2. Strasbourg location
史特拉斯堡 的位置
Alsace is a long and narrow region in the northeastern
corner of France, located on the border of France,
Germany and Switzerland.
Strasbourg and Colmar are both major cities in Alsace.
史特拉斯堡 與 科爾馬,都是 亞爾薩斯 主要的城市。
3. Grande ?le (Big Island): This area takes its name from the fact that it is surrounded by a river, is the city historical
center and includes the districts of Old Town Center-Ville and Petite France and the main sites of interest (Notre-
Dame cathedral, Rohan palace, Kammerzell house). It is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
大島( Grande ?le ):該地區因其被河流包圍而得名,是該市的歷史中心,包括舊城中心區和小法國區以及主要景
點 ( 大教堂、羅漢宮、卡梅澤爾府邸 ) 。它被列為聯合國教科文組織世界遺產。
4. Foreword
Petite France is located in the southwest of Strasbourg Big Island, the most distinctive
island of the city and its historical center.
In Petite France, where the River Ill splits up into several canals, the area was home to
tanners, millers and fishermen in the Middle Ages and now is one of Strasbourg's main
tourist attractions.
Petite France forms part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Grande ?le,
designated in 1988.
小法國區 ( 又稱小法蘭西區 ) ,位於史特拉斯堡大島的西南部,是該市最具特色的島嶼,
小法國區於 1988 年被指定是聯合國教科文組織世界遺產大島的一部分。
25. Mills Footbridge
(Passerelle des Moulins)
The inconspicuous "Mills Footbridge" (Passerelle des Moulins) on the roadside leads to Mills Square.
路旁不起眼的「磨坊通道」( Passerelle des Moulins )通往磨坊廣場。
26. Saint Martin Bridge Restaurant
(Restaurant Pont Saint-Martin)
聖馬丁桥 餐厅
Just a short Mills Road, there are many restaurants.
35. Old Ice Houses of Strasbourg
(Anciennes glacières de Strasbourg)
史特拉斯堡 老冰屋
From 1897 to 1990, the Old Ice House building was an artificial refrigeration plant.
It has now been converted into a five-star hotel. (Regent Hotel)
1897~1990 年間,老冰屋 房子是一座 人工冷凍廠。現已改建為五星級酒店。 ( 麗晶酒店 )
36. Lock
Petite France has been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1988.
自 1988 年以來,小法國區已被聯合國教科文組織列為世界遺產。
37. Petite France Lock
小法國區 船閘
This lock can only be crossed in the downstream direction,
nearly 50 times a day during the peak tourist season.
該船閘只能向下游方向通行,旅遊旺季期間每天通行近 50 次。
38. The lock is equipped with footbridges for pedestrians
to pass on both sides the lock.
50. Vauban Dam
(Barrage Vauban)
The Vauban Dam, built in the 17th century, is a covered bridge and a dam, consisting of 13 arched
structures spanning both sides of the River Ill.
17 世紀建成的沃邦攔河壩 是座廊桥,同時也是水壩,是由橫跨伊爾河兩岸的 13 座拱形結構所構成。
51. The Vauban Dam is the southwest gateway of Strasbourg. The dam was designed
to flood the southern part of the city in the event of enemy attack.
沃邦攔河壩是 史特拉斯堡 的西南門戶。大壩設計目的是在敵人襲擊時淹沒城市南部。
53. The Covered Bridges are one of the most iconic architectures in Strasbourg. It consists of 3
connected bridges and a number of stone watchtowers that guard the banks of the River Ill.
廊桥 是史特拉斯堡 最具代表性的建築之一。它由 3 座相連接的桥樑,以及多座石砌瞭望塔
組成,負責守護伊爾河 (River Ill) 的沿岸。