- Sun Tzu was a military strategist who lived in China in the 5th century BC and authored The Art of War, a classic treatise on military strategy that is still studied today.
- The Art of War outlines principles of strategy, tactics, and maneuvering that emphasize winning without fighting by using tactics like deception and attacking weaknesses in the enemy.
- It teaches the importance of knowing yourself and your enemy, clear communication from leadership, and fighting only when victory is assured in order to achieve the shortest and least costly victory possible.
2. Sun Tzus Art of War
A bamboo edition of the Art of War,
commissioned in the eighteenth
Various Translated Versions made
by Different Authors
4. Who Is Sun Tzu
He is also known as
Sun Wu and Sun Zi
Sun Tzu means
Master Sun
Born in 5th Century BC
in Northern State of
Chis of ancient China.
Died before the year
473 BC.
6. Sun Tzu On War
The moral strength and intellectual faculty of man were
decisive in war, and that if these were properly applied
war could be waged with certain success.
He was aware of implications of war. (in鍖ated prices,
rates of wastage, dif鍖culties of supply, etc.)
His principles on war:
shortest possible time
at the least possible cost in lives and effort;
with in鍖iction on the enemy of the fewest possible
All warfare is based on deception
7. Art of War
Is a series of military treatise written by
Sun Tzu in the 6th Century.
Composed of thirteen (13) chapters
Teach us to know ourself, to know our
strengths, our weaknesses, and what
are we capable of doing.
9. Beginning
King Of Wu Challenges His Teachings
If instructions are not clear and commands
not explicit, it is the commander兵s fault.
10. Beginning
King Of Wu Challenges His Teachings
If instructions are not clear and commands
not explicit, it is the commander兵s fault.
So if the orders are unclear then it is the fault of
the general that the troops did not obey. But if the
orders are clear, and his orders have been clear, it is
the fault of the subordinate of鍖cers that the orders
are not obeyed.
11. 3 Key Principles that
unify his teachings
Know your enemy and know yourself
and in 100 battles you will never be in
To win 100 battles is not the height of
skill To subdue the enemy without
鍖ghting is.
Avoid what is strong. Attack what is
14. Great Quotes From Sun
In war, numbers alone confer no advantage - Do not advance relaying on sheer military
Know your enemy and know yourself and in 100 battles you will never be in peril.
There are 鍖ve fundamental factors for success in war - Weather, terrain, leadership,
military doctrine, and most importantly - moral in鍖uence.
Put the army in the face of death where there is no escape and they will not 鍖ee or be
afraid - there is nothing they cannot achieve.
It is essential for victory that generals are contrained by their leaders.
The winning arm realizes the conditions for victory 鍖rst, then 鍖ghts - The losing army
鍖ght 鍖rst then seeks victory.
When troops 鍖ee, are insubordinates, collapse or are routed in battle, it is the fault of the