4. Ones overall capacity to think
rationally, act purposefully and to deal
effectively with ones environment.
5. Form subsequent groups of 20 individuals each
Assign a timer
Each individual will have to write their name on
a chit, fold it twice and put it inside the bowl
Shuffle the chits in the bowl
Now start the timer and everyone will have to
grab the chit with their name on it
Note down the time taken;
6. Put the chits back in the bowl after folding
Start the timer and everyone will have to
grab any one chit
Open it and read. Now give it to the person
whose name is written on it
Activity Solution
7. There has been a progressive development in
the understanding on the functioning of
various aspects of intelligence.
3 Qs
10. How can I make the upper line smaller
without touching the line?
11. How can you join the dots with
4 straight lines?
12. An iPhone app
An Equation in Mathematics
Equator in Geography
Equivalency in Chemistry ..
Or something else?
What is EQ ??
13. Thought to ponder
Do you ever wonder why do people with
high IQ struggle in life while others with
moderate IQ succeed?
14. Emotional Quotient
Emotional Intelligence, or EI,
describes an ability or capacity
to perceive, assess, and manage
the emotions of one's self, and
of others. EQ, or Emotional
Quotient, is how one measures
Emotional Intelligence
19. Low EQ
Blaming others
Victim statements such as If
only he/she would . . .
An inability to hear critical
Diverse opinions that are not
welcomed or valued
Passive or aggressive
Take Your Pick
(Work v/s Prison - how do you see it?)