Proud to be polyglotTugdual GrallNew developers and teams are now polyglot :
- they use multiple programming languages (Java, Javascript, Ruby, ...)
- they use multiple persistence store (RDBMS, NoSQL, Hadoop)
In this talk you will learn about the benefits if being polyglot: use the good language or framework for the good cause, select the good persistence for specific constraints.
This presentation will show how developer could mix the Java platform with other technologies such as NodeJS and AngularJS to build application in a more productive way. This is also the opportunity to talk about the new Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) pattern to allow developers to be more effective and deliver the proper application to the user quicker.
This presentation was delivered during Devfest Nantes 2014
Fin200.wk2 check pointfinancialratios_davidfDavid FryouxGoodYear Company's profitability ratios show a profit margin of 8.4%, return on assets of 22.1%, and return on equity of 35%. Its assets utilization ratios include a receivables turnover of 16.66% and average collection period of 21.6 days. GoodYear's liquidity ratios are a current ratio of 3.36% and quick ratio of 1.72%, and its debt utilization ratios show a debt to total assets ratio of 36.84% and times interest earned of 15%.
My updated CVStKingsley UzoaruUzoaru St. Kingsley Iroegu is a Nigerian national with over 10 years of experience in executive assistance, human resources, administration, competitive bidding, customer relationship management, and research. He has expertise in areas such as investment/corporate due diligence, business development, proposal writing, and executive management consultancy. Kingsley holds a B.A. in History and International Relations from Lagos State University and has worked in roles such as Office Manager, Personal Assistant to the MD, HR/Admin Manager, and Secretary of Bids & Tenders.
Роман Петров - юнит-тестирование мобильных приложений на примере платформы iOSProvectusРоман Петров - юнит-тестирование мобильных приложений на примере платформы iOS
вольфсон борис - кайзен процесс непрерывного совершенствованияMagneta AIВажным свойством Scrum’а является встроенный механизм самосовершенствования процесса. В докладе будет рассказано, как адаптировать и использовать классические инструменты кайзена для увеличения скорости команды, уменьшения количества дефектов и решения различного рода проблем. В докладе будут рассмотрены следующие инструменты: построение карты потока создания стоимости (Value Stream Mapping), пять «почему», дерево дефектов, Root cause analysis, диаграмма Исикавы, контрольные карты Шухарта, диаграмма Парето.
Ficha 2 de 3º MúsicamusicalarraEste documento proporciona instrucciones para estudiantes sobre cómo leer y escribir música en el pentagrama, incluyendo cómo identificar las líneas y espacios, convertir figuras de redonda a negra, y completar una tabla con figuras y silencios musicales. También resume brevemente las biografías de dos compositores famosos, Mozart y Vivaldi.
Final Year Thesis.PDFOmer FarooqiThis document presents a project report on the design of a sulfur recovery unit (SRU) using the Claus process to produce 80 tons of elemental sulfur per day from natural gas. The report includes an introduction to natural gas processing and sweetening, an overview of sulfur recovery methods with a focus on the Claus process, material and energy balances across the SRU equipment, and designs for major units like the reaction furnace, reactors, condensers, and heat exchangers. Other sections address instrumentation and control, piping, cost estimation, safety considerations, and construction materials for refractory lining. The goal of the project is to design an economically feasible SRU for natural gas wells in Pakistan using the most suitable Claus process.
UnmardelendasiesasoreyEscolma das principais lendas e personaxes da mitoloxía galega arredor do mar
Textos de estudiantes de tercer grado de secundaria (Albert Sofia)lissetteperez30Textos de estudiantes de tercer grado de secundaria, Módulo de educación ambiental “Ecosistema de manglar y tortugas marinas”. Todas las imágenes y textos fueron elaborados en el contexto de la práctica de campo al Parque Nacional Lagunas de Chacahua. Oaxaca, realizada en el mes de abril del año 2013
Pam oce-13escuelatecnica12El documento presenta el proyecto de diseño y construcción de un potabilizador de agua marina autónomo y económico. El proyecto surgió de conversaciones con oficiales de la marina estadounidense sobre la necesidad de mejorar los métodos existentes. El potabilizador utiliza un sistema de hidrólisis y destilación para desalinizar el agua, y un generador eólico para proveer energía de forma autónoma. Se construyó un prototipo funcional para probar el diseño y obtener datos que permitan proyectar un equipo
Babatunde Ladeinde dissertationBabatunde LadeindeThis dissertation examines differences in preparedness and practice between teaching assistants (TAs) in primary schools versus special schools. 22 TAs completed daily time logs tracking their preparation activities. 10 TAs (5 from each school type) were then observed during lessons, coding their support every 10 seconds. Results found that while both TAs engaged similarly in sharing feedback with teachers, special school TAs engaged in more overall preparation. Both TAs provided high-level support frequently and low-level support rarely during lessons, with no significant differences. No link was found between preparation measures and classroom practice. Organizational differences between school types may explain differences in preparation, while pupils received support tailored to their needs in both settings.
muzi projectMuzimkhulu NgwenyaThis document presents a project report on developing a composite mixture adsorbent product from fly ash and used tire rubber for treating industrial and environmental pollution in Zimbabwe. The report includes an introduction outlining the background, aims, objectives and significance of the project. It also provides a literature review on environmental pollution, waste contaminants, effluent treatment technologies, and adsorption properties of materials like fly ash and tire rubber. The methodology section describes the experimental design and procedures used to prepare the adsorbent and test its ability to adsorb heavy metals, dyes and other pollutants. Results are then presented and analyzed in chapter 4, followed by conclusions and recommendations in chapter 5. Pictures of the experiments are also included
UCMC Annual Report 2020UAReformsThe document is the 2020 annual report of the Ukraine Crisis Media Center (UCMC). It summarizes the organization's activities and accomplishments in 2020, a challenging year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The UCMC adapted its work to online formats, hosting over 325 events and engaging over 50,000 people. It provided a platform to strengthen communications and share reliable information with citizens of Ukraine and abroad. The UCMC aims to promote an independent, democratic Ukraine that is integrated into Europe through strategic communications.
Russia's military aggression against Ukraine 21/08UAReformsAccording to a weekly update from the spokesperson for Ukraine's Ministry of Defense, Russia violated the ceasefire with Ukraine over 60 times by heavily shelling positions along the contact line. Russia also supplied its militant proxies in eastern Ukraine with 360 tons of fuel, 90 tons of ammunition, 3 T-72 tanks, and a multiple rocket launcher system. Ukrainian forces reported 30 enemy militants killed, 51 wounded, and the destruction of vehicles and weapons, while 1 Ukrainian soldier was killed and 27 wounded.
Russia's military aggression against Ukraine 31/07 UAReformsAccording to a weekly update from the MOD Spokesperson, Russia-backed militants violated the ceasefire over 100 times with heavy arms, resulting in 2 Ukrainian soldiers killed and 23 wounded, while 20 militants were killed and 31 wounded. Civilian casualties included 2 wounded male civilians, and damaged civilian buildings were a power line, private home, and school building.
"Грудневий тендерний базар": зловживання під час допорогових закупівельUAReformsПрезентація, оприлюднена на прес-конференції громадського активіста Олексія Тамразова та Гліба Канєвського, керівника відділу протидії корупції Центру «Ейдос» в Українському кризовому медіа-центрі 10 січня 2017 року
MoD Spox December 26, 2016UAReformsThe document provides a weekly update on Russia's military aggression against Ukraine from December 18-25. It summarizes key events including:
- Fighting at the Svitlodarsk bulge with a total of 245 ceasefire violations by Russian-backed militants across three sectors.
- 12 episodes of enemy drone activity. Russia supplied 950 tons of fuel and military equipment including weapons, hardware, and 300 personnel to proxy forces.
- Ukrainian forces suffered 6 killed and 51 wounded while 18 enemy fighters were killed and 38 wounded.
- 9 civilian and 5 residential buildings were damaged along with other infrastructure like a police car and gas/power lines. Ukrainian officers provided humanitarian aid and helped fix infrastructure.
MoD Spox December 20, 2016UAReformsRussia continues to violate ceasefires and support militant forces in eastern Ukraine with military supplies and sophisticated weapons testing. Over the past week, Russia-backed militants conducted over 200 ceasefire violations including shelling with heavy arms across the Luhansk, Donetsk, and Mariupol sectors, resulting in combat casualties among Ukrainian forces and damage to civilian infrastructure. Despite the ongoing conflict, Ukraine provides humanitarian aid to over 18,000 residents left without power by the violence.
MoD Spox December 12, 2016UAReformsThe spokesperson provided a weekly update on Russia's ongoing military aggression against Ukraine from December 5-11. Key details include over 400 instances of ceasefire violations by Russian-backed militants, including shelling with heavy arms that resulted in civilian and military casualties for Ukraine. Russia also supplied tanks, rocket launchers, ammunition, and fuel to the proxy forces during this period.
MoD Spox December 5, 2016UAReformsAccording to a weekly update from the spokesperson for Ukraine's Ministry of Defense, Russia-backed militants violated the ceasefire over 200 times from November 28th to December 4th, shelling Ukrainian forces with heavy arms and conducting aerial drone reconnaissance flights, while also supplying the militants with 1,400 tons of fuel. The update also reported the losses of Russian-backed militants and Ukrainian forces, as well as civilian casualties and damages to infrastructure in the conflict zone during that period.
MoD Spox November 28, 2016UAReformsThe spokesperson provided a weekly update on Russia's ongoing military aggression against Ukraine from November 21-27, including statistics on ceasefire violations by Russian-backed militants along the contact line, drone activity supporting separatist forces, military supplies delivered from Russia, combat casualties and losses among Ukrainian forces and separatists, civilian casualties and damages, and humanitarian aid delivered. The update noted over 300 ceasefire violations along the contact line, including shelling with heavy arms, and drone surveillance missions conducted in support of separatist forces.
Роман Петров - юнит-тестирование мобильных приложений на примере платформы iOSProvectusРоман Петров - юнит-тестирование мобильных приложений на примере платформы iOS
вольфсон борис - кайзен процесс непрерывного совершенствованияMagneta AIВажным свойством Scrum’а является встроенный механизм самосовершенствования процесса. В докладе будет рассказано, как адаптировать и использовать классические инструменты кайзена для увеличения скорости команды, уменьшения количества дефектов и решения различного рода проблем. В докладе будут рассмотрены следующие инструменты: построение карты потока создания стоимости (Value Stream Mapping), пять «почему», дерево дефектов, Root cause analysis, диаграмма Исикавы, контрольные карты Шухарта, диаграмма Парето.
Ficha 2 de 3º MúsicamusicalarraEste documento proporciona instrucciones para estudiantes sobre cómo leer y escribir música en el pentagrama, incluyendo cómo identificar las líneas y espacios, convertir figuras de redonda a negra, y completar una tabla con figuras y silencios musicales. También resume brevemente las biografías de dos compositores famosos, Mozart y Vivaldi.
Final Year Thesis.PDFOmer FarooqiThis document presents a project report on the design of a sulfur recovery unit (SRU) using the Claus process to produce 80 tons of elemental sulfur per day from natural gas. The report includes an introduction to natural gas processing and sweetening, an overview of sulfur recovery methods with a focus on the Claus process, material and energy balances across the SRU equipment, and designs for major units like the reaction furnace, reactors, condensers, and heat exchangers. Other sections address instrumentation and control, piping, cost estimation, safety considerations, and construction materials for refractory lining. The goal of the project is to design an economically feasible SRU for natural gas wells in Pakistan using the most suitable Claus process.
UnmardelendasiesasoreyEscolma das principais lendas e personaxes da mitoloxía galega arredor do mar
Textos de estudiantes de tercer grado de secundaria (Albert Sofia)lissetteperez30Textos de estudiantes de tercer grado de secundaria, Módulo de educación ambiental “Ecosistema de manglar y tortugas marinas”. Todas las imágenes y textos fueron elaborados en el contexto de la práctica de campo al Parque Nacional Lagunas de Chacahua. Oaxaca, realizada en el mes de abril del año 2013
Pam oce-13escuelatecnica12El documento presenta el proyecto de diseño y construcción de un potabilizador de agua marina autónomo y económico. El proyecto surgió de conversaciones con oficiales de la marina estadounidense sobre la necesidad de mejorar los métodos existentes. El potabilizador utiliza un sistema de hidrólisis y destilación para desalinizar el agua, y un generador eólico para proveer energía de forma autónoma. Se construyó un prototipo funcional para probar el diseño y obtener datos que permitan proyectar un equipo
Babatunde Ladeinde dissertationBabatunde LadeindeThis dissertation examines differences in preparedness and practice between teaching assistants (TAs) in primary schools versus special schools. 22 TAs completed daily time logs tracking their preparation activities. 10 TAs (5 from each school type) were then observed during lessons, coding their support every 10 seconds. Results found that while both TAs engaged similarly in sharing feedback with teachers, special school TAs engaged in more overall preparation. Both TAs provided high-level support frequently and low-level support rarely during lessons, with no significant differences. No link was found between preparation measures and classroom practice. Organizational differences between school types may explain differences in preparation, while pupils received support tailored to their needs in both settings.
muzi projectMuzimkhulu NgwenyaThis document presents a project report on developing a composite mixture adsorbent product from fly ash and used tire rubber for treating industrial and environmental pollution in Zimbabwe. The report includes an introduction outlining the background, aims, objectives and significance of the project. It also provides a literature review on environmental pollution, waste contaminants, effluent treatment technologies, and adsorption properties of materials like fly ash and tire rubber. The methodology section describes the experimental design and procedures used to prepare the adsorbent and test its ability to adsorb heavy metals, dyes and other pollutants. Results are then presented and analyzed in chapter 4, followed by conclusions and recommendations in chapter 5. Pictures of the experiments are also included
UCMC Annual Report 2020UAReformsThe document is the 2020 annual report of the Ukraine Crisis Media Center (UCMC). It summarizes the organization's activities and accomplishments in 2020, a challenging year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The UCMC adapted its work to online formats, hosting over 325 events and engaging over 50,000 people. It provided a platform to strengthen communications and share reliable information with citizens of Ukraine and abroad. The UCMC aims to promote an independent, democratic Ukraine that is integrated into Europe through strategic communications.
Russia's military aggression against Ukraine 21/08UAReformsAccording to a weekly update from the spokesperson for Ukraine's Ministry of Defense, Russia violated the ceasefire with Ukraine over 60 times by heavily shelling positions along the contact line. Russia also supplied its militant proxies in eastern Ukraine with 360 tons of fuel, 90 tons of ammunition, 3 T-72 tanks, and a multiple rocket launcher system. Ukrainian forces reported 30 enemy militants killed, 51 wounded, and the destruction of vehicles and weapons, while 1 Ukrainian soldier was killed and 27 wounded.
Russia's military aggression against Ukraine 31/07 UAReformsAccording to a weekly update from the MOD Spokesperson, Russia-backed militants violated the ceasefire over 100 times with heavy arms, resulting in 2 Ukrainian soldiers killed and 23 wounded, while 20 militants were killed and 31 wounded. Civilian casualties included 2 wounded male civilians, and damaged civilian buildings were a power line, private home, and school building.
"Грудневий тендерний базар": зловживання під час допорогових закупівельUAReformsПрезентація, оприлюднена на прес-конференції громадського активіста Олексія Тамразова та Гліба Канєвського, керівника відділу протидії корупції Центру «Ейдос» в Українському кризовому медіа-центрі 10 січня 2017 року
MoD Spox December 26, 2016UAReformsThe document provides a weekly update on Russia's military aggression against Ukraine from December 18-25. It summarizes key events including:
- Fighting at the Svitlodarsk bulge with a total of 245 ceasefire violations by Russian-backed militants across three sectors.
- 12 episodes of enemy drone activity. Russia supplied 950 tons of fuel and military equipment including weapons, hardware, and 300 personnel to proxy forces.
- Ukrainian forces suffered 6 killed and 51 wounded while 18 enemy fighters were killed and 38 wounded.
- 9 civilian and 5 residential buildings were damaged along with other infrastructure like a police car and gas/power lines. Ukrainian officers provided humanitarian aid and helped fix infrastructure.
MoD Spox December 20, 2016UAReformsRussia continues to violate ceasefires and support militant forces in eastern Ukraine with military supplies and sophisticated weapons testing. Over the past week, Russia-backed militants conducted over 200 ceasefire violations including shelling with heavy arms across the Luhansk, Donetsk, and Mariupol sectors, resulting in combat casualties among Ukrainian forces and damage to civilian infrastructure. Despite the ongoing conflict, Ukraine provides humanitarian aid to over 18,000 residents left without power by the violence.
MoD Spox December 12, 2016UAReformsThe spokesperson provided a weekly update on Russia's ongoing military aggression against Ukraine from December 5-11. Key details include over 400 instances of ceasefire violations by Russian-backed militants, including shelling with heavy arms that resulted in civilian and military casualties for Ukraine. Russia also supplied tanks, rocket launchers, ammunition, and fuel to the proxy forces during this period.
MoD Spox December 5, 2016UAReformsAccording to a weekly update from the spokesperson for Ukraine's Ministry of Defense, Russia-backed militants violated the ceasefire over 200 times from November 28th to December 4th, shelling Ukrainian forces with heavy arms and conducting aerial drone reconnaissance flights, while also supplying the militants with 1,400 tons of fuel. The update also reported the losses of Russian-backed militants and Ukrainian forces, as well as civilian casualties and damages to infrastructure in the conflict zone during that period.
MoD Spox November 28, 2016UAReformsThe spokesperson provided a weekly update on Russia's ongoing military aggression against Ukraine from November 21-27, including statistics on ceasefire violations by Russian-backed militants along the contact line, drone activity supporting separatist forces, military supplies delivered from Russia, combat casualties and losses among Ukrainian forces and separatists, civilian casualties and damages, and humanitarian aid delivered. The update noted over 300 ceasefire violations along the contact line, including shelling with heavy arms, and drone surveillance missions conducted in support of separatist forces.
MoD Spox November 21, 2016UAReformsAccording to a weekly update from the MOD Spokesperson, Russia-backed militants violated the ceasefire over 125 times from November 14-20, shelling Ukrainian forces with heavy arms. During this period, Russian military supplies to the proxy forces included 7 tanks, 2 military vehicles, 1 infantry fighting vehicle, over 2,000 tons of fuel and 290 tons of ammunition. Combat led to the killing of 13 militants and wounding of 11 others, while 1 Ukrainian soldier was killed and 16 wounded.
MoD Spox November 14, 2016UAReformsThis weekly update from a MOD spokesperson discusses Russia's ongoing military aggression against Ukraine. It provides data on Russian drone routes over Ukraine, numbers of ceasefire violations by Russian-backed militants in different sectors, enemy and Ukrainian forces casualties, civilian casualties, infrastructure damages, and volume of humanitarian aid delivered.
MoD Spox November 7, 2016UAReformsOver the period of October 31 to November 6, Russia-backed militants violated the ceasefire 61 times, shelling Ukrainian forces with heavy arms and causing casualties among Ukrainian soldiers. A total of 3 Ukrainian soldiers were killed and 18 wounded, while 4 civilians were also injured. The shelling damaged 9 private homes, 3 buildings and 17 infrastructure facilities. During this time, Ukrainian forces also provided 835 tons of humanitarian aid to people in the conflict area.
MoD Spox October 31 , 2016UAReformsAccording to a weekly update from the MOD Spokesperson in Ukraine, Russia-backed militants violated the ceasefire over 920 times between October 24-30, shelling Ukrainian positions with heavy arms and causing civilian and military casualties. During an armed clash near Avdiivka, Ukrainian forces repelled an enemy attempt to seize positions, killing 45 Russian militants and destroying military vehicles and weapons. The hostilities also damaged civilian infrastructure and injured two men, while the Ukrainian military suffered 4 deaths and 38 injuries over the week.
MoD Spox En 24.10UAReformsAccording to a weekly update from the spokesperson of Ukraine's Ministry of Defense, Russia-backed militants violated the ceasefire over 400 times, most intensely on October 17th near Vodiane where they shelled with 122-mm artillery rounds. One Ukrainian soldier was killed and 20 were wounded, while one civilian in Stanytsia Luhanska was also injured. The humanitarian aid delivered was 1,500 tons.