Mini lessonicicchiniHomonyms are words that sound the same but have different meanings, such as "pear" and "pair". Homographs are words that are spelled the same but have different meanings, such as "fair" meaning a county fair or reasonable. Examples of homonyms include "sell" and "cell" while examples of homographs include "fair" and "lie". Homonyms and homographs can be confusing but learning the differences in meanings is important.
Hpc5 head prefect election slides (1) teerathRuthNg82Teerath Singh is a P5 student who enjoys all subjects and his duties as a gate prefect. He is involved in the robotics and innovations club and loves sports. He wants to be head prefect to follow the example of previous leaders and do his best for the school. Teerath sees opportunities for improvement in students showing more kindness and respect to each other and keeping the school cleaner by properly disposing of litter. His solutions include respectfully addressing unkind peers, getting help from adults if needed, and making an effort to throw away rubbish.
Text message convojessandamyJess and Amy discussed costumes and meeting times with an actor to shoot part of their music video over text messages. They showed the importance of communication when working in groups through their planning. The conversation covered costumes, meeting times with an actor, and planning for shooting part of a music video.
Hpc4 prefect hall presentation_tan_kunshengRuthNg82Tan Kun Sheng is part of the AVA crew at his school and lives with his family of five. His hobbies include playing soccer with friends, basketball with his brother, and reading fiction books. He participated in the 2013 Okto Cup with friends and won the Edusave Awards. He aims to do his best, share ideas with juniors, stay focused, be a good role model, and find solutions to improve the school. He wants to promote cleanliness and responsibility by setting up booths and creating posters to discourage littering.
Planning for shooting (19th november)jessandamyJess and Amy discussed costumes and meeting times with an actor to shoot part of their music video over text messages. They showed the importance of communication when working in groups through their planning. The conversation covered costumes, meeting times with an actor, and planning for shooting part of a music video.
Romeo and juliet exampleicicchiniRomeo and Juliet is about two young lovers from feuding families in Verona, Italy. Despite their families' long-running feud, Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet fall in love at first sight. Their love is tragically cut short when both end up committing suicide after a series of misunderstandings drives them apart.
Animaciones informaticaAgosvillaLa pandemia de COVID-19 ha tenido un impacto significativo en la economía mundial. Muchos países experimentaron fuertes caídas en el PIB y aumentos en el desempleo debido a los cierres generalizados. Ahora, a medida que se levantan las restricciones, la recuperación económica será gradual a medida que los consumidores y las empresas se readaptan a la nueva normalidad.
Romeo and juliet exampleicicchiniRomeo and Juliet is about two young lovers from feuding families in Verona, Italy. Despite their families' long-running feud, Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet fall in love at first sight. Their love is tragically cut short when both end up committing suicide after a series of misunderstandings drives them apart.
Animaciones informaticaAgosvillaLa pandemia de COVID-19 ha tenido un impacto significativo en la economía mundial. Muchos países experimentaron fuertes caídas en el PIB y aumentos en el desempleo debido a los cierres generalizados. Ahora, a medida que se levantan las restricciones, la recuperación económica será gradual a medida que los consumidores y las empresas se readaptan a la nueva normalidad.