Fgxpress apresentação fácil de entender - copia (20) - copiaBdrag WakeO documento descreve um plano de marketing multinível da empresa FGXpress, que oferece compensações financeiras e benefícios de viagem para membros que recrutam novos participantes. O plano inclui títulos de liderança com requisitos de recrutamento e vendas que geram bônus semanais e extras. Instruções são fornecidas para novos membros se cadastrarem, fazerem pedidos iniciais e começarem a convidar outras pessoas.
Explore the-power-of-project-oxfordJames QuickProject Oxford is a set of APIs that let's us, the developers, harness the power of machine learning without having the know how to implement from scratch. Project Oxford provides services focused on Vision, Emotion, Speech, and more and exposes it through REST API as well as client SDKs.
GasPass_PitchDeck-2Telma KhodabakhshiThis document analyzes the market potential for a mobile wallet app called GasPass that allows users to pay for gas. It finds that the mobile wallet market is growing significantly compared to traditional payment cards. GasPass would be faster, safer, and easier to use than traditional payment methods. The primary target market would be the over 90% of U.S. adults who own smartphones, especially Uber drivers whose numbers are increasing rapidly in major cities. The document outlines marketing strategies like using social media and offering rewards to attract early users and sketches prototypes of what the GasPass app screens could look like.
group presentation katrina cortez (final revision)Kc CortezCommunity forestry involves local communities playing a role in the management and use of nearby forest resources. It aims to provide economic, social, and environmental benefits to the community from local forests, whether public, private, or somewhere in between. Community forestry seeks to ensure local access to forest benefits and resources, as well as meaningful participation in decision making. It also focuses on conservation and restoration of forest resources to protect them for community use.
the_7_pervasive_whimsScott ByorumThis document is an e-book titled "The 7 Pervasive Whims" by Scott E. Byorum. It explores interpretations of the seven deadly sins - lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, and pride. The introduction frames the sins as pervasive aspects of human nature that can be detrimental if not overcome. Each sin is then examined individually through poetic passages and short quotes from various contributors defining when one knows they have succumbed to that sin.
ANIL C.VBapon SardarBapon Sardar's resume provides his contact information, academic qualifications, professional qualifications, and personal details. He completed his Madhyamik in 2005, Higher Secondary in 2007 from CBHSE, and B.A from IGNOU in 2010. His professional qualifications include a 6 month course in IMAST from Anudip Forundation in 2014 and a 1 year course in Web Design from the same institution that year. He was born in 1989 in West Bengal, India and speaks Bengali and Hindi.
Relato de patxi larrochaIñaki Patxi LarrochaEl documento narra la historia de Patxi Larrocha, un joven del siglo XV que trabajaba en la posada familiar en una villa portuaria del Golfo de Vizcaya. Patxi se embarcó como cocinero en un barco genovés y descubrió que las frutas, especialmente las manzanas y cítricos, prevenían y curaban el escorbuto, una enfermedad común en la marinería de la época. Más tarde, Patxi y el capitán del barco colaboraron con la escuela de navegación de
Importance of agriculture extension A Lecture By Mr Allah Dad KhanMr.Allah Dad KhanThis document discusses the importance of agriculture extension in Pakistan. It provides definitions of agriculture extension and outlines its key goals and services. Agriculture extension aims to increase farmers' productivity and livelihoods by providing critical knowledge and advice. It helps farmers solve problems and adopt new technologies through participatory approaches. The document also notes Pakistan's rankings in several agricultural commodities and the importance of its irrigation system. Overall, agriculture extension works to educate farmers, accelerate adoption of innovations, and improve living standards.
[IFPRI Gender Methods Seminar] Liquid milk: Cash Constraints and the Timing o...IFPRI GenderGender Methods Seminar, Dec 13, 2016
Berber Kramer, Research Fellow, Markets, Trade, and Institutions Division (IFPRI)
This paper analyzes implications of cash constraints for collective marketing, using the case of the Kenyan dairy sector. Collective marketing through for instance cooperatives can improve smallholder farmer income but relies on informal, non-enforceable agreements to sell outputs collectively. Sideselling of output in the local market occurs frequently and is typically attributed to price differences between the market and cooperative. This paper provides an alternative explanation, namely that farmers sell in the local market when they are cash-constrained, since cooperatives defer payments while buyers in local markets pay cash immediately. Building on semi-parametric estimation techniques for panel data, we find robust evidence of this theory. High-frequency high-detail panel data show that farmers sell more in the local market, in particular to buyers who pay cash immediately, in weeks with low cash at hand. Moreover, households cope with health shocks by selling more milk in the local market and less to the cooperative, but only in weeks they are not covered by health insurance. Effects are concentrated among female dairy farmers. For them, increased flexibility in payment and the provision of insurance through agricultural cooperatives can potentially reduce side-selling and improve the performance of collective marketing arrangements.
Screencast available here:
End to-end native iOS, Android and Windows apps wtih XamarinJames Montemagno Xamarin enables C# developers to become native iOS, Android, and Microsoft Windows mobile app developers overnight. Learn how to leverage your existing .NET and C# skills to create iOS and Android mobile apps in Visual Studio with Xamarin. See how to extend an app with Microsoft Azure App Service creating a connected experience while sharing logic with a .NET backend running on Azure. Next, we take a look at automating the mobile apps with Xamarin Test Cloud for automated user interface testing. Finally, we tie it all together into VSTS to build and distribute our mobile apps with HockeyApp with each commit. By the end of this session you will a full grasp of end-to-end development with Xamarin.
Advanced Customer Support Services - Alexander BarkalovORACLE USER GROUP ESTONIAThe document discusses Oracle's Advanced Customer Support Services (ACS) portfolio. ACS provides tailored mission critical support services to maximize availability for customers with complex IT requirements. Their services include fixed scope services like installation and configuration assistance as well as annual services like an Advanced Monitoring and Resolution program and a Solution Support Center for 24/7 dedicated support. ACS aims to help customers increase availability, improve performance and reliability, reduce risks, and lower operational costs.
Agriculture extension approachedSeerat Saleem RaoThis document discusses various agricultural extension approaches used to communicate information to farmers and help improve their livelihoods. It describes approaches such as on-farm demonstrations, agricultural information services, crop maximization programs, extension through fellow farmers, credit-based extension, women's extension services, and the Training and Visit (T&V) system. Each approach is explained in 1-2 sentences along with its goals of sharing new technologies, production techniques, and knowledge to increase farm outputs and incomes.
Current approaches in extensionYagnesh sondarvaThe document discusses four current approaches in agricultural extension:
1. Decentralized decision making and bottom-up planning through Panchayati Raj institutions.
2. Farming system approach which takes a holistic view of the farm as an interconnected system.
3. Farming situation based extension which develops recommendations specific to different crop situations through farmer participation.
4. Category management systems for retail merchandising which use data-driven planning and forecasting to optimize product assortments.
Importance of agriculture extension A Lecture By Mr Allah Dad KhanMr.Allah Dad KhanThis document discusses the importance of agriculture extension in Pakistan. It provides definitions of agriculture extension and outlines its key goals and services. Agriculture extension aims to increase farmers' productivity and livelihoods by providing critical knowledge and advice. It helps farmers solve problems and adopt new technologies through participatory approaches. The document also notes Pakistan's rankings in several agricultural commodities and the importance of its irrigation system. Overall, agriculture extension works to educate farmers, accelerate adoption of innovations, and improve living standards.
[IFPRI Gender Methods Seminar] Liquid milk: Cash Constraints and the Timing o...IFPRI GenderGender Methods Seminar, Dec 13, 2016
Berber Kramer, Research Fellow, Markets, Trade, and Institutions Division (IFPRI)
This paper analyzes implications of cash constraints for collective marketing, using the case of the Kenyan dairy sector. Collective marketing through for instance cooperatives can improve smallholder farmer income but relies on informal, non-enforceable agreements to sell outputs collectively. Sideselling of output in the local market occurs frequently and is typically attributed to price differences between the market and cooperative. This paper provides an alternative explanation, namely that farmers sell in the local market when they are cash-constrained, since cooperatives defer payments while buyers in local markets pay cash immediately. Building on semi-parametric estimation techniques for panel data, we find robust evidence of this theory. High-frequency high-detail panel data show that farmers sell more in the local market, in particular to buyers who pay cash immediately, in weeks with low cash at hand. Moreover, households cope with health shocks by selling more milk in the local market and less to the cooperative, but only in weeks they are not covered by health insurance. Effects are concentrated among female dairy farmers. For them, increased flexibility in payment and the provision of insurance through agricultural cooperatives can potentially reduce side-selling and improve the performance of collective marketing arrangements.
Screencast available here:
End to-end native iOS, Android and Windows apps wtih XamarinJames Montemagno Xamarin enables C# developers to become native iOS, Android, and Microsoft Windows mobile app developers overnight. Learn how to leverage your existing .NET and C# skills to create iOS and Android mobile apps in Visual Studio with Xamarin. See how to extend an app with Microsoft Azure App Service creating a connected experience while sharing logic with a .NET backend running on Azure. Next, we take a look at automating the mobile apps with Xamarin Test Cloud for automated user interface testing. Finally, we tie it all together into VSTS to build and distribute our mobile apps with HockeyApp with each commit. By the end of this session you will a full grasp of end-to-end development with Xamarin.
Advanced Customer Support Services - Alexander BarkalovORACLE USER GROUP ESTONIAThe document discusses Oracle's Advanced Customer Support Services (ACS) portfolio. ACS provides tailored mission critical support services to maximize availability for customers with complex IT requirements. Their services include fixed scope services like installation and configuration assistance as well as annual services like an Advanced Monitoring and Resolution program and a Solution Support Center for 24/7 dedicated support. ACS aims to help customers increase availability, improve performance and reliability, reduce risks, and lower operational costs.
Agriculture extension approachedSeerat Saleem RaoThis document discusses various agricultural extension approaches used to communicate information to farmers and help improve their livelihoods. It describes approaches such as on-farm demonstrations, agricultural information services, crop maximization programs, extension through fellow farmers, credit-based extension, women's extension services, and the Training and Visit (T&V) system. Each approach is explained in 1-2 sentences along with its goals of sharing new technologies, production techniques, and knowledge to increase farm outputs and incomes.
Current approaches in extensionYagnesh sondarvaThe document discusses four current approaches in agricultural extension:
1. Decentralized decision making and bottom-up planning through Panchayati Raj institutions.
2. Farming system approach which takes a holistic view of the farm as an interconnected system.
3. Farming situation based extension which develops recommendations specific to different crop situations through farmer participation.
4. Category management systems for retail merchandising which use data-driven planning and forecasting to optimize product assortments.
ΤΑ ΚΡΥΜΜΕΝΑ ΠΑΙΔΙΑ ΤΗΣ ΚΑΤΟΧΗΣ Ιστορίες παιδιών που σώθηκαν κρυμμένα.Σ.pptxSevastoulaTsirigoti1Πώς σώθηκαν τα παιδιά στην Κατοχή; Ποιοι ήταν αυτοί που έβαλαν σε κίνδυνο τη ζωή τους και τις οικογένειές τους για να σώσουν παιδιά;
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The Hero's Journey to Catharsis Το Ταξίδι του Ήρωα προς την ΚάθαρσηNiki Lambropoulos PhDThe Hero's Journey to Catharsis
Δημιουργική Γραφή / Αφήγηση και Νέες Τεχνολογίες στην Εκπαίδευση
ΧΟΥΝΤΑ ΑΝΑΣΤΑΣΙΑ_ υποστηρικτική τεχνολογία στα άτομα με νοητική αναπηρίαSasaHounta1Εργασία για την υποστηρικτική τεχνολογία στα άτομα με νοητική αναπηρία