Este documento muestra las calificaciones promedio de 10 materias para dos bimestres y el promedio general. La materia con mayor calificaci¨®n promedio fue C. F¨ªsica con 20, mientras que Matem¨¢ticas, Computaci¨®n y M¨²sica tuvieron los promedios m¨¢s altos entre 16.5 y 17.5.
Importancia de-la-tic-en-la-educacion1600Yoherly01
El documento discute las razones para usar tecnolog¨ªas de la informaci¨®n y la comunicaci¨®n (TIC) en la educaci¨®n, incluyendo la alfabetizaci¨®n digital de los estudiantes, la productividad y la innovaci¨®n en las pr¨¢cticas docentes. Tambi¨¦n describe las perspectivas de las TIC en la educaci¨®n desde las perspectivas de los equipos, bibliotecas, materiales educativos, cursos de capacitaci¨®n, aprendizaje, estudiantes, profesores y el ¨¢mbito laboral, social y familiar.
Correio eletr?nico da turma de s?o carlosnadiaelise
This document contains a list of 33 email addresses. The emails are in no particular order and include a variety of names with different domain names including,, and
1) Em 2011, o Governo Regional da Madeira foi obrigado a diminuir subs¨ªdios em v¨¢rios setores, mesmo antes do plano de ajustamento financeiro imposto pela "troika".
2) Os subs¨ªdios totais concedidos em 2011 foram de apenas 212,8 milh?es de euros, o valor mais baixo em nove anos.
3) Quase todos os setores receberam menos subs¨ªdios, com destaque para as empresas e entidades p¨²blicas, que viram os seus apoios ca¨ªrem mais de 50%.
Instrucciones para llegar a la calle Montnegre desde la desviaci¨®n de La Llaru en Laietania. El documento proporciona indicaciones para llegar al destino de 1,7 km en aproximadamente 3 minutos.
Este documento compara o tempo ¨¤ nossa conta num banco especial chamado Tempo, que deposita 86.400 segundos na nossa conta diariamente e os elimina se n?o forem usados de forma proveitosa, enfatizando a import?ncia de aproveitar cada momento e compartilhar nosso tempo com aqueles que amamos.
Este documento describe las caracter¨ªsticas psicol¨®gicas t¨ªpicas de la adolescencia. Estas incluyen la b¨²squeda de identidad, cambios cognitivos y emocionales, el desarrollo de la sexualidad, la reevaluaci¨®n del sistema de valores y la tensi¨®n entre dependencia e independencia. Tambi¨¦n discute los riesgos psicol¨®gicos y psicosexuales que enfrentan los adolescentes durante este per¨ªodo de desarrollo.
O documento descreve diversos locais e pontos tur¨ªsticos de Macau, incluindo a Est¨¢tua da Kun Iam, a Ponte da Amizade, a Torre de Macau, a Doca dos Pescadores, hot¨¦is-cassinos como o Wynn e o Lisboa, o Hip¨®dromo, o Templo da Deusa Tian Hou, o Aeroporto Internacional e o Posto Fronteiri?o de Gongbei.
The document summarizes media trends from Q2 2012. It discusses subscription TV developments in Australia, the UK, and US, including the FOXTEL-AUSTAR merger in Australia and subscriber growth at BSkyB and Virgin Media in the UK. It also covers innovations for the 2012 London Olympics across multiple platforms and devices, new developments in programming, and regulatory changes. TV viewing remains strong though new devices are growing, according to Nielsen and OzTAM reports.
There are 21.7 million Australians, with 7.3 million (one third) having subscription TV. On average, people with subscription TV watch 3 hours and 26 minutes of TV per day, with those over 65 watching over 5 hours daily. Subscription TV reaches over half of Australian homes, with over half having 3 or more TVs and most being broadband connected. The commercial networks and subscription TV each receive around 20-22% of total viewing share.
The document summarizes media trends from Q3 2011. Key points include:
- Subscription TV continues to see earnings growth and decreased churn in some markets.
- Business models for over-the-top services and social media advertising continue to evolve.
- The tablet market remains volatile as manufacturers like HP withdraw and patent disputes continue between Apple and Samsung.
- Convergence of content across devices is an ongoing focus for regulators in countries like Australia and the UK.
This document summarizes key statistics about the subscription television market in Australia as of Q3 2011. It notes that 34% of the Australian population, or 7.3 million people, subscribe to subscription television. On average, people with subscription television watch 280 minutes of TV per day compared to 211 minutes for all TV homes. Major subscription TV providers include FOXTEL, AUSTAR, OPTUS, and TransAct. The highest rated original Australian productions on subscription television in the first half of 2011 included Selling Houses Australia Extreme and Donna Hay - Fast Fresh Simple.
The document summarizes media trends from Q3 2011. It notes that subscription television continues to see earnings growth and decreased subscriber churn. Business models are evolving as seen by price increases to over-the-top services in the US and the cancellation of iTunes television rentals. Social media advertising is growing as shown by increased costs of advertising on Facebook. The tablet sector remains volatile as HP exits the market and the iPad increases its dominance.
Correio eletr?nico da turma de s?o carlosnadiaelise
This document contains a list of 33 email addresses. The emails are in no particular order and include a variety of names with different domain names including,, and
1) Em 2011, o Governo Regional da Madeira foi obrigado a diminuir subs¨ªdios em v¨¢rios setores, mesmo antes do plano de ajustamento financeiro imposto pela "troika".
2) Os subs¨ªdios totais concedidos em 2011 foram de apenas 212,8 milh?es de euros, o valor mais baixo em nove anos.
3) Quase todos os setores receberam menos subs¨ªdios, com destaque para as empresas e entidades p¨²blicas, que viram os seus apoios ca¨ªrem mais de 50%.
Instrucciones para llegar a la calle Montnegre desde la desviaci¨®n de La Llaru en Laietania. El documento proporciona indicaciones para llegar al destino de 1,7 km en aproximadamente 3 minutos.
Este documento compara o tempo ¨¤ nossa conta num banco especial chamado Tempo, que deposita 86.400 segundos na nossa conta diariamente e os elimina se n?o forem usados de forma proveitosa, enfatizando a import?ncia de aproveitar cada momento e compartilhar nosso tempo com aqueles que amamos.
Este documento describe las caracter¨ªsticas psicol¨®gicas t¨ªpicas de la adolescencia. Estas incluyen la b¨²squeda de identidad, cambios cognitivos y emocionales, el desarrollo de la sexualidad, la reevaluaci¨®n del sistema de valores y la tensi¨®n entre dependencia e independencia. Tambi¨¦n discute los riesgos psicol¨®gicos y psicosexuales que enfrentan los adolescentes durante este per¨ªodo de desarrollo.
O documento descreve diversos locais e pontos tur¨ªsticos de Macau, incluindo a Est¨¢tua da Kun Iam, a Ponte da Amizade, a Torre de Macau, a Doca dos Pescadores, hot¨¦is-cassinos como o Wynn e o Lisboa, o Hip¨®dromo, o Templo da Deusa Tian Hou, o Aeroporto Internacional e o Posto Fronteiri?o de Gongbei.
The document summarizes media trends from Q2 2012. It discusses subscription TV developments in Australia, the UK, and US, including the FOXTEL-AUSTAR merger in Australia and subscriber growth at BSkyB and Virgin Media in the UK. It also covers innovations for the 2012 London Olympics across multiple platforms and devices, new developments in programming, and regulatory changes. TV viewing remains strong though new devices are growing, according to Nielsen and OzTAM reports.
There are 21.7 million Australians, with 7.3 million (one third) having subscription TV. On average, people with subscription TV watch 3 hours and 26 minutes of TV per day, with those over 65 watching over 5 hours daily. Subscription TV reaches over half of Australian homes, with over half having 3 or more TVs and most being broadband connected. The commercial networks and subscription TV each receive around 20-22% of total viewing share.
The document summarizes media trends from Q3 2011. Key points include:
- Subscription TV continues to see earnings growth and decreased churn in some markets.
- Business models for over-the-top services and social media advertising continue to evolve.
- The tablet market remains volatile as manufacturers like HP withdraw and patent disputes continue between Apple and Samsung.
- Convergence of content across devices is an ongoing focus for regulators in countries like Australia and the UK.
This document summarizes key statistics about the subscription television market in Australia as of Q3 2011. It notes that 34% of the Australian population, or 7.3 million people, subscribe to subscription television. On average, people with subscription television watch 280 minutes of TV per day compared to 211 minutes for all TV homes. Major subscription TV providers include FOXTEL, AUSTAR, OPTUS, and TransAct. The highest rated original Australian productions on subscription television in the first half of 2011 included Selling Houses Australia Extreme and Donna Hay - Fast Fresh Simple.
The document summarizes media trends from Q3 2011. It notes that subscription television continues to see earnings growth and decreased subscriber churn. Business models are evolving as seen by price increases to over-the-top services in the US and the cancellation of iTunes television rentals. Social media advertising is growing as shown by increased costs of advertising on Facebook. The tablet sector remains volatile as HP exits the market and the iPad increases its dominance.
This Media Trends report explores the current environment in which the subscription television sectors of Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States are operating.
This document summarizes key statistics about the subscription television market in Australia as of Q1 2011. It notes that approximately 34% of the population, or 7.2 million people, subscribe to subscription television. It also provides viewing statistics, including average daily viewing times which are highest for older age groups. The document outlines investment in Australian content and popular original Australian productions. It concludes with subscription television's audience share compared to free-to-air commercial networks from 1994-2010.
March 2011 updtae to ASTRA's monitoring of the subscription television industry statistics in Australia. These service is to ensure the most current information is available to our members and others working within the industry.
This document summarizes key statistics about the subscription television market in Australia as of Q1 2011. It finds that approximately 34% of the Australian population, or 7.2 million people, subscribe to subscription television. On average, subscription television homes watch 279 minutes of TV per day. The highest levels of viewing are among those aged 55+ who watch 352 minutes daily. Subscription television has fully transitioned to digital and continues investing heavily in Australian content, spending over $541 million in 2009.
ASTRA monitors subscription television industry statistics to ensure the most current information is available to our members and others working within the industry.
The document provides updates on several policy issues in the Australian media and broadcasting industry from March 2011. Key points include: proposed changes to anti-siphoning legislation for broadcasting sporting events; various reviews of copyright law; the introduction of a bill to streamline digital television regulations; and ongoing discussions around closed captioning standards.
This Media Trends report explores the current environment in which the subscription television sectors of Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States are operating.
This Media Trends report explores the current environment in which the subscription television sectors of Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States are operating.