Presentacionmiguel mendozaInternet es una red de redes global que permite comunicarse y acceder a información. Se puede navegar usando navegadores como Chrome o Mozilla y buscar información a través de motores de búsqueda como Google. Las páginas web se identifican y localizan mediante direcciones URL mientras que protocolos como HTTP permiten transferir datos e hipertexto.
Bush Clinton BushJosh CableGeorge H.W. Bush served as vice president under Ronald Reagan and was elected president in 1988. As president, he led a coalition of forces in the Persian Gulf War to expel Iraqi forces after Iraq invaded Kuwait. Though the ground war lasted only 100 hours, it was a major foreign policy success for Bush. However, he broke his "no new taxes" campaign promise when budget deficits created by Reagan required raising taxes. This broke promise hurt his re-election bid in 1992.
Terry WohlersRising Media, Inc.This document summarizes the state of 3D printing based on a presentation given in Seoul, Korea in June 2016. It finds that the 3D printing industry is healthy and growing, with desktop 3D printer sales up 69.7% in 2015 and metal 3D printer producers numbering 80 companies. Major companies are developing the technology and ecosystem further. Applications continue to expand in areas like aerospace, where Airbus is using 3D printed parts. The growth and opportunities in 3D printing are vast and expected to create many new jobs as the ecosystem develops further.
функції політичних партійMaria ZhyhilУ презентації продемонстровано класифікаію функцій політичних партій та їхній основний зміст.
Has been demonstrated features of meaning and classification of political parties's functions.
Herramientas de comunicacionyareli2000El documento describe diferentes herramientas de comunicación asincrónicas y sincrónicas, incluyendo correo electrónico, foros, wikis, blogs, chat, videoconferencia, redes sociales como Facebook, Skype y Twitter. Explica brevemente el propósito y funcionamiento de cada herramienta.
Теорія партій Жан-Жака Руссо Maria ZhyhilУ презентації демонструються особливості трактування політичної партії французьким мислителем Жан-Жаком Руссо.
The presentation describes Jean-Jacques Rousseau's views of political parties