3. Abstract
The agile model of software development took the world by storm in 2001. Within seven years, it
had influenced the whole world from project management to writing contracts with clients, to
military procurement procedures, and even to college curricula. There were kinds of books and
conferences on agile process which were dazzling, and sprung up like mushrooms.
Being a new methodology of software development, agile process is not the “silver bullet” that
can solve all problems we met in the field of software development, but its creative values have
already challenged the authority of traditional Software Engineering. Self-management is the
heart of Scrum which is one of the most popular approaches in agile development. It made the
team to figure out what needs to be done and selects the best way to do it, and turns teams into
managers of their own fate. Scrum defines a high level management process but doesn’t concern
about any specific skills or rationales that behind. So I wrote this paper to try to make up for the
In order to find root causes, the paper begins in the evolution of manufacturing production, then
focus on the changes of thoughts of the management in software development. It declares that
the core of agile process is to removal of waste, and further pointed out that the people-oriented
and let changeability tackle mobility which must be regarded as a value-oriented are the only way
to achieve that goal.
In addition, the author note with his own experience and case analysis, so it’s not only a theory
expounded about Self-Management, but also a guide to practice. After reading the final chapter
of the Tao of Self-Management, I believe we will have something in common.
Key words: Agile Software Development, Lean Manufacturing, Team, Self-Management,
Communicating and Cooperating, Self-Adaptive
37. 第3章 自管理之道
目癿成败负责;事是以发应发(项知“发是唯一癿丌发”*Johnson, 2004])
3.1 项目就是生态系统
本节癿题目源自 Cockburn 癿一丧暗喻 1:“一丧软件顷目杴成了一丧小型癿生忞系统,
这丧生忞系统由来自各种各样癿敨化癿丧忢组成。”[Cockburn, 2006]这丧比喻相弼贴切,它
无独有偶, Martin Flower 在敨章 The New Methodology 丨有过相同比喻:
“Many practitioners move between
different communities spreading different ideas around - all in all it's a complicated but vibrant ecosystem.”