Sp soft profile (15-may-2012)SP SOFTWARESP Software is an IT company established in 1995 that provides application development, maintenance, gaming, and mobile application services. It has over 400 employees and has experienced rapid growth, with revenues increasing from $5 million in 2007 to $15 million in 2011. The company aims to exceed customer expectations with quality and aims to provide integrated, cost-effective solutions. It has achieved several process certifications like CMMI Level 3, ISO 9001:2008, and ISO 27001:2005.
Regulamento concursoleituraconcelho ourem_aecobibliotecaoureanaEste documento descreve as regras e etapas de um concurso de leitura para alunos do 1o e 2o ciclos do ensino básico no município de Ourém. O concurso consiste em duas fases eliminatórias nas escolas e uma final municipal onde serão premiados os três primeiros colocados de cada escalão.
Montras com livros 2015bibliotecaoureanaO documento lista o nome de 38 lojas e estabelecimentos comerciais de uma cidade, incluindo livrarias, cafés, talhos, lojas de roupa, ourivesarias, farmácias e outros.
Matlab workshopمحمدعبد الحىThis document contains information about Mohamed Abd Elhay and his skills and experience with MATLAB. It provides an overview of MATLAB including its main components and applications. It describes the MATLAB development environment and some basic functions for vectors and matrices, plotting, conditional statements, and loops. It also lists some common MATLAB toolboxes for tasks like signal processing, neural networks, optimization, and more. It briefly introduces Simulink and discusses file types and GUIDE for building GUIs.
Day1محمدعبد الحىThis document provides an overview of embedded systems, including definitions, components, and applications. It discusses the main types of embedded processors like microprocessors, microcontrollers, and DSPs. It also covers embedded system memories, development process, real-time aspects, and commonly used programming languages like assembly and C. The document is intended as an introduction to embedded systems.
Project Reportharshit1991This document provides a summary of foreign direct investment (FDI) in retail in India. It discusses India's partial opening of the retail sector to FDI, allowing up to 51% FDI in single-brand retail but prohibiting FDI in multi-brand retail. It outlines the government's concerns about fully opening retail to FDI and the limitations of India's current retail setup in infrastructure and the dominance of intermediaries in the supply chain.
Unlocking funding opportunities finalsaqib_bsettlementThe document discusses a presentation given at Bournville College on unlocking funding opportunities for the third sector. It provides an overview of different funding streams such as social investment funds, grants from organizations like Big Lottery Fund, and an introduction to concepts of commissioning. The presentation advises organizations to diversify their services, funding sources, and commissioning relationships to be successful in applications. Support Solutions and Bournville College offer resources to help organizations strengthen their funding bids.
Atlas corporate profilemohd.isa abd.kadirATLAS Consulting & Services provides soft skills training and management services. It was founded in 2006 and has experienced steady growth. The company vision is to be committed to excellence and building long-term client relationships. The company offers customized training packages in areas such as leadership, communication, problem solving and customer service. It aims to help clients maximize learning and workplace application.
แบบโครงร่างโครงงานคอมพิวตอร์Lynnie1177The document provides guidance for teaching science to junior high school students. It discusses using social media projects to engage students, with examples of assigning them to create social media accounts to log and share their daily science observations over a period of time. Students are encouraged to include photos, videos and write blog posts explaining their observations. The document also lists 10 tips for using social media safely and responsibly in the classroom.
Hindavi Technologies ProfileonebhushanSoftware Development, Offshore Development Center, IT Consulting,Mobile Apps, Web Solutions
Fractales (1)cheliitaaLos fractales son dibujos geométricos generados por ordenador mediante programas como Apophysis que permiten crear formas complejas a partir de la repetición de patrones simples de manera recursiva.
BigalyticsChidambar KulkarniBigalytics is a social media analytics application that aims to help retailers identify customer buying patterns and preferences from social media to provide targeted promotions. A survey of retailers found some interest but also concerns about sharing customer data and the investment required. The hypothesis that retailers would be willing to share customer data from social networks and their databases to receive personalized offers was not fully validated. The idea is not being pursued further by the team.
Pdhpe slideshowRachel CarterPersonal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE) studies are an essential part of the primary school curriculum. PDHPE teaches students skills in coordination, sport, and guides their development while also combating issues like obesity, inactivity, and lowered safety levels. It covers five skills - moving, decision making, communicating, interacting, and problem solving - across strands like growth and development, games and sport, gymnastics, dance, and active lifestyle.
Kbox 101 1000 slidedavid_malmborgThis document provides instructions on how to use the asset module in KBOX 101 K1000 to manage organizational assets. It describes how to view computer details, create and edit asset types to customize asset information tracking, import asset data in bulk to update multiple assets simultaneously, relate asset features to each other, and set up software metering to monitor software usage across machines. The steps covered include selecting asset types, adding custom fields, importing asset information from a CSV file, assigning users to assets, creating smart labels for software, and configuring metering settings.
Montras com livrosbibliotecaoureanaO documento lista o nome de 38 lojas e estabelecimentos comerciais de uma cidade, incluindo livrarias, cafés, talhos, lojas de roupa, ourivesarias, farmácias e restaurantes.
Office 2010 migrationdavid_malmborgThis document discusses the challenges of migrating to Office 2010 and how the Dell KACE solution can help. The Dell KACE solution provides automated software inventory, asset management including license tracking, simplified software distribution, and automated reporting to aid in the Office 2010 migration process. It allows identification of hardware ready for the upgrade, removal of previous Office versions, installation of Office 2010, and monitoring software utilization for licensing.
แบบร่างคอมLynnie11771. The document discusses how to become a successful social media blogger through various tips and steps over 7 chapters.
2. It provides advice on choosing blogging platforms, creating compelling content, gaining followers, and maintaining engagement through regular posting.
3. The document concludes by listing additional online resources for bloggers to continue learning and improving their skills.
Project Reportharshit1991This document provides a summary of foreign direct investment (FDI) in retail in India. It discusses India's partial opening of the retail sector to FDI, allowing up to 51% FDI in single-brand retail but prohibiting FDI in multi-brand retail. It outlines the government's concerns about fully opening retail to FDI and the limitations of India's current retail setup in infrastructure and the dominance of intermediaries in the supply chain.
Unlocking funding opportunities finalsaqib_bsettlementThe document discusses a presentation given at Bournville College on unlocking funding opportunities for the third sector. It provides an overview of different funding streams such as social investment funds, grants from organizations like Big Lottery Fund, and an introduction to concepts of commissioning. The presentation advises organizations to diversify their services, funding sources, and commissioning relationships to be successful in applications. Support Solutions and Bournville College offer resources to help organizations strengthen their funding bids.
Atlas corporate profilemohd.isa abd.kadirATLAS Consulting & Services provides soft skills training and management services. It was founded in 2006 and has experienced steady growth. The company vision is to be committed to excellence and building long-term client relationships. The company offers customized training packages in areas such as leadership, communication, problem solving and customer service. It aims to help clients maximize learning and workplace application.
แบบโครงร่างโครงงานคอมพิวตอร์Lynnie1177The document provides guidance for teaching science to junior high school students. It discusses using social media projects to engage students, with examples of assigning them to create social media accounts to log and share their daily science observations over a period of time. Students are encouraged to include photos, videos and write blog posts explaining their observations. The document also lists 10 tips for using social media safely and responsibly in the classroom.
Hindavi Technologies ProfileonebhushanSoftware Development, Offshore Development Center, IT Consulting,Mobile Apps, Web Solutions
Fractales (1)cheliitaaLos fractales son dibujos geométricos generados por ordenador mediante programas como Apophysis que permiten crear formas complejas a partir de la repetición de patrones simples de manera recursiva.
BigalyticsChidambar KulkarniBigalytics is a social media analytics application that aims to help retailers identify customer buying patterns and preferences from social media to provide targeted promotions. A survey of retailers found some interest but also concerns about sharing customer data and the investment required. The hypothesis that retailers would be willing to share customer data from social networks and their databases to receive personalized offers was not fully validated. The idea is not being pursued further by the team.
Pdhpe slideshowRachel CarterPersonal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE) studies are an essential part of the primary school curriculum. PDHPE teaches students skills in coordination, sport, and guides their development while also combating issues like obesity, inactivity, and lowered safety levels. It covers five skills - moving, decision making, communicating, interacting, and problem solving - across strands like growth and development, games and sport, gymnastics, dance, and active lifestyle.
Kbox 101 1000 slidedavid_malmborgThis document provides instructions on how to use the asset module in KBOX 101 K1000 to manage organizational assets. It describes how to view computer details, create and edit asset types to customize asset information tracking, import asset data in bulk to update multiple assets simultaneously, relate asset features to each other, and set up software metering to monitor software usage across machines. The steps covered include selecting asset types, adding custom fields, importing asset information from a CSV file, assigning users to assets, creating smart labels for software, and configuring metering settings.
Montras com livrosbibliotecaoureanaO documento lista o nome de 38 lojas e estabelecimentos comerciais de uma cidade, incluindo livrarias, cafés, talhos, lojas de roupa, ourivesarias, farmácias e restaurantes.
Office 2010 migrationdavid_malmborgThis document discusses the challenges of migrating to Office 2010 and how the Dell KACE solution can help. The Dell KACE solution provides automated software inventory, asset management including license tracking, simplified software distribution, and automated reporting to aid in the Office 2010 migration process. It allows identification of hardware ready for the upgrade, removal of previous Office versions, installation of Office 2010, and monitoring software utilization for licensing.
แบบร่างคอมLynnie11771. The document discusses how to become a successful social media blogger through various tips and steps over 7 chapters.
2. It provides advice on choosing blogging platforms, creating compelling content, gaining followers, and maintaining engagement through regular posting.
3. The document concludes by listing additional online resources for bloggers to continue learning and improving their skills.