3. 舒从于仂 亠 仆亠仂弍仂亟亳仄仂? (1) 弌舒亠亞亳 仍ム仂于亳 于仗仂亳 个舒从仂亳 亰舒 仗亠 亰仄亠亳亠仍亳 亳亰亳 Vitality Short Term Objectives Capability Medium Term Objectives Business Value Long Term Objectives Groups Group Activity/Usage Group Capabilities Group KPIs/KVIs Organization Total Activity/Usage Strategic Capabilities Organizational KPIs/KVIs Individuals Individual Activity/Usage Individual Capabilities Individual KPIs/KVIs
仍ム仂于亳 于仗仂亳: What is the primary role of the organizational / functional area? What are the key business objectives and performance metrics for your area? How do these objectives link to the business objectives and goals for the overall business? What collaboration tools do you use today and what limitation do they have? How do you search for information and find experts? Do you use the same collaboration tools outside the firewall (at home) as you do inside the firewall (at work)? 个舒从仂亳 亰舒 仗亠: Establish success criteria to measure against Establish a pre-pilot and post-pilot survey Survey should reflect the prioritized business benefits Ensure all key stakeholders are in agreement on success criteria