesis for a transradial amputee. The project involved researching anatomy, bio potential signal measurement and recording, control systems, actuation and mechanics. The student developed circuitry to measure EMG signals from the forearm and a microcontroller-based state machine to control a stepper motor and servo motor. Testing showed the prosthesis allows intuitive force control of a biomimetic hand grip at different levels, providing improved functionality over options that only offer open/close grip control. The innovative system is low-cost and easily calibrated to an individual's strength for practical use in activities of daily living.
Rusume-nitin prabhuneNitin PrabhuneNitin Prabhune has over 23 years of experience teaching English as a foreign language at the school and teacher training levels. He currently works as a teacher trainer for the Solapur Municipal Corporation Schools and has also worked as a teacher trainer for the MHELIPS Project of the British Council. Prabhune aims to inspire students to become well-rounded citizens of the 21st century through activity-based and inclusive teaching methods that utilize technology in the classroom.
Change management teaching lessonJodyDietzThe document discusses a personal change management model called the Personal Power Grid that can help individuals navigate change by assessing how they are responding across four categories: mastery, ceaseless striving, giving up, and letting go. It provides examples of behaviors that fit within each category and encourages focusing efforts on mastery and letting go, which provide the greatest sense of well-being. Participants are assigned homework to apply this model to a current change by analyzing their own responses and identifying specific actions for letting go and taking mastery.
Total Branch MakeoverjoelnicholsThe document outlines a 6 month action plan to renovate the Lillian Marrero Branch Library located in a neighborhood with a median household income of $19,048 and population that is 57.88% Hispanic. It analyzes the demographic data and educational attainment of the local population, describes previous renovations from 1997, and provides strategies and an inventory of changes needed to makeover the library's collections, floor plan, programs, services, staff training, and marketing/outreach efforts to better serve the culturally diverse Latino community.
Invoke introduction 2015Invoke Solutions, IncInvoke provides next generation large-scale focus groups that combine qualitative insights with quantitative sample sizes of up to 350 consumers. Their focus groups allow clients to receive answers fast in 2-3 weeks, understand the "why" behind responses through real-time probing, and gain statistical confidence to make business decisions. Participants take part anonymously from any location while observers can analyze live feedback, ask questions, and make on-the-fly adjustments to gain instant insights. Invoke then provides various levels of automated reports and insights to help clients quickly understand results and make decisions.
Conscious Consumption: Navigating the Grocery StoreInvoke Solutions, IncIn the first installment of a three part series titled "Conscious Consumption", Invoke Solutions digs deeper into the ultimate purchasing choices driven by consumers attitudes and behaviors in relation to terms such as "organic", "local" and "natural.
Some of the key finding from this study are:
-Local offers a three-fold message and is regarded with the highest amount of positivity from consumers.
-While respondents aren't necessarily searching for the information, all three claims influence the purchasers decision for brand loyalty.
-The term "Green" is not the only way to communicate "good for the environment".
Evaluación FPUniversidad de Deusto - Deustuko Unibertsitatea - University of DeustoEl documento describe el Dispositivo de Reconocimiento de la Competencia Profesional en el País Vasco, el cual evalúa las competencias adquiridas a través de la experiencia laboral y aprendizajes no formales para certificarlas. El proceso incluye fases de información, asesoramiento y pruebas de competencia realizadas por equipos evaluadores. El objetivo es que las personas puedan progresar en su carrera mediante el reconocimiento de sus conocimientos previos.
Aprenentatge i desenvolupament motor - Presentació resumjuanma_vic
Aula11Jamelao da Silva[1] O documento discute o caso de uma partícula que incide sobre uma barreira de potencial retangular, onde a energia potencial tem valor 0 fora da barreira e valor V0 dentro da barreira.
[2] São analisados dois casos: energia da partícula menor que a altura da barreira (E < V0) e energia maior que a altura da barreira (E > V0).
[3] No caso E < V0, a mecânica quântica prevê a possibilidade da partícula atravessar a barreira
Memoria de Investigación 2009 - 2010 Universidad de Deusto - Deustuko Unibertsitatea - University of Deusto José Luis del Val Román
Correo electrónico:
Oficina de Transferencia de Resultados de Investigación (OTRI)
Dirección: Avenida de las Universidades, 24 – 48007 Bilbao
Teléfono: 944 139 000 ext. 8030
Correo electrónico:
Junta de Investigación
Dirección: Avenida de las Universidades, 24 – 48007 Bilbao
Teléfono: 944 139 000 ext. 8030
ativ17_eligiafreitas_spamEligia2010O documento discute o que é spam, os motivos para o envio de spam, os problemas que o spam causa para os usuários da internet e como os spammers obtêm endereços de e-mail. Ele também fornece informações sobre onde encontrar mais detalhes sobre spam.
La evolución de la tecnología y su influencia en la sociedadelaca02La tecnología ha influido en todos los ámbitos de la sociedad y se ha convertido en una de las palabras más mencionadas debido a su importancia. El internet constituye una fuente de recursos e información compartida a nivel mundial y permite la cooperación entre comunidades y grupos de todo el planeta. La tecnología se define como el conjunto de conocimientos técnicos y científicos que permiten diseñar y crear bienes y servicios para adaptarse al medio ambiente y satisfacer las necesidades humanas.
ALee_Thesis_printAisling LeeThis document describes a student's final year project to design an upper limb prosthesis for a transradial amputee. The project involved researching anatomy, bio potential signal measurement and recording, control systems, actuation and mechanics. The student developed circuitry to measure EMG signals from the forearm and a microcontroller-based state machine to control a stepper motor and servo motor. Testing showed the prosthesis allows intuitive force control of a biomimetic hand grip at different levels, providing improved functionality over options that only offer open/close grip control. The innovative system is low-cost and easily calibrated to an individual's strength for practical use in activities of daily living.
Rusume-nitin prabhuneNitin PrabhuneNitin Prabhune has over 23 years of experience teaching English as a foreign language at the school and teacher training levels. He currently works as a teacher trainer for the Solapur Municipal Corporation Schools and has also worked as a teacher trainer for the MHELIPS Project of the British Council. Prabhune aims to inspire students to become well-rounded citizens of the 21st century through activity-based and inclusive teaching methods that utilize technology in the classroom.