The Web is the largest public big data repository that humankind has created. In this overwhelming data ocean, we need to be aware of the quality and, in particular, of the biases that exist in this data. In the Web, biases also come from redundancy and spam, as well as from algorithms that we design to improve the user experience. This problem is further exacerbated by biases that are added by these algorithms, specially in the context of search and recommendation systems. They include selection and presentation bias in many forms, interaction bias, social bias, etc. We give several examples and their relation to sparsity and privacy, stressing the importance of the user context to avoid these biases.
Infographic: Writing a Story Scary to the BONES!
The document discusses the need for talented young writers to submit scary stories for Halloween. It provides examples of common Halloween-themed story topics and emphasizes the importance of generating new, imaginative ideas that can give readers "colossal shivers." The document encourages writers to practice their skills and develop the ability to tie thoughts together in a way that leaves a deep impact on readers, ultimately solving the problem of too many similar story endings.
El documento resume las caracter鱈sticas del imperialismo colonial europeo en Asia y frica en los siglos XIX y XX. Los pa鱈ses europeos buscaron dominar otros territorios debido al aumento de la poblaci坦n y la necesidad de nuevos mercados y recursos. Dominaron poblaciones con menor desarrollo a trav辿s de colonias, protectorados y concesiones para controlar los territorios y expandir su influencia pol鱈tica y econ坦mica en el mundo.
La sociedad est叩 modificando su forma de comunicarse de manera gradual a medida que demanda procesos de comunicaci坦n m叩s efectivos. En el futuro, las sociedades probablemente no se comunicar叩n de la misma manera y el tel辿fono particular perder叩 importancia r叩pidamente a medida que la tecnolog鱈a avanza r叩pidamente y crea una brecha entre generaciones.
The document discusses concerns around an overemphasis on "rigor" in education. It notes that rigor is often valued highly in schools but questions what outcomes we really want for students. It also raises the point that joy in learning should be an end in itself, not just a means to achieving better test scores. The document advocates for balancing preparation for future careers and college with appreciating learning in the present. It questions some of the messages students receive about passion and their future.
Artikel in Leeuwarder Courant van 8 maart 2016 door Erwin Boers, n.a.v. interview met Hans Zijlstra over de merkwaardige avonturier Tinco Lycklama a Nijeholt. Voor meer info over Tinco Project:
Dennis B. Cong is seeking a position that utilizes his generalist experience and talents, especially in a service-oriented environment. He has over 15 years of work experience in roles such as room attendant, warehouseman, and linen attendant. He aims to be an "Agent of change" by improving performance and learning. He is responsible, self-motivated, and dedicated. He also has strong computer and communication skills.
Este documento resume los or鱈genes y desarrollo de Internet. Comenz坦 en 1969 como un proyecto militar en Estados Unidos llamado ARPANET, el cual tuvo su primera demostraci坦n p炭blica en 1972. La primera red interconectada se cre坦 en 1969 cuando se conectaron las universidades de UCLA y Stanford. Hoy en d鱈a, los m辿todos m叩s comunes de acceso a Internet incluyen banda ancha fija, WiFi y tel辿fonos celulares, mientras que los navegadores web permiten visualizar documentos y recursos multimedia en la red.
Vancouver Best Places to Work Roadshow | ATB FinancialGlassdoor
This document summarizes information presented by Lorne Rubis and Kimberlea Kozachenko of ATB Financial at the Glassdoor Best Places to Work Roadshow 2016. It provides details on ATB Financial such as having 5300 team members, 710,000 retail customers, 30,000 business customers, and operating in 244 communities across Alberta. It also notes challenges the company has faced in decreasing employee engagement since 2012. The presentation outlines ATB Financial's focus on its people and culture through initiatives aimed at engagement, leadership, learning, rewards, wellness, and diversity & inclusion to establish itself as the best place to work and bank. publishes best presentations. is the biggest Russian knowledge bank about presentations.
Grafico diario del dax perfomance index para el 07 11-2011Experiencia Trading
Este documento presenta un an叩lisis t辿cnico del 鱈ndice DAX alem叩n. Se単ala que mientras el 鱈ndice no supere los 6,800 puntos es bajista con un objetivo de 5,000 puntos. Si supera los 6,200 puntos podr鱈a moverse lateralmente entre 5,700 y 6,400 puntos antes de subir a nuevos m叩ximos. Pierda soporte en 5,800 puntos podr鱈a caer a 5,600-5,300 puntos. El mercado podr鱈a volver a la zona de 5,400-5,000 puntos antes de iniciar
Este documento presenta el temario para el curso de Sistemas Digitales II. El temario cubre los principios b叩sicos de l坦gica digital como sistemas num辿ricos, puertas l坦gicas y 叩lgebra de Boole. Tambi辿n cubre conceptos m叩s avanzados como l坦gica combinacional, funciones l坦gicas, l坦gica secuencial, PLD, flip-flops, contadores, registros y memorias. La acreditaci坦n del curso se basa en un proyecto de sistema digital y un examen extraordinario.
Attracting Manufacturing Talent: How the Dream It. Do It. Recruitment Strateg...360mnbsu
In Minnesota, only 2 percent of high school students express an interest in manufacturing careers while Minnesota manufacturing businesses post 27,000 manufacturing job openings every four months. This presentation showed how the nationally organized Dream It. Do It. recruitment strategy is being utilized in Minnesota by 360, a manufacturing-based center of excellence. Strategies and resources will be described and shared to help others consider how they present manufacturing as a career of choice. Best practices from across the national Dream It. Do It. network were also shared.
Presented by Jaimee Meyer, Dream It. Do It. MN Executive Director and Jessica Gehrke, 360 Communications Specialist at the 2015 HI-TEC Conference in Portland, OR
Organizing for Success with Digital RetailJDA Software
Retail has changed! Has your enterprise? The retail landscape continues to evolve quickly, driven greatly by the information and options provided to consumers through the digital world (social media, e-commerce, mobility).
What does this new reality mean to traditional retail functions like merchandising, supply chain, store operations and marketing?
How are leading retailers adapting their organizations to overcome challenges and leverage opportunities?
What does the newly empowered consumer mean to your processes and goals?
In this presentation, Kevin OMarah, Senior Fellow at the Stanford Global Supply Chain Forum, along with Wayne Usie, SVP of Retail at JDA Software, discuss findings from Revolution Retail Industry Survey and highlight threats to traditional retail and learn how retailers are successfully driving change across the enterprise.
La sociedad est叩 modificando su forma de comunicarse de manera gradual a medida que demanda procesos de comunicaci坦n m叩s efectivos. En el futuro, las sociedades probablemente no se comunicar叩n de la misma manera y el tel辿fono particular perder叩 importancia r叩pidamente a medida que la tecnolog鱈a avanza r叩pidamente y crea una brecha entre generaciones.
The document discusses concerns around an overemphasis on "rigor" in education. It notes that rigor is often valued highly in schools but questions what outcomes we really want for students. It also raises the point that joy in learning should be an end in itself, not just a means to achieving better test scores. The document advocates for balancing preparation for future careers and college with appreciating learning in the present. It questions some of the messages students receive about passion and their future.
Artikel in Leeuwarder Courant van 8 maart 2016 door Erwin Boers, n.a.v. interview met Hans Zijlstra over de merkwaardige avonturier Tinco Lycklama a Nijeholt. Voor meer info over Tinco Project:
Dennis B. Cong is seeking a position that utilizes his generalist experience and talents, especially in a service-oriented environment. He has over 15 years of work experience in roles such as room attendant, warehouseman, and linen attendant. He aims to be an "Agent of change" by improving performance and learning. He is responsible, self-motivated, and dedicated. He also has strong computer and communication skills.
Este documento resume los or鱈genes y desarrollo de Internet. Comenz坦 en 1969 como un proyecto militar en Estados Unidos llamado ARPANET, el cual tuvo su primera demostraci坦n p炭blica en 1972. La primera red interconectada se cre坦 en 1969 cuando se conectaron las universidades de UCLA y Stanford. Hoy en d鱈a, los m辿todos m叩s comunes de acceso a Internet incluyen banda ancha fija, WiFi y tel辿fonos celulares, mientras que los navegadores web permiten visualizar documentos y recursos multimedia en la red.
Vancouver Best Places to Work Roadshow | ATB FinancialGlassdoor
This document summarizes information presented by Lorne Rubis and Kimberlea Kozachenko of ATB Financial at the Glassdoor Best Places to Work Roadshow 2016. It provides details on ATB Financial such as having 5300 team members, 710,000 retail customers, 30,000 business customers, and operating in 244 communities across Alberta. It also notes challenges the company has faced in decreasing employee engagement since 2012. The presentation outlines ATB Financial's focus on its people and culture through initiatives aimed at engagement, leadership, learning, rewards, wellness, and diversity & inclusion to establish itself as the best place to work and bank. publishes best presentations. is the biggest Russian knowledge bank about presentations.
Grafico diario del dax perfomance index para el 07 11-2011Experiencia Trading
Este documento presenta un an叩lisis t辿cnico del 鱈ndice DAX alem叩n. Se単ala que mientras el 鱈ndice no supere los 6,800 puntos es bajista con un objetivo de 5,000 puntos. Si supera los 6,200 puntos podr鱈a moverse lateralmente entre 5,700 y 6,400 puntos antes de subir a nuevos m叩ximos. Pierda soporte en 5,800 puntos podr鱈a caer a 5,600-5,300 puntos. El mercado podr鱈a volver a la zona de 5,400-5,000 puntos antes de iniciar
Este documento presenta el temario para el curso de Sistemas Digitales II. El temario cubre los principios b叩sicos de l坦gica digital como sistemas num辿ricos, puertas l坦gicas y 叩lgebra de Boole. Tambi辿n cubre conceptos m叩s avanzados como l坦gica combinacional, funciones l坦gicas, l坦gica secuencial, PLD, flip-flops, contadores, registros y memorias. La acreditaci坦n del curso se basa en un proyecto de sistema digital y un examen extraordinario.
Attracting Manufacturing Talent: How the Dream It. Do It. Recruitment Strateg...360mnbsu
In Minnesota, only 2 percent of high school students express an interest in manufacturing careers while Minnesota manufacturing businesses post 27,000 manufacturing job openings every four months. This presentation showed how the nationally organized Dream It. Do It. recruitment strategy is being utilized in Minnesota by 360, a manufacturing-based center of excellence. Strategies and resources will be described and shared to help others consider how they present manufacturing as a career of choice. Best practices from across the national Dream It. Do It. network were also shared.
Presented by Jaimee Meyer, Dream It. Do It. MN Executive Director and Jessica Gehrke, 360 Communications Specialist at the 2015 HI-TEC Conference in Portland, OR
Organizing for Success with Digital RetailJDA Software
Retail has changed! Has your enterprise? The retail landscape continues to evolve quickly, driven greatly by the information and options provided to consumers through the digital world (social media, e-commerce, mobility).
What does this new reality mean to traditional retail functions like merchandising, supply chain, store operations and marketing?
How are leading retailers adapting their organizations to overcome challenges and leverage opportunities?
What does the newly empowered consumer mean to your processes and goals?
In this presentation, Kevin OMarah, Senior Fellow at the Stanford Global Supply Chain Forum, along with Wayne Usie, SVP of Retail at JDA Software, discuss findings from Revolution Retail Industry Survey and highlight threats to traditional retail and learn how retailers are successfully driving change across the enterprise.