Drogas y terminosMedardo PeralvoLas drogas son sustancias que afectan el sistema nervioso central y pueden producir efectos lesivos a la salud y el comportamiento. Se clasifican en depresoras, estimulantes y alucinógenas. El alcohol es la droga legal más consumida y genera mayores problemas de salud y sociales. Otras drogas comunes son la cocaína, heroína y marihuana, cada una con efectos particulares y riesgos asociados a su consumo y dependencia.
Chapter 12 lecture outlineMacomb Community CollegeThis chapter discusses food safety and technology. It outlines the major causes of foodborne illness, which include viruses, bacteria, parasites, toxins, and fungi. Salmonella and norovirus are responsible for many cases of foodborne illness each year. The chapter also discusses methods for preventing foodborne illness, such as proper cleaning, separating foods to avoid cross-contamination, cooking foods thoroughly, and refrigerating foods at the proper temperatures. Additionally, it covers food preservation techniques including canning, pasteurization, and irradiation. The use of additives, genetic modification, pesticides, and antibiotics in food production is addressed, as well as their impact on food safety. Finally, the chapter looks at the rising food movement and
Chapter 10 lecture outlineMacomb Community CollegeThis chapter discusses the benefits of physical activity and nutrition for health. It outlines that physical activity increases fitness, reduces risks for chronic diseases, and many Americans are inactive. It recommends assessing fitness levels, setting goals, and engaging in consistent and varied physical activity, including warmups and cooldowns. The chapter also explains that carbohydrates, fats, and proteins provide energy for physical activity and outlines dietary recommendations for active individuals, including adequate hydration and nutrients. Finally, it discusses ergogenic aids that are purported to enhance performance but notes concerns about anabolic steroids and stimulants.
Chapter 9 lecture outlineMacomb Community CollegeThis document discusses achieving and maintaining a healthful body weight. It covers determining a healthy body weight using BMI and other measures of body composition. Factors that influence weight gain and loss are genetic, metabolic, physiological, cultural and social. Maintaining a healthy weight involves balancing calorie intake and expenditure through diet and exercise. The document also discusses risks of obesity, reasons people become obese, and treatment options. Disordered eating and eating disorders are also addressed.
Chapter 11 lecture outlineMacomb Community CollegeThe document discusses nutrition needs throughout the life cycle, from pregnancy and infancy to adolescence and older adulthood. Key points include that nutrition is important before and during pregnancy for fetal development; breastfeeding has benefits for infant health and immunity; toddlers and children experience growth spurts requiring adequate nutrients; adolescents need increased energy and nutrients due to growth; and older adults have decreased energy needs but increased risk of deficiencies due to aging.
Comunicación visuallachegonEl documento define la comunicación visual como la transmisión de mensajes gráficos que son captados por la vista, con el objetivo de comunicar. Explica que la comunicación implica un emisor, receptor, mensaje y canal, y puede verse afectada por interferencias. Además, destaca que para que haya comunicación efectiva se requiere de retroalimentación entre emisor y receptor.
La inteligencia artificialBojidar1312Este documento resume la vida y logros de Alan Turing, conocido como uno de los padres de la ciencia de la computación. Explica que Turing creó la máquina de Turing y el test de Turing, y que ayudó a descifrar códigos durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial usando la máquina bombe. Además, brinda detalles sobre el test de Turing y cómo este ha influenciado el campo de la inteligencia artificial.