Este documento presenta un an叩lisis estrat辿gico y financiero de un proyecto para construir un hotel de monta単a en Puntarenas, Costa Rica. El an叩lisis incluye estimaciones de demanda, c叩lculos de costos y flujos de caja, y aplica m辿todos como valorizaci坦n por m炭ltiplos y VAN para evaluar la viabilidad del proyecto. El resumen concluye que el proyecto es factible y rentable seg炭n los an叩lisis estrat辿gico y financiero realizados.
A Review on Applicability of Photocatalyst Titanium dioxide for Treatment of ...IJERA Editor
Greywater reuse has attracted great attention for sustainable management of water especially under water
scarcity conditions. However, the effort has been limited by the presence of toxic organics in the effluent which
in turn inhibits the public acceptance of recycling water. The existence of those organic pollutants, which cannot
be eliminated by conventional primary and secondary treatment processes, can be problematic. Hence it is
necessary to explore a sustainable, robust and affordable method for treatment of greywater. Photocatalytic
oxidation is an emerging technology that could be suitable to remove refractory organic compounds found in
greywater. Recently titanium dioxide (TiO2) gained wide attention for photocatalytic oxidation of organic matter
of wastewater. Because it is biologically and chemical inert, resistant to chemical corrosion and can work at
ambient temperature and pressure, without addition of chemical species. The irradiation of titanium dioxide
dispersions by ultraviolet (UV) (300-400 nm) light can lead to the formulation of highly reactive hydroxyl
radicals which attack the pollutant molecule to degrade it into carbon dioxide, water and mineral acids.This
technology has advantages, such as, the integration into small places, low maintenance and easy operation.
Implementation of Interleaving Methods on MELP 2.4 Coder to Reduce Packet Los...IJERA Editor
The work consists first of making improvements of a MELP coder running at 2.4 kbps by the implementation of packets lost concealment techniques based on the receiver. These techniques consist of interleaving information frames, then, we conducted a comparative study of several interlacing methods. For this, we used the evaluation technique standardized by ITU-T called PESQ (Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality).
Influence of Bed Ash and Fly Ash Replacement in MortarsIJERA Editor
The study evaluates the influence of fly ash and bottom ash as partial cement substitutes in mortars by studying
the particle size distribution, consistency, flow, fresh density, air content, compressive strength and flexural
strength characteristics. The results revealed that fly ash and cement had relatively the same particle size
distribution unlike bottom ash. In the fresh state, as the amount of pozzolans increased in the mixtures, the
mortars showed an enhancement in workability, were susceptible to water loss by bleeding, and exhibited a
decline in fresh density. The early strength gains of the fly ash samples were low but reached higher than the
control after 28 days of curing. The flexural strength increased as the fly ash content rose to reach a maximum at
20 % replacement. However, the 2-day compressive strength of bottom ash samples was higher than the control
but decreased after 28 days of curing while the flexural strength declined with addition of bottom ash except at 5
% substitution.
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