This document discusses a flatness-based cascade control system for an automatic clutch. The system uses an actuator to position the clutch bearing instead of a clutch pedal.
The system is modeled with two subsystems: 1) a low-level actuator model describing the motor dynamics and 2) a high-level vehicle model relating clutch position to vehicle speed. This model is differentially flat with vehicle speed as the flat output.
A cascade control approach is proposed using this structure. A reference trajectory for vehicle speed is generated based on driver inputs. This is used to compute reference trajectories for clutch position and actuator current via flatness. A feedback controller tracks these references while maintaining the cascade structure for robustness.
Este documento trata sobre la historia y evolucin de la tecnologa educativa. Explica que la tecnologa educativa se origin en la antigedad cuando los antiguos pobladores usaban smbolos y se?ales para comunicarse, y que hoy en da se implementa a travs de herramientas como imgenes, voz y video. Tambin describe la fuerte influencia del desarrollo tecnolgico en la sociedad postmoderna y cmo la tecnologa puede usarse para construir realidades e imgenes del ser humano y la sociedad
14 Stats That Will Convince You to Make Social Advertising a Big Part of Your...OrionCKB
Its tough to ignore the buzz about the ROI some brands are seeing from social media advertising. Better ad automation tools and more sophisticated methods of measuring success are giving companies who seize the opportunity the ability to see impressive returns on direct response campaigns.
Ask our sales team C the concept of advertising on Facebook is not a hard sell anymore.
But the truth is that it can still be undervalued, particularly by advertisers who rely solely on last click attribution: Its often not thought of as the last thing you do before you buy.
Although social media advertising can be the start of your customers purchase journey, especially with a strong acquisition and retargeting strategy, its not always the last click or historically how direct response has played a role. Social still doesnt get the majority share of most direct response campaign budgets even though theres no denying it plays an influential part.
To experience significant social media advertising ROI, you have to do more than just dip a toe in. The following stats should help convince you that you should be allocating a significant portion of your budget to social.
When you're ready to make social media advertising a big piece of your strategy, we can help:
This document outlines the first session of "The Art of Jazz" which aims to transform one's ability to experience and enjoy jazz. It does so through listening, discussion, exploring the history and key players, styles, elements, and discovery. The session provides background on the origins of jazz in New Orleans from the blending of ethnicities and music forms. It discusses early influences like ragtime, the blues, and the pivotal role of Louis Armstrong in inventing and advancing the jazz language.
Actividad 13 La fundamentacin de la Participacin de los PadresPoncho Romero
Este documento discute la importancia de la participacin de los padres en la educacin de acuerdo con la ley general de educacin mexicana. Explica el contexto histrico legal de la participacin de los padres y propone varias estrategias para incorporar a los padres en el trabajo escolar, como mantener una comunicacin efectiva, ofrecer talleres para padres y tareas que requieren la participacin de toda la familia. Concluye que la participacin social es fundamental para proporcionar una buena formacin a los estudiantes y que los maestros y padres deb
El documento presenta una breve historia de la tecnologa educativa desde la antigedad hasta la actualidad, cuando se utilizan herramientas tecnolgicas como imgenes, voz y video. Luego discute la relacin entre el cambio social y el desarrollo tecnolgico, y cmo la tecnologa influye en la sociedad postmoderna. Finalmente, habla sobre la evolucin del dise?o de medios y software educativos para hacerlos ms interactivos y didcticos.
Este documento describe la experiencia de crear un blog como parte de un curso de posgrado sobre gestin de ambientes de aprendizaje. El autor cre un blog titulado "?Cualquiera puede ser maestro?" para compartir sus opiniones sobre este tema polmico. El blog ofrece ventajas como facilidad de uso y posicionamiento en buscadores, pero el autor prefiere sitios web que permiten mayor interactividad. El blog puede usarse con fines educativos, por ejemplo, para que estudiantes compartan ideas o como repositorio de recursos para la cl
The ruling coalition parties Civic Platform and Polish Peasants Party emerged as winners of Poland's local elections in November 2014, controlling 15 of 16 regional assemblies. Civic Platform candidates won many of the major city mayoral run-off votes against Law and Justice candidates. However, Civic Platform saw its worst results since 2005 and narrower margins of victory, suggesting potential turnover in the 2018 local elections. The Polish Peasants Party made the biggest gains, positioning itself as a party that can be relied on by small business owners at the local level.
Este documento describe las caractersticas principales de las presentaciones de PowerPoint. Explica que una presentacin consiste en diapositivas individuales sobre un tema comn y que se utilizan comnmente para reuniones, entrenamientos, teleconferencias y clases. Tambin describe los diferentes tipos de contenido que se pueden incluir en las diapositivas como texto, imgenes, tablas y grficos.
This presentation discusses an internship experience, including why the intern chose to do an internship, how they obtained the position, what tasks they performed, and what skills they learned. It covers topics like candidate sourcing, interview skills, business etiquette, event organization, and presentations. The overall message is that accomplishing goals starts with the decision to try.
9 Reasons You Should Advertise on Instagram ASAPOrionCKB
This document outlines 9 reasons why businesses should advertise on Instagram. It explains that Instagram advertising can significantly increase key metrics like sales, app usage, and website traffic. It also notes that Instagram has a large global audience, including many teens and young adults, and that its advertising formats are effective for direct response goals. Instagram advertising can be tested and optimized using Facebook's targeting and measurement tools.
This document discusses advanced analytics and big data in healthcare. It notes that while there is a large amount of healthcare data being generated, less than 10% of organizations are focusing on analytics. It then covers various big data techniques that can be used like predictive modeling, data mining, and text analytics. Examples are given around using analytics for quality of care, coordination of care, customer service, and other areas. The document concludes by discussing limitations, implementation considerations, and providing recommendations for different stakeholders in healthcare around priorities for using big data and analytics.
The ruling coalition parties Civic Platform and Polish Peasants Party emerged as winners of Poland's local elections in November 2014, controlling 15 of 16 regional assemblies. Civic Platform candidates won many of the major city mayoral run-off votes against Law and Justice candidates. However, Civic Platform saw its worst results since 2005 and narrower margins of victory, suggesting potential turnover in the 2018 local elections. The Polish Peasants Party made the biggest gains, positioning itself as a party that can be relied on by small business owners at the local level.
Este documento describe las caractersticas principales de las presentaciones de PowerPoint. Explica que una presentacin consiste en diapositivas individuales sobre un tema comn y que se utilizan comnmente para reuniones, entrenamientos, teleconferencias y clases. Tambin describe los diferentes tipos de contenido que se pueden incluir en las diapositivas como texto, imgenes, tablas y grficos.
This presentation discusses an internship experience, including why the intern chose to do an internship, how they obtained the position, what tasks they performed, and what skills they learned. It covers topics like candidate sourcing, interview skills, business etiquette, event organization, and presentations. The overall message is that accomplishing goals starts with the decision to try.
9 Reasons You Should Advertise on Instagram ASAPOrionCKB
This document outlines 9 reasons why businesses should advertise on Instagram. It explains that Instagram advertising can significantly increase key metrics like sales, app usage, and website traffic. It also notes that Instagram has a large global audience, including many teens and young adults, and that its advertising formats are effective for direct response goals. Instagram advertising can be tested and optimized using Facebook's targeting and measurement tools.
This document discusses advanced analytics and big data in healthcare. It notes that while there is a large amount of healthcare data being generated, less than 10% of organizations are focusing on analytics. It then covers various big data techniques that can be used like predictive modeling, data mining, and text analytics. Examples are given around using analytics for quality of care, coordination of care, customer service, and other areas. The document concludes by discussing limitations, implementation considerations, and providing recommendations for different stakeholders in healthcare around priorities for using big data and analytics.