The document summarizes the modern steel making process. It begins with an introduction to steel as an alloy of iron and other elements like carbon. It then describes the main types of steel and the modern steel making process which involves three steps: primary steel making, secondary steel making/post-treatment, and casting. For primary steel making, it focuses on the basic oxygen furnace process, where carbon-rich molten pig iron is converted to low-carbon steel by blowing oxygen through it to lower the carbon content.
2. Contents
1. Introduction
2. Types of Steel
3. Modern Steel Making Process
4. Primary Steel Making
a. Basic Oxygen Furnace
b. DRI (Direct Reduced Iron)
b.1. EAF (Electric Arc Furnace)
b.2. EIF (Electric Induction Furnace)
c. Bessemer Process
d. Open Hearth
5. Brief Process of Steel
3. Steel is a recyclable and hence is a Green Material.
Steel are Alloys of iron and other elements, primarily carbon, widely used in
construction and other application because of their high tensile strength and low
Steel may contain many other elements such as Al, Si, Mn, S, P, O, etc.
The chemical composition of the steel broadly divide them two major groups, i.e.,
(i) Plain carbon Steels and (ii) Alloy Steels.
Sir Henry Bessemer, (born jan.19, 1813, Charlton, Hertfordshire, Eng.-died March
15, 1898, London), inventor and engineer who developed the first process for
manufacturing steel inexpensively (1856), leading to the development of the
Bessemer converter. He was knighted in 1879.
Now a days LD converter are more used in producing steel making process.
4. Steel Making
Steel making is the process of selective oxidization of impurities i.e.., reverse of the iron making.
1. Steel making is a refining process to necessity
to the pig iron arises because its quite impure.
2. Steel making the impurities are oxidized to they
respective oxide. oxide are eliminated either as
a gas or liquid oxide product of suitable chemical
character known as slag.
3. In order to produce steel of right quality i.e., right
chemical composition slag of right chemical character
is aimed and it is asset in term of basicity of the slag.
The Steel making process can how be divided in two categories :-
i.e., a. Acid steel making process
b. Basic steel making process
Acid Steel Making Process:- If pig iron composition such that Phosphorus and Sulphur are below 0.05% then it not need to
eliminated. It is possible to remove Si, Mn, C in such way that slag of type MnO-FeO-SiO2 is formed is known as Acid Steel making
Basic Steel Making Process:- If pig iron composition is such that Phosphorus and Sulphur are above 0.05% with along P, S and
C, Mn, Si, are eliminated such way that is slag type of CaO-FeO-P2O5 is formed such type Basic steel making . Which is carried out
in Basic Brick Line Furnace.
6. 3. Modern Steel Making Process
Due to development of science and technology steel making
process can also be updated, now a days it can be carried out
into three steps
It gives better steel properties and good quality.
1. Primary Steel making.
2. Secondary Steel making/ Ladle Metallurgy/ Post
treatment of steel.
3. Casting process.
7. 4. Primary Steel Making
It includes Converting Liquid Iron from a blast furnace and steel scrap into steel via
1. Basic Oxygen Steel Making
2. DRI (Direct Reduced Iron) in an
a. EAF (Electric Arc Furnace)
b. EIF (Electric Induction Furnace)
3. Bessemer Process
4. Open Hearth Process
BOF (Basic Oxygen Furnace):- Carbon rich molten pig iron is
made into steel. Blowing oxygen through molten pig iron lowers the
carbon content of the alloy and changes it Into low carbon steel.
The process is known as Basic because fluxes of burnt lime (CaO) or
Dolomite which are chemical bases are added to promote the removal
of impurities and protect the lining of the convertor.
Types of Blowing Process in BOF:-
a. Top blown Convertor
b. Bottom blown Convertor
c. Bath agitated process.