16. HT Control Further Learning Actions
Diagnostic Summary
Organization of further learning
Learning Needs Learning Action Responsible Audience Date
1. Measure blood pressure properly using
new device
2. Perform rapid diagnosis of hypertension in
all screened patients with high BP readings
using care algorithm
3. Systematically and accurately assess CV
risks in all hypertensive patients
4. Judge when to refer HT patients to
Treatment Summary
Organization of further learning
Learning Needs Learning Action Responsible Audience Date
1. Initiate treatment of hypertensive patients
using care algorithm (for Doctors)
2. Provide combinational drug therapy to
achieve control in most patients
3. Provide rapid treatment and control for high
CV risk patients
Follow-up and adherence Summary
Organization of further learning
Learning Needs Learning Action Responsible Audience Date
1. Give lifestyle therapy and CV risk factor
2. Assess and motivate HT patients to adhere
of their treatment
No need to manage Some actions required
Clear actions required;
maybe ONOM support