Program Schedule_PTC-2 (1)Md Shafiqul IslamThis document provides the schedule for a 3-day professional training program on urban adaptation planning and design held in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Day 1 focuses on the impacts of climate change on urban areas in Bangladesh and global climate change findings. Day 2 includes a briefing on climate change projects and a field visit. Day 3 covers community-driven development, disaster risk reduction, urban adaptation planning, and a discussion on urban governance and stakeholder participation. The training concludes with a certificate awarding ceremony.
Improv SyllabusAnastasia RigoliThis document provides information about an improvisation theater course titled "Improv I" being offered in the fall semester. The course will teach students how to improvise both on stage and in everyday life through various improvisational exercises and activities without scripts. Students will be evaluated on their spontaneous reactions to surprise situations in class, an on-the-spot monologue performance, and overall class participation, which makes up half of the final grade. The calendar outlines the discussion topics and activities that will take place over the course of the semester to help students learn improvisation techniques like agreeing with offers, listening, being flexible, and more.
Managing b2b buyer centric global campaignsShelby TorrenceThe webinar discusses managing integrated customer-centric global campaigns. It outlines a 7 step plan for defining such campaigns, including defining objectives and budget, selecting target audiences through buyer personas and segmentation, coordinating content and action plans, enabling stakeholders, executing the campaign, and evaluating results. Key takeaways are to consider the full customer journey, build a strong foundation, enable internal teams, and test and optimize the campaign. The presenter provides examples and takes questions.
So6 pl - v - presentacionyoshipaganEl documento presenta información sobre diferentes tipos de trastornos genéticos como defectos monogénicos, trastornos cromosómicos, trastornos multifactorales y trastornos mitocondriales ligados al ADN. También muestra datos sobre enfermedades como el cáncer, cardiopatía coronaria e hipertensión. Finalmente, incluye gráficos con los porcentajes de tres síndromes genéticos (Síndrome de Down, Síndrome de Turner y Síndrome de Klinefelter) para los años 2012
Trabajo de la escuelaHugo VargasLa escuela debe fomentar la formación cultural y los valores como la lucha contra la intolerancia y la discriminación. También debe enseñar valores como la responsabilidad y el respeto al otro. Si la escuela enseña estas habilidades y valores, estará formando estudiantes con las competencias necesarias para el mundo moderno sin ignorar su identidad local.
Actividadde aprendizaje08yoshipaganEste documento presenta una clasificación del derecho dividiéndolo en derecho objetivo, público y privado. El derecho objetivo son las normas jurídicas que regulan las conductas sociales. El derecho público regula las relaciones entre individuos y el estado, e incluye derecho administrativo, constitucional, penal y procesal. El derecho privado regula las relaciones entre individuos e incluye derecho civil, mercantil, internacional privado y social.
Retroalimentacion clase anterioryissell94Resumen de la Administracion como profesion, importancia social de la Administración, en la epoca prehistorica...
สมัครงานfindgooodjobThe document summarizes job opportunities at the Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation. It lists several available positions, including park ranger, conservation officer, and administrative officer. It provides the job duties, qualifications, and how to apply for each position. The application period closes on September 30, 2022. Interested applicants can find more information on the department's website at
สมัครงานfindgooodjobThe document summarizes job opportunities at the Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation. It lists several available positions, including park ranger, conservation officer, and administrative officer. It provides the job duties, qualifications, and how to apply for each position. The application period closes on September 30, 2022. Interested applicants can find more information on the department's website at