The document is a bulletin from the Manchester Church of Christ in Manchester, NH providing information on upcoming events, worship services, prayer requests, and announcements including a guest speaker discussing the Lord's work in Guatemala, various birthdays and anniversaries, and statistics on recent attendance and contributions. It also includes a thought on being a father and fulfilling family responsibilities beyond just providing financially.
The bulletin from the Manchester Church of Christ provides information about upcoming events and needs within the congregation. This includes a youth rally at the end of May, encouragement for members who need prayer or support, and announcements about worship leaders and Bible classes. The bulletin also includes a brief critique of the book Angels and Demons by Dan Brown, noting themes of religious zealotry while also acknowledging science and religion don't need to be at odds.
Where Will We Steer This New Year?油Ephesians油1:1-2 Adapted from a Jim油Black sermon
Jesus was accepting the praise of childrenGLENN PEASE
This is a study of Jesus accepting the praise of children. The chief priests complained about the children singing as Jesus rode into Jerusalem, but Jesus reminded them that it was the prophets fulfillment that they do so.
This chapter discusses working for Jehovah's Witnesses. It notes that JWs are hard working in sharing their beliefs but face difficulties as their organization discourages reading outside publications. The challenge is to help JWs as they are at risk without being born again. It outlines key doctrines JWs teach and soul winning methods focus on speaking directly to understand doubts and show how other beliefs align better with the Bible.
This 3 sentence summary provides the key details from the multi-page church newsletter:
The document is a newsletter from Christ Church Deer Park in Toronto that discusses preparations for Lent and Ash Wednesday, including embracing Lent in a way that helps reorient oneself towards God. It also announces the annual vestry meeting to review the previous year, approve the upcoming budget, and elect new churchwardens. The assistant curate provides additional suggestions for Lenten spiritual practices like using a phrase of the day or placing symbolic stones for difficult problems.
The document provides a church bulletin that includes prayer requests, announcements about last Sunday's service, and responses to religious errors. It summarizes that several people had health issues and were in need of prayers. It reminds readers about important aspects of the last service, such as communion and singing, and encourages regular attendance. It also answers that the Bible indicates Christians should observe communion every Sunday based on Acts 20:7 and other passages.
This document is the summer 2011 issue of the Christ Church Deer Park Herald newsletter. It contains articles from the interim priest-in-charge Thomas Greene and assistant curate Samantha Caravan. Greene discusses the gift of the Holy Spirit and how it allows God to dwell within believers. Caravan praises the parish for facing challenges during its transition period with integrity, determination, and hope. She notes the parish's strengths of inclusion and desire to live in community.
This newsletter contains an interview with Mike Goheen, a professor of reformational worldview studies. It discusses Goheen's background and influences, including Dutch Calvinist thinkers like Bavinck, Kuyper, and Dooyeweerd. Goheen did his PhD on Lesslie Newbigin and sees convergences between Newbigin's emphasis on mission and the reformational tradition. The interview also covers Goheen's book on the missional church, which aims to provide a biblical foundation for understanding the church's missional identity and cultural role. The newsletter includes other sections on book reviews, publications, and organization updates.
This document provides information about events and activities at the First Baptist Church of Franklinton located in Louisiana. It includes contact information for the church, a schedule of Sunday services and activities, and information about upcoming events. The pastor discusses his focus on discipleship and accountability. He describes a successful small group study for young men and invites others to join discipleship groups. Information is also provided about a senior adult revival week and the new youth Sunday school curriculum starting in May about defining purity through the gospel.
This newsletter provides information about First Baptist Church of Franklinton located in Franklinton, Louisiana. It includes the church's contact information, service times, and information about upcoming events like Carry the Cross on Good Friday. Two articles are included, one by the pastor on the power and centrality of the resurrection to Christianity. The other by the minister of senior adults discussing the importance and privilege of reading the Bible that God has provided. Memory verses are also listed for the month.
This article summarizes a story told by the author's father about J.D. Tant, a well-known preacher from the early 20th century. Some ruffians tried to disrupt one of Tant's gospel meetings by paying a man to come forward for baptism and then curse afterwards. Tant was warned about their plan but assured the brethren he would handle it. During the baptism, Tant dunked the man underwater for an extended period, emerging gasping for air instead of cursing. The story illustrates how early preachers dealt with disruptions while spreading the gospel message. It praises Tant and other "pioneer preachers" for their work establishing churches in difficult environments
This document discusses how experiences shape brain development and religious beliefs. It notes that media consumption is high among youth and often presents unflattering depictions of faith and family. Research shows media with sexual content can increase early sexual activity. As alternatives, the document recommends providing youth with positive religious experiences like pilgrimages to holy sites and nature, and cultivating an appreciation of faith and art. It discusses Don Bosco's methods of using activities like plays, music and outdoor outings to help guide youth spiritually. The conclusion urges learning from Don Bosco's example of helping children experience God as a real person and reducing media in favor of interactive family outings.
Mike Childers
Lead Prayer
Dennis Hallmark
Scripture Reading
Mark Hitt
Preside at Table
Bobby Lindley
Serve at Table
William Harris, Jeff Mansel, Jimmy Spearman, Michael Wilson
Serve Communion
Wade Bryan, Ricky Lindsey
Collect Contribution
William Harris, Jeff Mansel
Men to Serve Sunday, Oct. 17, 2021 p.m.
The document introduces the new rector, Stephanie, with her top 10 obscure facts. It also discusses upcoming events at the Church of the Nativity including Youth Sunday and VBS planning meetings. Additionally, it addresses the parish implementing new confidentiality policies to protect sensitive information and ensure parishioners feel comfortable seeking pastoral care.
Your church can grow, become more vital and authentic by practicing reciprocity. Reversing the Decline of the Presbyterian Church: Addressing the Cause, Practicing the Remedy. Using the social and theological mechanism of reciprocity, any church can add value to the world with a clear vision of its mission directed outward.
The article discusses when baptism is effective and when it is not. It argues that baptism does not provide spiritual benefits if it is not preceded by: 1) correct understanding of Jesus' death and salvation through obedience, 2) proper faith in Jesus as divine and baptism as necessary for salvation, 3) true repentance from sinful behaviors, and 4) a biblical confession of faith in Jesus as the Son of God. It also claims baptism is ineffective if it is not an immersion or not followed by ongoing Christian living. The article aims to clarify the proper role and prerequisites of baptism between those who see it as unnecessary or as a "cure all."
The document discusses Thanksgiving and the importance of continuing to live in thankfulness after the holiday through praising God at all times, sharing one's faith with others, and participating in Operation Christmas Child by filling shoeboxes with gifts for children in need around the world. It also provides an update on Our Saviour Lutheran Church's annual budget, noting that giving is currently 9% short of projections for the year.
The document promotes the Live the Dream women's conference happening from October 18-20, 2012 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. It encourages women to just believe in God, His promises, and the possibility of their dreams. The conference schedule and speaker lineup is provided, including worship leader Kari Jobe and pastors Dianne Wilson, Sheila Craft, and Jenteze Franklin. The document also highlights the conference's community outreach partner, Hope House, which aids victims of human trafficking.
The document summarizes Paul's teaching in 1 Thessalonians 2:7-12 about caring for new Christians like nursing infants. It describes how Paul, Silas, and Timothy modeled fatherly care by gently nurturing the believers with God's word, sacrificing themselves to impart the gospel and their lives. Their conduct was holy, righteous, and blameless. As spiritual fathers, they exhorted, encouraged, and implored the believers personally. The goal of their mentoring was to produce spiritual maturity in the believers so that they would walk worthily before God by living obedient lives that brought Him glory.
This document provides guidance on developing virtue through spiritual practices during Lent. It recommends daily prayer, scripture reading, rosary recitation, and examination of conscience. It emphasizes frequent reception of the Eucharist and confession. Stories are presented on saints like Don Bosco and Dominic Savio who encouraged frequent communion. Their example and Eucharistic miracles like Lanciano and Orvieto affirm the real presence and importance of receiving communion. Practical advice is given to help children grasp their dignity, develop virtues, and grow closer to Christ in the Eucharist.
This passage discusses how to let Christ rule in your heart through thankfulness. It says to allow the peace of Christ to rule your heart so that you are unified with other believers. It then says to let the word of Christ dwell in you richly so that you can teach and admonish one another with wisdom. Thankfulness for what Christ has done is what will fuel allowing him to rule your heart and bring unity through his word.
The document discusses the concept of the "reciprocal church" and how reciprocity and social networks are important to communities and churches. It notes that membership in social groups like churches has declined in recent decades. The author argues that churches should consider how they can reciprocate value to their communities in exchange for tax exemptions, in order to strengthen social capital and fulfill their missional purpose.
This document provides information about church events and activities in January 2011. It includes the pastor's reflections on how the Christmas season is just beginning, a question submitted to "Ask the Pastor" about essential tenets of Christianity, a summary of Christmas music performances, January birthdays, a profile of the chair of the Board of Trustees Bill McConnell, and an announcement about a new Vacation Bible School program in July.
The document is an article from a church bulletin that discusses growing in prayer. It notes that prayer, like relationships with friends, should deepen over time. Specifically, Christians should aim to spend more time in prayer, pray about eternally important matters rather than just immediate needs, and develop greater faith that God can do more than we ask. The article encourages taking advantage of the opportunity to communicate with God regularly through prayer in order to feel closer to Him.
This document provides information about upcoming events at Our Saviour Lutheran Church in Green Bay, WI, including a fancy dinner fundraiser, checking the lost and found for coats before winter, and details on the church's annual super sale on August 20th. It also discusses the concept of "testimony" in different Christian traditions and how Lutherans could share what God is doing in their lives without coming across as boastful or overly enthusiastic.
This monthly newsletter from Cornerstone Fellowship discusses upcoming church events in March and provides a pastoral rant by Pastor Steve Olivieri on the importance of youth groups. The rant discusses the pastor's fond memories of time spent with family and in his youth group, and how the genuine relationships formed there influenced him to pursue ministry. It notes statistics showing many teens stop attending church after high school and explores why, emphasizing the importance of community and answering tough questions of faith.
The Baltimore Education Coalition is organizing to protect funding for Baltimore City Public Schools from potential budget cuts by Governor O'Malley. Recent progress in test scores, graduation rates, and drop-out rates shows investment in education is working, but more funding is still needed to improve opportunities for children. BUILD and BEC are meeting with state legislators to advocate for maintaining or increasing education funding. Brown Memorial members are invited to contact the governor and their representatives to support adequate school funding.
This document is the summer 2011 issue of the Christ Church Deer Park Herald newsletter. It contains articles from the interim priest-in-charge Thomas Greene and assistant curate Samantha Caravan. Greene discusses the gift of the Holy Spirit and how it allows God to dwell within believers. Caravan praises the parish for facing challenges during its transition period with integrity, determination, and hope. She notes the parish's strengths of inclusion and desire to live in community.
This newsletter contains an interview with Mike Goheen, a professor of reformational worldview studies. It discusses Goheen's background and influences, including Dutch Calvinist thinkers like Bavinck, Kuyper, and Dooyeweerd. Goheen did his PhD on Lesslie Newbigin and sees convergences between Newbigin's emphasis on mission and the reformational tradition. The interview also covers Goheen's book on the missional church, which aims to provide a biblical foundation for understanding the church's missional identity and cultural role. The newsletter includes other sections on book reviews, publications, and organization updates.
This document provides information about events and activities at the First Baptist Church of Franklinton located in Louisiana. It includes contact information for the church, a schedule of Sunday services and activities, and information about upcoming events. The pastor discusses his focus on discipleship and accountability. He describes a successful small group study for young men and invites others to join discipleship groups. Information is also provided about a senior adult revival week and the new youth Sunday school curriculum starting in May about defining purity through the gospel.
This newsletter provides information about First Baptist Church of Franklinton located in Franklinton, Louisiana. It includes the church's contact information, service times, and information about upcoming events like Carry the Cross on Good Friday. Two articles are included, one by the pastor on the power and centrality of the resurrection to Christianity. The other by the minister of senior adults discussing the importance and privilege of reading the Bible that God has provided. Memory verses are also listed for the month.
This article summarizes a story told by the author's father about J.D. Tant, a well-known preacher from the early 20th century. Some ruffians tried to disrupt one of Tant's gospel meetings by paying a man to come forward for baptism and then curse afterwards. Tant was warned about their plan but assured the brethren he would handle it. During the baptism, Tant dunked the man underwater for an extended period, emerging gasping for air instead of cursing. The story illustrates how early preachers dealt with disruptions while spreading the gospel message. It praises Tant and other "pioneer preachers" for their work establishing churches in difficult environments
This document discusses how experiences shape brain development and religious beliefs. It notes that media consumption is high among youth and often presents unflattering depictions of faith and family. Research shows media with sexual content can increase early sexual activity. As alternatives, the document recommends providing youth with positive religious experiences like pilgrimages to holy sites and nature, and cultivating an appreciation of faith and art. It discusses Don Bosco's methods of using activities like plays, music and outdoor outings to help guide youth spiritually. The conclusion urges learning from Don Bosco's example of helping children experience God as a real person and reducing media in favor of interactive family outings.
Mike Childers
Lead Prayer
Dennis Hallmark
Scripture Reading
Mark Hitt
Preside at Table
Bobby Lindley
Serve at Table
William Harris, Jeff Mansel, Jimmy Spearman, Michael Wilson
Serve Communion
Wade Bryan, Ricky Lindsey
Collect Contribution
William Harris, Jeff Mansel
Men to Serve Sunday, Oct. 17, 2021 p.m.
The document introduces the new rector, Stephanie, with her top 10 obscure facts. It also discusses upcoming events at the Church of the Nativity including Youth Sunday and VBS planning meetings. Additionally, it addresses the parish implementing new confidentiality policies to protect sensitive information and ensure parishioners feel comfortable seeking pastoral care.
Your church can grow, become more vital and authentic by practicing reciprocity. Reversing the Decline of the Presbyterian Church: Addressing the Cause, Practicing the Remedy. Using the social and theological mechanism of reciprocity, any church can add value to the world with a clear vision of its mission directed outward.
The article discusses when baptism is effective and when it is not. It argues that baptism does not provide spiritual benefits if it is not preceded by: 1) correct understanding of Jesus' death and salvation through obedience, 2) proper faith in Jesus as divine and baptism as necessary for salvation, 3) true repentance from sinful behaviors, and 4) a biblical confession of faith in Jesus as the Son of God. It also claims baptism is ineffective if it is not an immersion or not followed by ongoing Christian living. The article aims to clarify the proper role and prerequisites of baptism between those who see it as unnecessary or as a "cure all."
The document discusses Thanksgiving and the importance of continuing to live in thankfulness after the holiday through praising God at all times, sharing one's faith with others, and participating in Operation Christmas Child by filling shoeboxes with gifts for children in need around the world. It also provides an update on Our Saviour Lutheran Church's annual budget, noting that giving is currently 9% short of projections for the year.
The document promotes the Live the Dream women's conference happening from October 18-20, 2012 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. It encourages women to just believe in God, His promises, and the possibility of their dreams. The conference schedule and speaker lineup is provided, including worship leader Kari Jobe and pastors Dianne Wilson, Sheila Craft, and Jenteze Franklin. The document also highlights the conference's community outreach partner, Hope House, which aids victims of human trafficking.
The document summarizes Paul's teaching in 1 Thessalonians 2:7-12 about caring for new Christians like nursing infants. It describes how Paul, Silas, and Timothy modeled fatherly care by gently nurturing the believers with God's word, sacrificing themselves to impart the gospel and their lives. Their conduct was holy, righteous, and blameless. As spiritual fathers, they exhorted, encouraged, and implored the believers personally. The goal of their mentoring was to produce spiritual maturity in the believers so that they would walk worthily before God by living obedient lives that brought Him glory.
This document provides guidance on developing virtue through spiritual practices during Lent. It recommends daily prayer, scripture reading, rosary recitation, and examination of conscience. It emphasizes frequent reception of the Eucharist and confession. Stories are presented on saints like Don Bosco and Dominic Savio who encouraged frequent communion. Their example and Eucharistic miracles like Lanciano and Orvieto affirm the real presence and importance of receiving communion. Practical advice is given to help children grasp their dignity, develop virtues, and grow closer to Christ in the Eucharist.
This passage discusses how to let Christ rule in your heart through thankfulness. It says to allow the peace of Christ to rule your heart so that you are unified with other believers. It then says to let the word of Christ dwell in you richly so that you can teach and admonish one another with wisdom. Thankfulness for what Christ has done is what will fuel allowing him to rule your heart and bring unity through his word.
The document discusses the concept of the "reciprocal church" and how reciprocity and social networks are important to communities and churches. It notes that membership in social groups like churches has declined in recent decades. The author argues that churches should consider how they can reciprocate value to their communities in exchange for tax exemptions, in order to strengthen social capital and fulfill their missional purpose.
This document provides information about church events and activities in January 2011. It includes the pastor's reflections on how the Christmas season is just beginning, a question submitted to "Ask the Pastor" about essential tenets of Christianity, a summary of Christmas music performances, January birthdays, a profile of the chair of the Board of Trustees Bill McConnell, and an announcement about a new Vacation Bible School program in July.
The document is an article from a church bulletin that discusses growing in prayer. It notes that prayer, like relationships with friends, should deepen over time. Specifically, Christians should aim to spend more time in prayer, pray about eternally important matters rather than just immediate needs, and develop greater faith that God can do more than we ask. The article encourages taking advantage of the opportunity to communicate with God regularly through prayer in order to feel closer to Him.
This document provides information about upcoming events at Our Saviour Lutheran Church in Green Bay, WI, including a fancy dinner fundraiser, checking the lost and found for coats before winter, and details on the church's annual super sale on August 20th. It also discusses the concept of "testimony" in different Christian traditions and how Lutherans could share what God is doing in their lives without coming across as boastful or overly enthusiastic.
This monthly newsletter from Cornerstone Fellowship discusses upcoming church events in March and provides a pastoral rant by Pastor Steve Olivieri on the importance of youth groups. The rant discusses the pastor's fond memories of time spent with family and in his youth group, and how the genuine relationships formed there influenced him to pursue ministry. It notes statistics showing many teens stop attending church after high school and explores why, emphasizing the importance of community and answering tough questions of faith.
The Baltimore Education Coalition is organizing to protect funding for Baltimore City Public Schools from potential budget cuts by Governor O'Malley. Recent progress in test scores, graduation rates, and drop-out rates shows investment in education is working, but more funding is still needed to improve opportunities for children. BUILD and BEC are meeting with state legislators to advocate for maintaining or increasing education funding. Brown Memorial members are invited to contact the governor and their representatives to support adequate school funding.
This document provides guidance and encouragement for prayer and finding joy with God during Lent. It outlines daily and weekly Lenten programs focused on prayer, scripture reading, and examination of conscience. It emphasizes giving time to God through prayer will transform us and increase compassion. It encourages giving Sunday and family time entirely to God. Parents are responsible for teaching virtues to children through good example. Don Bosco found joy through festive oratories and miracles to attract youth to faith. Next week's discussion will be on encountering God and manifesting faith's joy.
Tates Creek Christian Church Monthly Current April 2014David Eversole
Michael McReynolds
April 20 - Easter
Elders: Danny Branham, Stan Stack
Deacons: Bill Johnson, Henry Evans
Ashland Terrace: Ed Hall
Home Comm: Chris Lee, Brian Hogston,
Terry Morrison
Comm. Prep: (Sat.) Boyd & Wanda Johnson
(Sun.) Michael & Dana McReynolds
(Sun. after srvs) Michael & Dana McReynolds
April 27
Elders: Nick Wallen, Stan Stack
Deacons: David Straub, Bill Burke
Ashland Terrace: Harold Butler
Home Comm: Bill Burke, Lucas Moore
Russell Brown
Comm. Prep: (Sat
Establishing, nurturing, defending the familylanihilton
This document discusses establishing and nurturing Christ-centered homes and families. It provides counsel from Church leaders on teaching gospel principles to children from a young age, prioritizing family time, and making our homes centers for gospel learning and spiritual strength. Scriptures and quotes encourage parents to teach their children the doctrine of the gospel daily through scripture study, prayer, Sunday activities and by displaying inspirational messages in the home.
From Fizzle To Sizzle Week 2 ExperimentationErnie Zarra
The document provides an overview of a class discussing experimentation among the Baby Boomer generation during the 1960s and 1970s. It explores how the counterculture movement influenced society and the church's attempts to reach youth through new ministry paradigms. Statistics about increasing divorce rates and decreasing religious involvement are presented, raising questions about the church's role and message. Biblical passages encourage believers to walk by the Spirit rather than gratify fleshly desires and to set a godly example through love and truth.
This document discusses developing a spirit of trust in God's superabundant mercy. It provides examples of God's mercy transforming the lives of those who were estranged from the faith, including an atheist, a mafia member, and a satanist. It encourages developing habits and structures that make it easy to do good and avoid sin, such as going to confession regularly, avoiding bad influences, and forgiving others. The document provides steps to build a spiritual plan centered around experiencing God's mercy through prayer, increasing trust in divine mercy, and practicing preventative mercy in one's own life.
The sermon discusses five principles for being effective witnesses based on the book of Acts:
1. Pray constantly for opportunities and God's guidance in witnessing.
2. Show love and fellowship within the church community.
3. Serve and meet the needs of those outside the church to build relationships.
4. Live a transformed life that shows the impact of your faith.
5. Tell others the truth about God's salvation through Christ in a straightforward manner.
The goal is to witness within our own circles of influence and "fish our own ponds" to help others find eternal life through Jesus.
Tates Creek Christian Church Current September 2015tatescreek
This document provides information about upcoming events and ministries at Tates Creek Christian Church. It includes articles from several of the church ministers discussing the importance of standing on the truth and authority of the Bible. The articles emphasize that the Bible contains absolute truth, even if society says otherwise, and encourage reading and studying the Bible to understand its messages. The document also lists upcoming speakers, classes, and events at the church throughout the month.
This weekly newsletter from WCUMC provides information about upcoming church services and events. This Sunday's sermon will focus on Revelation 1 and examine Christ's message to the seven churches. The newsletter also announces several Bible study groups meeting during the week and upcoming youth activities like a parenting seminar and outdoor hike. It provides a financial update and requests support for the church's food pantry.
Breakfast to bedtime, meaningful celebrations to teach the gospel in your homelanihilton
This document provides suggestions for teaching the gospel in the home through meaningful celebrations and daily rituals. It encourages celebrating significant dates in Church history like Joseph Smith's birthday, the restoration of the priesthood, and general conference. Daily rituals suggested include family scripture study, prayer, hymn singing, testifying of gospel truths, and expressing love. The document emphasizes teaching the gospel through these meaningful celebrations and daily routines in order to fortify family members against attacks on their faith.
In this presentation, Bro. Afoke Ben encouraged the brethren to be more committed in the activities of the Church and in being of good examples to their children. Read the presentation for more admonitions.
This document provides guidance on creating interior silence during Lent to hear God's will. It recommends:
1) Setting the goal of creating the spirit of Nazareth in our hearts to fulfill God's will through prayer, scripture, and examining our lives.
2) Practicing lectio divina to listen for God speaking through scripture by reading, meditating, praying, and contemplating passages.
3) Making time each day and week for silence, such as using a dedicated prayer space and going on pilgrimages, to discern God's voice.
This document contains a multi-paragraph sermon from a pastor addressing their congregation. The pastor discusses the importance of using time wisely to continue Jesus' mission of spreading love, and encourages the congregation to regroup and strategize ways to effectively carry out their loving mission. Recent events like the accidental drowning of three children are mentioned as a reminder of the brevity of life. The congregation is thanked for their accomplishments over the past year and goals for the coming year are outlined.
The bulletin from the Manchester Church of Christ provides information about upcoming events at the church including a camping week at Gander Brook, a Labor Day picnic, and a family retreat. It also includes announcements about members in need of prayer or assistance and a schedule of worship leaders. The bulletin aims to keep members informed and encourage participation in church activities and service opportunities.
The document provides the financial report from April 2010 for Rivers of Joy Baptist Church. It reported $2,230.46 in income for April and $493.50 in spending. It also includes announcements about various church activities and issues including a prayer request for a missionary in need of heart surgery.
Break Forth into Joy.pptx"Break Forth into Joy: Embracing God's Salvation and...TImothy leonard
This presentation explores the powerful message of Isaiah 52:1-10, where God calls His people to awaken and rejoice in the promise of redemption. It reflects on how believers can experience true joy through faith, even in challenging times, by embracing God's free gift of salvation and grace. Through daily practices of prayer, thanksgiving, and sharing joy with others, we can live as testimonies of God's love and hope. The presentation emphasizes that lasting joy is found not in the circumstances of life, but in the eternal promises of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Todays message completes the final third of Peters sermon at Pentecost. We will discuss the meaning of repentance, take an important side journey into the non-negotiables of our Christian faith, talk about where and how baptism fits into our faith, and celebrate the inauguration of the Church Age as the Holy Spirit makes His grand entrance!
The 際際滷Share slide show does funky things to the slide formatting and a few slides are wrecked by its slide show, but the downloaded pptx and the Dropbox slide show are good, see link below.
My attempt to explain how the metaphysics of the universe works using speculative philosophy and physics. I use the philosophy of idealism, consciousness primary, along with support from modern physicists who support this argument. I propose that the basis of the universe is non-dual monistic idealism. Using the Buddhist metaphysics of an unconditioned basis of being (infinite space-time & potential) we see how monistic idealism plays out in the non-random rules, structure, and repeating patterns of a manifested & conditioned universe. I also propose that the unconditioned basis-of-being is the G旦del "X" (unrecognized complexity) factor that explains the existence of the manifested conditioned universe per his ontological proof. Idealism can also explain the structural theodicy and suffering of the manifested universe, it is not a problem of evil but of ruthlessness for a purpose. Idealism also refutes a personal conditioned theistic God as Absolute or Ultimate, but does not refute (allows) spiritual power and meaning in the world. I include my Neoplatonic-like cosmological proof of God as the unconditioned basis of being, a terminal ontological ground-state (as brute fact), as being a non-theistic source of the universe. It is a long pptx, but it is a big subject.
Dropbox allows the use of PowerPoint for the web where the slides and animations works:
Sendero viviente -Autobiograf鱈a de un iluminado- en INGLES.pdfRafael Reverte P辿rez
Autobiograf鱈a de un Iluminado
Mi Retiro
La Se単al del Hijo del Hombre
Merkaba y La Era de Paz
- Se comenz坦 a transcribir en Abril 2002 (23 abril a 3 mayo alineaci坦n en conjunci坦n Saturno, J炭piter y Mercurio, Venus) -
M辿xico 2002
N炭m. de Registro 03-2003-022413471400-01
Revisado por el autor en 2017
Shalom everyone , i will sharing the word of god with you all
This presentation focuses on the spiritual battles we face in life and how, through faith, prayer, and obedience to God, we can emerge victorious. Drawing from powerful biblical stories like Cain and Abel, and examples such as Esther, the presentation explores key Christian lessons on trusting in Gods plan.
The core message revolves around three key actions:
Putting on the Armor of God daily, as described in Ephesians 6, to spiritually equip ourselves for lifes challenges.
Trusting in Gods plan, knowing that He works all things for our good.
Continuing in prayer as a means to maintain connection with God and seek His guidance.
With personal anecdotes, scripture references, and a powerful conclusion reminding the audience that the battle belongs to the Lord, the presentation emphasizes that victory is assured when we align ourselves with Gods power.
The visuals guide the audience through the journeystarting from the spiritual warfare we face, through biblical examples of triumph, to the ultimate victory in Christ. Through these lessons, the audience is encouraged to strengthen their faith and trust in God to fight their battles.
Voodoo death spells, black magic voodoo spells, spell to make someone sick and die, death spells that work fast, death spells that work overnight, spell to die in your sleep, black magic spells to harm someone, most powerful death spell, spells to curse someone, spell make someone die, revenge spells
Here are some of the basic harm that is inflicted upon people using black magic to Kill Someone Overnight
Loose Memory
Paralyze the victim
Blocked income
Destroys someones career
Bad luck
Bad dreams
Breaking a relationship or destroying someones cause to separate or divorce.
Controlling someones mind for sex
Making the victim indulge in vices like alcohol, violence and unhealthy sex.
Causing accidents
Making people sick
Anger and avarice; emotional imbalance fear
Not allowing the victim to sleep depression
Making the victim commit suicide
Blocking a womans monthly periods
Blocking a womans ability to conceive
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6
Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. Honour thy father and mother; which is the first commandment with promise; That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth. Ephesians 6:1-3
Honour thy father with thy whole heart, and forget not the sorrows of thy mother. Remember that thou wast begotten of them; and how canst thou recompense them the things that they have done for thee? Sirach 7:27-28