“This circuit is wrong!” - about learning technology by 3rd grad elementary girlJi LeeHannah Kim is a third grade student who enjoys learning technology through making projects with her mother. Some of Hannah's projects include a lullaby cloud using PicoCricket, an ear folding rabbit using a switch, and an octopus quiz using a parallel circuit. Hannah has also learned robotics through Mindstorms and programming through Scratch. She encourages other children to learn technology by making projects with their families instead of just playing games on devices.
Editorial Design 2014_2EnableKorea,MoneyQThe document appears to be a design for an editorial project containing contents, experimental books, posters, and wiki books. It includes repeated sections with the names of the contents and their order. Contact information is listed at the end for Moon Jeong Yoon, including an email address and telephone number.
Barbie from Wikipedia EnableKorea,MoneyQThis document appears to be a wiki book created by Moon Jeong Yoon about the design of Barbie. It contains information found on the Wikipedia page about Barbie that was edited by the author. The wiki book has a cover page and several blank internal pages, and provides the author's email and phone number at the end.
고속도로 휴계소 음식 정보디자인Ji Lee막히는 주말 여행길 뭘 먹을까?
고속도로 휴계소 음식 정보와 주말나들이 정체정보, 지역 축제 정보를 이용한 정보디자인
2013 Open OASIS 공모전 최우수상 수상작
(c) 2013 CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 본 공공정보시각화 결과물은 OpneOASIS 공모전에서 진행되었으며 한국도로공사의 자료제공과 교통정보통합활용지원센터의 기술지원에 의하여 숙명여자대학교 시각영상디자인학과 정영옥, 강서현, 최예린(지도교수 이지선) 정보디자인으로 이루어졌습니다.
facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/infographics.smvd
[TechDIY.org]The workbook of "Woops! Robot"(Korean) Ji LeeThe D.I.Y. (Do It Yourself) technologies project for women, Tech DIY, involves a holistic process of mothers and daughters learning electronics together and sharing this with others. With the Tech DIY kit, mothers will have a good time with their children. It will offer alternative views of how mothers and their children relate to technology. Children will see that women can understand and be creative with technology.
A3 체험북 웁스로봇(중철용)
병렬연결을 가르치는 웁스로봇입니다. 배꼽에 손을 대면 불이 들어옵니다. A3 앞뒤로 프린트하는 중철용으로 페이지 순서를 구성해 놓아서 헷갈리실수 있습니다. 추후에 페이지 순서대로 업데이트 하겠습니다.
4페이지와 5페이지와 프린트해서 쓰셔도 좋을것 같습니다.
SELECTSTAR.ai Brand Design_Jeong Yoon MoonEnableKorea,MoneyQ어둠속에서 빛나는 블루, 레드에 섞인 다양한 컬러와 중첩된 도형은, AI를 만드는 데 필요한 수많은 데이터를 상징합니다.
AI를 만드는 일에서 출발한 셀렉트스타의 사업이 세상을 바꾸는 빛이 되는 모습을 상징합니다.
Editorial Design 2014_2EnableKorea,MoneyQThe document appears to be a design for an editorial project containing contents, experimental books, posters, and wiki books. It includes repeated sections with the names of the contents and their order. Contact information is listed at the end for Moon Jeong Yoon, including an email address and telephone number.
Barbie from Wikipedia EnableKorea,MoneyQThis document appears to be a wiki book created by Moon Jeong Yoon about the design of Barbie. It contains information found on the Wikipedia page about Barbie that was edited by the author. The wiki book has a cover page and several blank internal pages, and provides the author's email and phone number at the end.
고속도로 휴계소 음식 정보디자인Ji Lee막히는 주말 여행길 뭘 먹을까?
고속도로 휴계소 음식 정보와 주말나들이 정체정보, 지역 축제 정보를 이용한 정보디자인
2013 Open OASIS 공모전 최우수상 수상작
(c) 2013 CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 본 공공정보시각화 결과물은 OpneOASIS 공모전에서 진행되었으며 한국도로공사의 자료제공과 교통정보통합활용지원센터의 기술지원에 의하여 숙명여자대학교 시각영상디자인학과 정영옥, 강서현, 최예린(지도교수 이지선) 정보디자인으로 이루어졌습니다.
facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/infographics.smvd
[TechDIY.org]The workbook of "Woops! Robot"(Korean) Ji LeeThe D.I.Y. (Do It Yourself) technologies project for women, Tech DIY, involves a holistic process of mothers and daughters learning electronics together and sharing this with others. With the Tech DIY kit, mothers will have a good time with their children. It will offer alternative views of how mothers and their children relate to technology. Children will see that women can understand and be creative with technology.
A3 체험북 웁스로봇(중철용)
병렬연결을 가르치는 웁스로봇입니다. 배꼽에 손을 대면 불이 들어옵니다. A3 앞뒤로 프린트하는 중철용으로 페이지 순서를 구성해 놓아서 헷갈리실수 있습니다. 추후에 페이지 순서대로 업데이트 하겠습니다.
4페이지와 5페이지와 프린트해서 쓰셔도 좋을것 같습니다.
SELECTSTAR.ai Brand Design_Jeong Yoon MoonEnableKorea,MoneyQ어둠속에서 빛나는 블루, 레드에 섞인 다양한 컬러와 중첩된 도형은, AI를 만드는 데 필요한 수많은 데이터를 상징합니다.
AI를 만드는 일에서 출발한 셀렉트스타의 사업이 세상을 바꾸는 빛이 되는 모습을 상징합니다.
Lubby Dubby Dolls _ User ManualEnableKorea,MoneyQThe document provides instructions for using the Lubby Dubby Tokki doll. It includes details on the doll's components, how to record a mother's heartbeat using the included soundbox and microphone, instructions for playback and care, battery information, and limited warranty details. The goal is to help babies sleep by providing the comforting sound of their mother's heartbeat.
Barbie EnableKorea,MoneyQThis document appears to be a wiki book created by Moon Jeong Yoon about the design of Barbie. It contains information found on the Wikipedia page about Barbie that was edited by the author. The wiki book has a cover page and several blank internal pages, and provides the author's email and phone number at the end.
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