This document does not contain enough content to summarize. It only lists the creator's name and mentions pictures from another source but provides no other context or details.
This document discusses women soldiers and their dedication to serving their country. It references passing through fire and ice to reach their goals and meet heaven or hell, all while bringing glory to their motherland. The soldiers are told to prepare for peace over seeking honors, and to leave glory to their country while maintaining hope for peace despite holding fire. The document was created by a former military employee to honor these soldiers.
This very short document celebrates the arrival of spring and the romance of nature. It expresses happiness about the spring season and a message of love.
El documento resume la vida y obra del poeta espa単ol Antonio Machado, miembro de la Generaci坦n del 98. Naci坦 en Sevilla en 1875 y muri坦 exiliado en Francia en 1939 huyendo de la Guerra Civil Espa単ola. Fue profesor y uno de los poetas m叩s representativos del modernismo espa単ol, cuyos poemas reflejan la decadencia cultural y pol鱈tica de Espa単a en su 辿poca. El documento incluye biograf鱈a, contexto hist坦rico y extractos de algunos de sus poemas m叩s conocidos.
March 1st - marks the Beginning of Spring in Romania and other countries; Ladies and girls receive small tokens of pure love, respect .. most of these are hand made .. sometimes flowers are offered too.
This document discusses spring music and Celtic Myst, a band led by Raissa. It mentions tulips for spring days and their winter music. The title suggests the content will be about spring flowers, Celtic music, and different seasons.
The document discusses how God is present during life's difficulties and moments of despair, as well as during times of joy and peace. It suggests that God is responsible for seemingly random acts of kindness from others, moments of clarity during problems, feelings of consolation, and finding renewed courage and hope. The message encourages sharing how God is always near to offer love, help, and accompany people throughout their lives.
This short document provides information about a Bulgarian photographer named Vili. It includes their name and a link to their 際際滷Share profile page. The document ends by wishing the reader to have a nice day.
This 3 sentence document discusses a trip to Europe. It mentions Raissa's Europe trip and asks if the reader recognizes the music "Gheorghe Zamfir-Now And Forever." It also requests the reader to look closely and name the place depicted.
The document discusses images and music on the internet. It mentions tulips and credits Luigi Ionescu for the song "Lalele, Lalele" which translates to "Tulips, Tulips".
The Association of the Performing Arts of India's mission is to promote and preserve Indian classical music and dance through various outreach activities like lectures, demonstrations, classes and concerts. Over many years, it has provided these programming elements to numerous community venues and organizations.
Este documento lista y describe brevemente algunas de las bibliotecas m叩s bellas de Europa, incluyendo bibliotecas nacionales en pa鱈ses como Austria, Francia, Reino Unido, Espa単a e Italia; bibliotecas mon叩sticas y de abad鱈as en Austria, Suiza, Rep炭blica Checa, Alemania y Portugal; y bibliotecas universitarias en Inglaterra y Espa単a. La biblioteca del Vaticano, que alberga m叩s de 180,000 manuscritos, tambi辿n se destaca como una de las bibliotecas m叩s impresionantes de Europa.
, 丐 弌丐亊!
乖 丐 亊 丶亊丐 -
, 丼 乂 豫 丶乖个丐亊,
弌亊 丐.
WOMEN DO never gets old!
To be like lime blossom -
Although already in July ceases to bloom
years keeps its aroma ...
El documento resume la vida y obra del poeta espa単ol Antonio Machado, miembro de la Generaci坦n del 98. Naci坦 en Sevilla en 1875 y muri坦 exiliado en Francia en 1939 huyendo de la Guerra Civil Espa単ola. Fue profesor y uno de los poetas m叩s representativos del modernismo espa単ol, cuyos poemas reflejan la decadencia cultural y pol鱈tica de Espa単a en su 辿poca. El documento incluye biograf鱈a, contexto hist坦rico y extractos de algunos de sus poemas m叩s conocidos.
March 1st - marks the Beginning of Spring in Romania and other countries; Ladies and girls receive small tokens of pure love, respect .. most of these are hand made .. sometimes flowers are offered too.
This document discusses spring music and Celtic Myst, a band led by Raissa. It mentions tulips for spring days and their winter music. The title suggests the content will be about spring flowers, Celtic music, and different seasons.
The document discusses how God is present during life's difficulties and moments of despair, as well as during times of joy and peace. It suggests that God is responsible for seemingly random acts of kindness from others, moments of clarity during problems, feelings of consolation, and finding renewed courage and hope. The message encourages sharing how God is always near to offer love, help, and accompany people throughout their lives.
This short document provides information about a Bulgarian photographer named Vili. It includes their name and a link to their 際際滷Share profile page. The document ends by wishing the reader to have a nice day.
This 3 sentence document discusses a trip to Europe. It mentions Raissa's Europe trip and asks if the reader recognizes the music "Gheorghe Zamfir-Now And Forever." It also requests the reader to look closely and name the place depicted.
The document discusses images and music on the internet. It mentions tulips and credits Luigi Ionescu for the song "Lalele, Lalele" which translates to "Tulips, Tulips".
The Association of the Performing Arts of India's mission is to promote and preserve Indian classical music and dance through various outreach activities like lectures, demonstrations, classes and concerts. Over many years, it has provided these programming elements to numerous community venues and organizations.
Este documento lista y describe brevemente algunas de las bibliotecas m叩s bellas de Europa, incluyendo bibliotecas nacionales en pa鱈ses como Austria, Francia, Reino Unido, Espa単a e Italia; bibliotecas mon叩sticas y de abad鱈as en Austria, Suiza, Rep炭blica Checa, Alemania y Portugal; y bibliotecas universitarias en Inglaterra y Espa単a. La biblioteca del Vaticano, que alberga m叩s de 180,000 manuscritos, tambi辿n se destaca como una de las bibliotecas m叩s impresionantes de Europa.
, 丐 弌丐亊!
乖 丐 亊 丶亊丐 -
, 丼 乂 豫 丶乖个丐亊,
弌亊 丐.
WOMEN DO never gets old!
To be like lime blossom -
Although already in July ceases to bloom
years keeps its aroma ...
"...亟亳 弍亠亰仂仄亠仆 - 从舒仂 于仂亟舒. 从仂 仍仂亢亳 于仂亟舒舒 于 舒舒, 舒于舒 舒舒; 从仂 仍仂亢亳 于于 于舒亰舒, 舒于舒 于舒亰舒. 从仂 舒亰仗仆亠, 亠 仗亠于舒 于于 舒仆舒亰亳. 仂亟舒舒 仄仂亢亠 亟舒 亠亠 亳 仄仂亢亠 亟舒 弍于舒. 仍亳 亟舒 弍亟亠 从舒仂舒. 亟亳 于仂亟舒, 仗亳亠仍".
This channel is not a commercial! The Visual and Sound used remain the property of the respectful copyright owners. THANK YOU!
My work only for entertainment.
亠亞仂 亞仂 仗亠亟舒亟仂舒.
亠亞仂 亠 仂亠从仂舒.
丐仂亶 弍亠亠 仂亟亠仆. 于仍亠仆. 亳. 仂亟亳亞舒于舒仆. 丱仍亠仆. 仗仍ム.
丐仂亶 弍亠亠 舒亰仗仆舒.
仂 丐仂亶 亳亰仗仍仆亳 仂仍舒 仆舒 舒.
丐仂亶 亳亰从仗亳 亞亠仂于亠亠 仆舒 丼仂于亠亠于仂仂.
丐仂亶 弍亠亠 仄亳亠仆. 亰亠磦舒亠 弍仂仍仆亳.
丐仂亶 仂亟舒亟亠 于仂 亢亳于仂. 舒 仆舒...
弌 亊 弌 乖丐丐.
丐 弌弌!!!
He was betrayed.
Him is denied.
He was convicted. Rejected. Bit. Mocked. Vilified. Spat.
He was crucified.
Abandoned ...
But he fulfill the Will of the Father.
It redeem the sins of mankind.
He was humble. He healed the sick.
He forgave ...
He gave his life. About us...
Today it is not among dead.
This channel is not a commercial! The Visual and Sound used remain the property of the respectful copyright owners.
It's only for entertainment.
Human happiness , what are you?
A longing ? Mirage? Sigh ? Verse ?
Where are you? Indeed, where are you?
The pursuit of life go ...
they intercept in sunsets and songs
catch and split again ...
Why we wondrous magical island!
And miracles happen earth!
Grand is always the most simple!
A moon , two drops of dew
small random walk
and the warmth of a hand ...
And they are all happy to suffer
to create simple wonders
Droplet be able to enjoy
and you can open sky ! ... * google translate*
Everyone wants to be happy.
What makes us happy? Hope - false, real or true? ..... Is it true that everyone has a life you want?
Nothing prevents us to dream ...
Pleasant and romantic day ...
This channel is not a commercial! The Visual and Sound used remain the property of the respectful copyright owners.
It's only for entertainment.