Stereophonics album advertisement analysistomsnaithThe advertisement is promoting a band's new album by replicating the album artwork to make audiences aware of what the album will look like before purchasing. The band's name is prominently displayed in the top to allow for easy recognition of the band and album. While the album title "Keep Calm and Carry On" causes some juxtaposition since the band's excited situation in the ad wouldn't inspire calmness, the release date and platforms are listed, along with the band's email placed at the bottom for those interested in more information.
Clasificacion grupo b 2014MAR DE NOTICIASThis document summarizes the results of a sailing race called the "XIX TROFEO 30 MILLAS A DOS MEMORIAL LUIS SAIZ" hosted by the CLUB NAUTICO PORT SAPLAYA on January 25th, 2014. It lists the position, boat name, owner, arrival time, corrected time, points, and observations for the 13 boats in the ORC B class whose race started at 11:57 AM over a distance of 29.45 nautical miles. The winner was ESP4589C SKOPELOS II, followed by ESP799 ZENIT SAILING TEAM in second and ESP9017C IVIALUA II in third.
Batman 150128063640-conversion-gate01danimelaBatman es un personaje creado por Bob Kane y Bill Finger que apareció por primera vez en Detective Comics #27 en 1939. La identidad secreta de Batman es Bruce Wayne, un multimillonario filántropo de Gotham City que jura combatir el crimen después de presenciar el asesinato de sus padres. Batman no tiene superpoderes, sino que depende de su intelecto, tecnología avanzada y entrenamiento físico y mental para luchar contra el crimen desde su base de operaciones, la Batcueva.
CLC Lodging_FlyerRhett EvansThe CLC Savings Card program allows members to save 20-40% on lodging costs at over 11,000 hotels nationwide. Members can book rooms with no advance notice and receive consolidated reporting for easy expense tracking. By entering a special key code, new members can waive the one-time $9.95 membership fee.