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束Complex International Logistic Services損

                        Moscow, October 2012
Holding Company 束Sovtransavto損

International transport and logistic Holding 束Sovtransavto損 has been operating on the international and
domestic logistic markets since 1968.

束Sovtransavto損 has created a unique combination of forwarding and transportation network in Europe and

 Russia                                           European Union
 Sovtransavto Logistic (Moscow)
 Sovtransavto Nizhny Novgorod
 Sovtransavtoexpedition (Moscow)                  Sovtransavto Deutschland (Germany)
 Sovtransavto Kaliningrad                         Sovtransavto Bulgaria
 Sovtransavto Smolensk                            Sovtransavto France
 Sovtransavto Bryansk Group                       Sovtransavto Hungary
 Sovtransavto Rostov Group                        Sovtransavto Finland
 STA.RU ( container carrier)                      Sovtransavto BeNeLux
 Sovtransavto GREEN Logistics (auto               Sovtransavto Eksport Import (Poland)
束Sovtransavto損 Fleet

束Sovtransavto損 fleet consist of more than 700 modern combinations
of vehicles, featuring :

 - Curtain trailers;

 - Container chassis;

 - Refrigerator trailers;

 - Float glass transportation vehicles, including innenladers;

 - Car transporters;

 - Light-duty trucks and minivans.

 Sovtransavto is proud to be a long time partner of major OEMs:

 Mercedes, MAN, Iveco, Koegel, Schmitz, Krone, Lohr, Faymonville
束Sovtransavto損 Business directions

束Sovtransavto損 provides full and flexible service package at the following business directions:

   1. Import/export cargo transportation operations

   2. Licensed services of Customs broker and Customs carrier

   3. Warehouse logistics and adding value operations, cross-docking and

   4. LTL services from Europe , including regular groupage and express
   cargo line haul
束Sovtransavto損 Import/export cargo transportation operations

束Sovtransavto損 being one of the biggest Russian haulers can design and manage any transport schemes
between Russia and main European destinations:

        Direction                            Countries                         Deliveries share

        Scandinavian countries               Finland, Denmark, Sweden          35%

        Northern and Central Europe          Germany, Austria, Holland,        40%
                                             France, Luxemburg

        Eastern Europe                       Poland, Chez Republic, Hungary,   10%
                                             Slovakia, Lithuania, Latvia,
        Southern Europe                      Italy, Greece                     15%
Customs brokerage and customs transit services under 束Sovtransavto損 licenses

束Sovtransavto損 was one of the first companies in Russia which had been registered as customs broker and
customs carrier:
Customs logistic                                          Features and turnover

束Sovtransavto損 customs warehouse                          Allocated at the 20.000 m2 terminal complex of
                                                          Sovtransavto in Moscow

Brokerage services                                        15.000.000 EUR per year

Internal customs transit operations                       About 1.000 per month
Warehouse logistic , cross-docking , consolidation and distributions operations

Terminal complex owned by 束Sovtransavto損 is conveniently located at the south of Moscow.

 Resources and benefits                              Services and facilities

 Facilities                                          12 hectares including 300 trucks parking places.
                                                     More than 20.000 m2 of A+, B classes warehouses.
                                                     Modern equipment featuring Still and Hyster
                                                     vehicles. Trained staff of more than 150 employees.
 Storage options                                     Floor, shelf and mezzanine storage systems

 Consolidation and cross docking                     Complex distribution projects tailor made for retail
                                                     chains, international groupage and express
 Telematic IT-systems                                Automatic data processing and WMS-system

 Deliveries and operations KPI-system                Not less than 95% just in time deliveries and
 Additional services                                 -    picking, packaging and etc;
                                                     -    delivery in Moscow, intercity and international
                                                     -    open areas for containers storage
Thank you for your attention!

Holding 束Sovtransavto損          Tel.:   +7 495 720 16 72
                                        +7 495 933 08 70
                                E-mail: info@sovtransavto.ru
                                Web:    www.sovtransavto.ru

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  • 1. 束Complex International Logistic Services損 Moscow, October 2012
  • 2. Holding Company 束Sovtransavto損 International transport and logistic Holding 束Sovtransavto損 has been operating on the international and domestic logistic markets since 1968. 束Sovtransavto損 has created a unique combination of forwarding and transportation network in Europe and Russia: Russia European Union Sovtransavto Logistic (Moscow) Sovtransavto Nizhny Novgorod Sovtransavtoexpedition (Moscow) Sovtransavto Deutschland (Germany) Sovtransavto Kaliningrad Sovtransavto Bulgaria Sovtransavto Smolensk Sovtransavto France Sovtransavto Bryansk Group Sovtransavto Hungary Sovtransavto Rostov Group Sovtransavto Finland STA.RU ( container carrier) Sovtransavto BeNeLux Sovtransavto GREEN Logistics (auto Sovtransavto Eksport Import (Poland) carrier)
  • 3. 束Sovtransavto損 Fleet 束Sovtransavto損 fleet consist of more than 700 modern combinations of vehicles, featuring : - Curtain trailers; - Container chassis; - Refrigerator trailers; - Float glass transportation vehicles, including innenladers; - Car transporters; - Light-duty trucks and minivans. Sovtransavto is proud to be a long time partner of major OEMs: Mercedes, MAN, Iveco, Koegel, Schmitz, Krone, Lohr, Faymonville
  • 4. 束Sovtransavto損 Business directions 束Sovtransavto損 provides full and flexible service package at the following business directions: 1. Import/export cargo transportation operations 2. Licensed services of Customs broker and Customs carrier 3. Warehouse logistics and adding value operations, cross-docking and distributions 4. LTL services from Europe , including regular groupage and express cargo line haul
  • 5. 束Sovtransavto損 Import/export cargo transportation operations 束Sovtransavto損 being one of the biggest Russian haulers can design and manage any transport schemes between Russia and main European destinations: Direction Countries Deliveries share Scandinavian countries Finland, Denmark, Sweden 35% Northern and Central Europe Germany, Austria, Holland, 40% France, Luxemburg Eastern Europe Poland, Chez Republic, Hungary, 10% Slovakia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia Southern Europe Italy, Greece 15%
  • 6. Customs brokerage and customs transit services under 束Sovtransavto損 licenses 束Sovtransavto損 was one of the first companies in Russia which had been registered as customs broker and customs carrier: Customs logistic Features and turnover 束Sovtransavto損 customs warehouse Allocated at the 20.000 m2 terminal complex of Sovtransavto in Moscow Brokerage services 15.000.000 EUR per year Internal customs transit operations About 1.000 per month
  • 7. Warehouse logistic , cross-docking , consolidation and distributions operations Terminal complex owned by 束Sovtransavto損 is conveniently located at the south of Moscow. Resources and benefits Services and facilities Facilities 12 hectares including 300 trucks parking places. More than 20.000 m2 of A+, B classes warehouses. Modern equipment featuring Still and Hyster vehicles. Trained staff of more than 150 employees. Storage options Floor, shelf and mezzanine storage systems Consolidation and cross docking Complex distribution projects tailor made for retail chains, international groupage and express Telematic IT-systems Automatic data processing and WMS-system Deliveries and operations KPI-system Not less than 95% just in time deliveries and operations Additional services - picking, packaging and etc; - delivery in Moscow, intercity and international transportation; - open areas for containers storage
  • 8. Thank you for your attention! Holding 束Sovtransavto損 Tel.: +7 495 720 16 72 +7 495 933 08 70 E-mail: info@sovtransavto.ru Web: www.sovtransavto.ru www.sovtransavto.eu