Susan Jacobson (2011) focuses her study on the website of the New York Times, nytimes.com. Specifically, she focuses on the changes that occur in the journalism of the New York Times when their news is transcoded to their website. Some of the parameters measured for change include: the storytelling intent, the nature of reporting (objective, subjective or analytical), and perspectives of narration. The study reviewed 479 packages posted on the website of the New York Times (nytimes.com), out of a total of more than 25000 packages posted between the years 2000 and 2008.
7th sem it_CSVTUnksharma128The document provides the scheme of teaching and examination for the 7th semester of the Bachelor of Engineering program in Information Technology at Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University. It includes the list of subjects to be taught, number of lecture, tutorial and practical periods per week for each subject, evaluation scheme with breakdown of marks for different components, and syllabus outlines for some of the subjects. The program consists of 16 lecture periods and 4 tutorial periods per week, along with practicals. The subjects include Software Engineering, Management Information Systems, E-Commerce, Artificial Intelligence, and labs. Evaluation includes end semester exams, class tests, and internal assessments.
Final ppt presentationscottsmith66This document summarizes the Wounded Warrior Program (AW2), which assists severely wounded soldiers and their families. It connects soldiers to supporting organizations through the Community Support Network (CSN) initiative. CSN works with internal stakeholders like program beneficiaries and external stakeholders like community organizations. The document discusses strategies to promote CSN to external stakeholders and engage them in supporting recovering soldiers and veterans. It also outlines metrics and methods to evaluate CSN's performance and impact.
Abstract SeriesbandsthatrockThe document discusses several abstract artworks and their meanings. It describes pieces that represent themes of suffering leading to enlightenment, the need for empowerment and reasonable empathy, the interconnection of all things in the universe, a depiction of the artist alone looking over scorched land, and an imagined microscopic view of genetic code during an unknown pregnancy. The document provides explanations for 12 abstract artworks and series through brief descriptions and titles.
Art by Rob Jackson bandsthatrockThis presentation shares samples from a number of series completed by Rob Jackson in the last 10 years. The presentation also conveys some ongoing activities he Directs.
Principles of communicatiionsSMART LEARNING -SEE YOUR WORLD IN DIFFRENT WAY This document is a presentation on principles of communication by Manisha Vaghela. It contains definitions of communication, examples of communication, the communication process, types of communication, features of communication, and principles of effective communication. The presentation provides an overview of key concepts in communication and is intended to guide readers on best practices for effective communication. It emphasizes keeping communication simple, unambiguous, using the proper medium, ensuring adequate information is shared, and consulting others in the communication process.
LeadershipSMART LEARNING -SEE YOUR WORLD IN DIFFRENT WAY The document discusses the importance of leadership. It begins by stating that the success of a business depends on its leadership abilities. It then defines leadership as influencing people to strive willingly towards group goals. The document outlines 10 reasons for the importance of leadership, including perfecting an organization's structure, directing group activities, adapting to changes, and motivating employees. It also lists qualities of an effective leader such as physical/mental strength, emotional stability, communication skills, and sociability. The summary concludes that leadership creates secure and independent work environments for subordinates.
Value equationSMART LEARNING -SEE YOUR WORLD IN DIFFRENT WAY Value analysis is a technique to examine the functions of an item or product to determine if costs can be reduced while maintaining or improving functionality. The value equation defines value as benefits received divided by price paid. For example, the value of healthcare services can be calculated as the magnitude of patient improvement divided by the cost of care. Solving value equations and inequalities involves determining if the expression inside the absolute value is positive or negative.
Language of communicationSMART LEARNING -SEE YOUR WORLD IN DIFFRENT WAY The document discusses different types of communication including verbal and non-verbal forms. It describes various types of languages used in communication such as sign language, body language, paralanguage, time language, and space language. An expert in non-verbal communication is cited stating that only 7% of meaning is conveyed through words, while 38% is through paralanguage and 55% through body language. The conclusion states that both verbal and non-verbal forms of language are important for effective communication.
DIFFERENCES BETWEEN HOUSING-LOANS PROVIDED BY SBI AND HDFC BANKSMART LEARNING -SEE YOUR WORLD IN DIFFRENT WAY The document is a project report comparing housing loans provided by SBI and HDFC Bank. It discusses the objectives of the study, flow of presentation, introduction to housing loans, types of loans, advantages and disadvantages. It provides details about the procedures to get a loan and documents required. It then examines the features, interest rates and eligibility criteria of loans offered by SBI and HDFC Bank. Finally, it compares the key differences between loans offered by the two banks.
impact of tvSMART LEARNING -SEE YOUR WORLD IN DIFFRENT WAY The document discusses the impact of television on education, health and lifestyle, and social and cultural aspects. It provides reasons for why people watch TV, including entertainment, excitement, and passing time. It then examines the positive and negative impacts of TV on education, such as educational channels increasing knowledge but reality shows distracting from study. Health impacts include advertisements promoting hygiene but also sedentary lifestyles. Social and cultural impacts comprise increasing awareness of different religions and cultures through shows but also potential for increasing social tensions.
Johari windowSMART LEARNING -SEE YOUR WORLD IN DIFFRENT WAY The document discusses Johari windows and transactional analysis. It explains that the Johari window classifies information about a person into four quadrants based on what is known to the person and others: open self, hidden self, blind spot, and unknown. Transactional analysis examines interactions in terms of ego states (parent, adult, child) and complementary versus crossed transactions. The goal with Johari windows and transactional analysis is to improve self-awareness and interpersonal relationships.
Industrial disputes act, 1947SMART LEARNING -SEE YOUR WORLD IN DIFFRENT WAY The document discusses key definitions and concepts from the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 in India, including definitions of industrial disputes, strikes, lock-outs, layoffs, and the machinery established under the Act for resolving disputes. It provides details on authorities like Works Committees, Conciliation Officers, Boards of Conciliation, Courts of Inquiry, Labour Courts, and Industrial Tribunals that are involved in conciliation and adjudication of disputes. It also explains provisions around illegal strikes and lockouts as well as disputes in public utility services.
Language of communicationSMART LEARNING -SEE YOUR WORLD IN DIFFRENT WAY The document discusses different types of communication including verbal and non-verbal forms. It describes various types of languages used in communication such as sign language, body language, paralanguage, time language, and space language. An expert in non-verbal communication is cited stating that only 7% of meaning is conveyed through words, while 38% is through paralanguage and 55% through body language. The conclusion states that both verbal and non-verbal forms of language are important for effective communication.
DIFFERENCES BETWEEN HOUSING-LOANS PROVIDED BY SBI AND HDFC BANKSMART LEARNING -SEE YOUR WORLD IN DIFFRENT WAY The document is a project report comparing housing loans provided by SBI and HDFC Bank. It discusses the objectives of the study, flow of presentation, introduction to housing loans, types of loans, advantages and disadvantages. It provides details about the procedures to get a loan and documents required. It then examines the features, interest rates and eligibility criteria of loans offered by SBI and HDFC Bank. Finally, it compares the key differences between loans offered by the two banks.
impact of tvSMART LEARNING -SEE YOUR WORLD IN DIFFRENT WAY The document discusses the impact of television on education, health and lifestyle, and social and cultural aspects. It provides reasons for why people watch TV, including entertainment, excitement, and passing time. It then examines the positive and negative impacts of TV on education, such as educational channels increasing knowledge but reality shows distracting from study. Health impacts include advertisements promoting hygiene but also sedentary lifestyles. Social and cultural impacts comprise increasing awareness of different religions and cultures through shows but also potential for increasing social tensions.
Johari windowSMART LEARNING -SEE YOUR WORLD IN DIFFRENT WAY The document discusses Johari windows and transactional analysis. It explains that the Johari window classifies information about a person into four quadrants based on what is known to the person and others: open self, hidden self, blind spot, and unknown. Transactional analysis examines interactions in terms of ego states (parent, adult, child) and complementary versus crossed transactions. The goal with Johari windows and transactional analysis is to improve self-awareness and interpersonal relationships.
Industrial disputes act, 1947SMART LEARNING -SEE YOUR WORLD IN DIFFRENT WAY The document discusses key definitions and concepts from the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 in India, including definitions of industrial disputes, strikes, lock-outs, layoffs, and the machinery established under the Act for resolving disputes. It provides details on authorities like Works Committees, Conciliation Officers, Boards of Conciliation, Courts of Inquiry, Labour Courts, and Industrial Tribunals that are involved in conciliation and adjudication of disputes. It also explains provisions around illegal strikes and lockouts as well as disputes in public utility services.