My version to share college updated friday april 20 updatedMrFattmanThe goal is to explore our food environment and to create awareness surrounding the desire to eat a well-balanced
2012 scholarship application (continuing education)Task FrgThe Fort Bragg Area Officers' Spouses Club (FBAOSC) will award continuing education scholarships to military spouses pursuing degrees or certificates in the 2012-2013 academic year. Applicants must meet the eligibility criteria and submit a complete application by March 15th, 2012, which includes transcripts, letters of recommendation, a 200-word essay, and proof of education enrollment. Scholarship recipients will be notified by April 30th and recognized at a reception in May. Scholarship funds must be used for tuition, fees, and books by October 1st, 2012.
The Rest of the Story coastpastorThe document outlines a strategy for living according to God's priorities of faith, love, and glorifying Him. The strategy involves laying down one's life by trusting in Jesus' righteousness, receiving forgiveness of sins, and resting in Him through every situation according to God's word while in fellowship with other believers.
Pcte gallerymanpreetgrewalThis document lists the names of two campuses and buildings at PCTE including PCTE Campus 1, PCTE Campus 2, and the Pharmacy Block. It also lists PCTE and PCTE Staff.
Placemaking Conference: The State of Community in OklahomaOU Institute for Quality CommunitiesThis document discusses the trend toward more walkable urban places in the United States. It notes that vehicle miles traveled have declined since 2004, especially among younger people. Examples are given of places like Arlington, Virginia that successfully transformed from car-dependent suburbs to walkable urban areas through policies like rail transit and zoning changes. Research shows there is now an option of choosing an urban lifestyle with walkability or a drivable suburban lifestyle.
01 fbs reader ch1Daniel Gold1) Yonaton (Yoni) Netanyahu was an Israeli soldier and commander in Sayeret Matkal, an elite special forces unit of the Israel Defense Forces.
2) He was killed leading the successful 1976 rescue operation at Entebbe Airport in Uganda that freed Israeli hostages held by Palestinian and German terrorists.
3) Yoni grew up in both the US and Israel, and excelled in the IDF, graduating at the top of his class from officers' training school. He fought bravely in the 1967 Six-Day War and 1973 Yom Kippur War.
ResearchAhmad rubThe document discusses how surfing culture has changed with increased popularity. It notes that surfing used to be a solitary, meditative experience but has become more competitive as more people participate, leading to conflicts over limited waves. It provides quotes from surfers discussing how the experience has shifted from self-challenge to competitiveness and how hierarchy has developed in surfing culture. The document also discusses how surfing provides multidimensional benefits to individuals, allowing them to find solutions to personal challenges, and provides quotes from surfers on different impacts the sport has had on their lives.
12. zaluzhnyi2Olena UrsuПерспективні напрямки розвитку напрямку громадського моніторингу публічних послуг
Андрій Залужний, виконавчий директор БФ «Майбуття»
6. tymchukOlena UrsuКомунікаційні стратегії ресурсних центрів для громадянського суспільства: інструменти і кращі практики
Тарас Тимчук, керівник напрямку «Суспільна інформація» Ресурсного центру ГУРТ
I want to go there - how to find your path as a designerMitzie TestaniMitzie Testani gave a presentation on finding your path as a designer and building your portfolio. She provided advice on specializing in a niche, using your first jobs to experiment, regularly updating your portfolio with your best work, and creating opportunities through freelancing and personal projects. Her goal was to help designers discover their passion and create a compelling portfolio that will attract the right clients and opportunities.
"Tactical Urbanism" or VandalismOU Institute for Quality CommunitiesThis document summarizes a tactical urbanism project in Hamilton, Ontario where local architects and urban planners implemented temporary, low-cost improvements to busy intersections. At the intersection of Locke and Herkimer Streets, they installed temporary bump-outs using traffic cones to slow traffic and make the crossing safer for pedestrians, which the local crossing guard supported. However, the city council called the improvements illegal and unsafe. In response, the organizers provided information on tactical urbanism and welcomed discussions with councilors on how it could improve the city. After the cones were removed, the intersection was retrofitted with permanent bump-outs and crosswalks.
Контакт центр – ефективний інструмент керування містомOlena UrsuЧегринець Олег Олексійович, кандидат технічних наук, начальник
Департаменту інформатизації, КП «МІЦ», м. Харків
Final evaluation.2harps123The document discusses conventions used in film posters and magazine covers. It analyzes three horror film posters and three professional magazine covers to identify commonly used design elements. For the film poster, it places the production company name at the bottom in red instead of famous actors at the top. It also puts the title in red at the top rather than the bottom. For the magazine cover, it uses a large red masthead at the top like the professional examples. It also includes the movie title in white below the main image to link it like the examples.
Social CRMTiffany JohnsonNew social media features from Mitchell 1 will help companies increase their reach and strengthen prospect relationships using social media.
Engineering resume ten tipsdonaldburnsThe document provides 10 tips for engineering resumes. The tips include including all third-party validations like patents and awards; using graphics if explanations are too long; providing context for technical details; using a clear headline and sub-headings; spelling out all acronyms on first use; summarizing extra details in an addendum; limiting keywords to benefit statements; keeping the resume to two pages; and leaving your name free of credentials for electronic searches.
Enterprise Mobile Methodology with Salesforce + MobileIronQuinton WallSometimes the hardest part in knowing where to start. This presentation covers an enterprise mobile methodology created by Salesforce & Mobile Iron to get you moving fast.
Quality assurance in practice - coffee meeting, January, DIGITBalázs TatárThe document discusses quality assurance procedures for subsites on the Next Europa WCMS. It notes that feature requests and module reviews are updated and feedback is provided by the maintenance team. Development then occurs either with a starterkit or custom solution, followed by delivery to a stash repository on feature branches. A QA procedure is then followed involving a playground deployment and eventual production deployment. The document concludes by thanking the audience and providing contact details for the author.
Redflag 2012 Intermodal Seal PresentationRedflagsealsRed Flag Cargo Security introduces an intermodal electronic barrier seal to strengthen global supply chain security. The reusable seal addresses drawbacks of popular barrier seals by using unique pin authorization with no special tools needed for removal, offering security from origin to destination at a low monthly cost. The seal and web-based authorization system allow tracking and control of seal access.
Bidayah al Hidayah (al Ghazali on Islamic Guidance)Imran Al Ghazali on Islamic Guidance
Good on basic things, simple yet profound in lie.
Perhaps things that are not being appreciated more.
01 fbs reader ch1Daniel Gold1) Yonaton (Yoni) Netanyahu was an Israeli soldier and commander in Sayeret Matkal, an elite special forces unit of the Israel Defense Forces.
2) He was killed leading the successful 1976 rescue operation at Entebbe Airport in Uganda that freed Israeli hostages held by Palestinian and German terrorists.
3) Yoni grew up in both the US and Israel, and excelled in the IDF, graduating at the top of his class from officers' training school. He fought bravely in the 1967 Six-Day War and 1973 Yom Kippur War.
ResearchAhmad rubThe document discusses how surfing culture has changed with increased popularity. It notes that surfing used to be a solitary, meditative experience but has become more competitive as more people participate, leading to conflicts over limited waves. It provides quotes from surfers discussing how the experience has shifted from self-challenge to competitiveness and how hierarchy has developed in surfing culture. The document also discusses how surfing provides multidimensional benefits to individuals, allowing them to find solutions to personal challenges, and provides quotes from surfers on different impacts the sport has had on their lives.
12. zaluzhnyi2Olena UrsuПерспективні напрямки розвитку напрямку громадського моніторингу публічних послуг
Андрій Залужний, виконавчий директор БФ «Майбуття»
6. tymchukOlena UrsuКомунікаційні стратегії ресурсних центрів для громадянського суспільства: інструменти і кращі практики
Тарас Тимчук, керівник напрямку «Суспільна інформація» Ресурсного центру ГУРТ
I want to go there - how to find your path as a designerMitzie TestaniMitzie Testani gave a presentation on finding your path as a designer and building your portfolio. She provided advice on specializing in a niche, using your first jobs to experiment, regularly updating your portfolio with your best work, and creating opportunities through freelancing and personal projects. Her goal was to help designers discover their passion and create a compelling portfolio that will attract the right clients and opportunities.
"Tactical Urbanism" or VandalismOU Institute for Quality CommunitiesThis document summarizes a tactical urbanism project in Hamilton, Ontario where local architects and urban planners implemented temporary, low-cost improvements to busy intersections. At the intersection of Locke and Herkimer Streets, they installed temporary bump-outs using traffic cones to slow traffic and make the crossing safer for pedestrians, which the local crossing guard supported. However, the city council called the improvements illegal and unsafe. In response, the organizers provided information on tactical urbanism and welcomed discussions with councilors on how it could improve the city. After the cones were removed, the intersection was retrofitted with permanent bump-outs and crosswalks.
Контакт центр – ефективний інструмент керування містомOlena UrsuЧегринець Олег Олексійович, кандидат технічних наук, начальник
Департаменту інформатизації, КП «МІЦ», м. Харків
Final evaluation.2harps123The document discusses conventions used in film posters and magazine covers. It analyzes three horror film posters and three professional magazine covers to identify commonly used design elements. For the film poster, it places the production company name at the bottom in red instead of famous actors at the top. It also puts the title in red at the top rather than the bottom. For the magazine cover, it uses a large red masthead at the top like the professional examples. It also includes the movie title in white below the main image to link it like the examples.
Social CRMTiffany JohnsonNew social media features from Mitchell 1 will help companies increase their reach and strengthen prospect relationships using social media.
Engineering resume ten tipsdonaldburnsThe document provides 10 tips for engineering resumes. The tips include including all third-party validations like patents and awards; using graphics if explanations are too long; providing context for technical details; using a clear headline and sub-headings; spelling out all acronyms on first use; summarizing extra details in an addendum; limiting keywords to benefit statements; keeping the resume to two pages; and leaving your name free of credentials for electronic searches.
Enterprise Mobile Methodology with Salesforce + MobileIronQuinton WallSometimes the hardest part in knowing where to start. This presentation covers an enterprise mobile methodology created by Salesforce & Mobile Iron to get you moving fast.
Quality assurance in practice - coffee meeting, January, DIGITBalázs TatárThe document discusses quality assurance procedures for subsites on the Next Europa WCMS. It notes that feature requests and module reviews are updated and feedback is provided by the maintenance team. Development then occurs either with a starterkit or custom solution, followed by delivery to a stash repository on feature branches. A QA procedure is then followed involving a playground deployment and eventual production deployment. The document concludes by thanking the audience and providing contact details for the author.
Redflag 2012 Intermodal Seal PresentationRedflagsealsRed Flag Cargo Security introduces an intermodal electronic barrier seal to strengthen global supply chain security. The reusable seal addresses drawbacks of popular barrier seals by using unique pin authorization with no special tools needed for removal, offering security from origin to destination at a low monthly cost. The seal and web-based authorization system allow tracking and control of seal access.
Bidayah al Hidayah (al Ghazali on Islamic Guidance)Imran Al Ghazali on Islamic Guidance
Good on basic things, simple yet profound in lie.
Perhaps things that are not being appreciated more.