[Book] National Cybersecurity Strategy by Dr.Settapong Malisuwan,เศรษฐพงค์ มะ...www.nbtc.go.thCybersecurity Strategy
A Guideline and Reccommentdations
September 2015
by settapong Malisuwan
โดย พ.อ.ดร.เศรษฐพงค์ มะลิสุวรรณ
ประธานกรรมการกิจการโทรคมนาคม /รองประธาน กสทช.
ปัญหาด้าȨารศึกษา2bo2536The document discusses Thailand's ranking in the World Economic Forum's Global Competitiveness Report for 2012-2013. It mentions Thailand's ranking in higher education and training, technological readiness, market size, and business sophistication. It also discusses labor issues and education reform efforts regarding the social contract between educational institutions and society.
6 พัชรินทร์ ไม้เกตุ ปัญหาการพนันบอลbo25361. The document discusses pathological gambling and notes that 1-2% of people experience it, with men more likely than women. Symptoms include lying about gambling and chasing losses.
2. Pathological gambling is linked to changes in the brain's pleasure and reward system, particularly the amygdala. It can become an addiction similar to drug and alcohol addiction.
3. Treatment options include cognitive behavioral therapy and support groups. The goal is to change thinking and behavior around gambling.
ปัญหาด้าȨารศึกษา2bo2536The document discusses Thailand's ranking in the World Economic Forum's Global Competitiveness Report for 2012-2013. It mentions Thailand's ranking in higher education and training, technological readiness, market size, and business sophistication. It also discusses labor issues and education reform efforts regarding the social contract between educational institutions and society.
6 พัชรินทร์ ไม้เกตุ ปัญหาการพนันบอลbo25361. The document discusses pathological gambling and notes that 1-2% of people experience it, with men more likely than women. Symptoms include lying about gambling and chasing losses.
2. Pathological gambling is linked to changes in the brain's pleasure and reward system, particularly the amygdala. It can become an addiction similar to drug and alcohol addiction.
3. Treatment options include cognitive behavioral therapy and support groups. The goal is to change thinking and behavior around gambling.