Strategic Implementation Of Free Software In BusinessShane CoughlanThis document discusses the strategic benefits of implementing free software in business. It argues that free software allows businesses to do more and keep doing it, delivering more value to investors over time. Some key benefits mentioned are flexibility, interoperability, and sustainability. While legal considerations are important, following popular free software licenses and ensuring compatibility can help businesses reap the rewards of free software.
Free Software Business Intelligence in EuropeShane CoughlanThis document discusses Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE), an organization that promotes free software. It introduces Shane Coughlan, founder of FSFE's legal department. FSFE focuses on advocating for the value of free software, addressing long-term policy issues, and building partnerships between stakeholders. FSFE's Freedom Task Force, led by Coughlan, helps reduce and resolve legal issues and builds a sustainable infrastructure for free software. The document emphasizes that short-term solutions without long-term sustainability are inadequate and stresses the importance of legal processes, international cooperation, and community involvement to strengthen the free software ecosystem.
Power Mapping 2Daniel GoldThis document provides steps for creating a power map to analyze issues and relationships. The steps are: 1) Identify the location of the issue. 2) Map major related institutions and organizations. 3) Map individuals associated with those institutions. 4) Map other associations of those individuals. 5) Identify connections between organizations and people. 6) Target priority relationships that have the most influence. The overall process helps identify important relationships and individuals that could help address the issue.
Impact mapping: от пользовательских историй к роадмапуAnton ZadorozhniyКороткий обзор Impact Mapping для команды, которая использует user story mapping (пользовательские истории)