8. 為什麼敌对?
The north (Galilee)
? Antiochus III (223-187 BCE)
? breakaway Jewish sect
? Occupied Jewish land and claim as theirs
and south (Judea) are
divided by Samaria
#5: 希律加利利分封的王John got killedJesus dodged? No. Before going into the Galilee, Jesus has made himself known in Judea. He sent his disciples in pair for evangelism and cast out demons. 希律·安提帕斯Herod Antipas thought Jesus was John the Baptist resurrectedHow John got killed?Marry Herodias (希羅底) -侄女 兄弟的妻子 Torah forbids Brother and sister marriage, and marriage with a niece or nephew.Herod beheaded John because John said it is unlawful for Herod to marry his brother's wife and queen's daughters danced in front of Herod and asked for John's head.Herod respected John and only put him in jail.Herod’s birthday.女兒進來跳舞. 國的一半也必給你.約翰的頭放在盤子Jesus then departed Judea and enter Galilee
#6: 1:28這是在約但河外伯大尼,約翰施洗的地方作的見證。1:43?又次日,耶穌想要往加利利去,遇見腓力,2:1 第三日,在加利利的迦拿有娶親的筵席2:11?耶穌在加利利的迦拿行了這頭一件神蹟,顯明了他的榮耀,他的門徒們就信了他。2:13?猶太人的逾越節快到了,耶穌上耶路撒冷去2:13-22 潔淨聖殿3:22?這些事以後,耶穌和他的門徒們來到猶太地區,住在那裡,並且給人施洗3:23?約翰也在撒令附近的艾嫩施洗4:3他就離了猶太,又往加利利去。經過撒玛利亚的一座城,名叫敘加,靠近雅各給他兒子約瑟的那塊地。6在那裡有雅各井4:43?兩天後,耶穌離開了那裡,前往加利利地區4:46?耶穌又來到加利利的迦拿Jews avoid Samaria. Jesus break all culture and tradition.
#7: Two infamous Samaritans in the New Testament.The Samaritan woman at the wellThe Good Samaritan
#9: Remember John and Peter want to call fire of heaven to burn the Samaritans because they don't allow them Jews and Samaritans are like Chinese in Mainland China and TaiwanPalestinian and Jews controversy Black and White segregationRosa Parks羅莎·帕克斯在1955年12月1日,拒絕不肯讓位給一名白人乘客而成引發聯合抵制公車運動一場大規模反對種族隔離的運動聯合抵制的馬丁·路德·金開始在民權運動美國黑人民權主義運動
#11: Biblical History of Samaria - II King 17 (reference Jesus's works p.89)Assyrians defeated northen kingdom the 10 tribes and only Judea tribe is left. The jews and samaritan married.Samaritan has their own Torah. They only held to the first 5 books. Anything after Deuteronomy, Samaritans discount.Jews vs Samaritans. Israel and Palestine 1700s conflict. Later, Israel divided into two kingdoms. The northern kingdom, called Israel, established its capital first at Shechem, a revered site in Jewish history, and later at the hilltop city of Samaria.In 722 B.C. Assyria conquered Israel and took most of its people into captivity. The invaders then brought in Gentile colonists “from Babylon, Cuthah, Ava, Hamath, and from Sepharvaim” (2 Kin. 17:24) to resettle the land. The foreigners brought with them their pagan idols, which the remaining Jews began to worship alongside the God of Israel (2 Kin. 17:29-41). Intermarriages also took place (Ezra 9:1-10:44;?Neh. 13:23-28).Meanwhile, the southern kingdom of Judah fell to Babylon in 600 B.C. Its people, too, were carried off into captivity. But 70 years later, a remnant of 43,000 was permitted to return and rebuild Jerusalem. The people who now inhabited the former northern kingdom—the Samaritans—vigorously opposed the repatriation and tried to undermine the attempt to reestablish the nation. For their part, the full-blooded, monotheistic Jews detested the mixed marriages and worship of their northern cousins. So walls of bitterness were erected on both sides and did nothing but harden for the next 550 years.Joseph's land = Ephraim = Samaria Tribe of Ephraim later?named?Samaria?http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tribe_of_Ephraim#Tribal_territorySeckim
#13: Jesus evangelism skillInitiate a conversation on a common subject. Everybody needs water.Create curiosityUse physical means to teach spiritual meaning. Water = physical need. Thirst. Temporal. Words = spiritual need. Thirst. Eternal.Look at the result, woman asked “give me that water”Woman still not understand. Still think physical & substantial matter. Spring water
#14: Spring waterPurified Water 80%?Mineral Water Sparkling Bottled WaterArtesian Well WaterTap Water泉水純淨水80%礦泉水汽瓶裝水自流井水自來水繼續看耶穌如何建立的進展
#15: Jewish community this is outrageous. At the time Samaritans (pagans) accept re-marriageSamaritans’ religious =Pentateuch Jewish law 摩西五經猶太法律
#18: 3他就離了猶太,又往加利利去。4必須經過撒玛利亚,5於是到了撒玛利亚的一座城,名叫敘加,靠近雅各給他兒子約瑟的那塊地。6在那裡有雅各井;耶穌因走路困乏,就坐在井旁。那時約有午正。Jacob’s Well Dig a well猶太人,撒玛利亚人,基督教和穆斯林 traditions all associate the well with Jacob.18雅各從巴旦亞蘭回來的時候,平平安安地到了迦南地的示劍城,在城東支搭帳棚,19就用一百塊銀子向示劍的父親、哈抹的子孫買了支帳棚的那塊地
#21: Like the today Palestinian?occupying Israel land奥斯曼帝国Northern Kingdom = Ten lost tribes 流便,以薩迦,西布倫,但, 拿弗他利,迦得,亞設,以法蓮,瑪拿西和西緬House of David. Southern Kingdom = 猶大,便雅憫以法蓮支派的領土是在迦南中心的瑪拿西的領土,該地區後來被命名為撒玛利亚(猶太和加利利區分開來)以法蓮境內包含了早期以色列人的宗教中心- 示劍和示羅。Jacob’s Well猶太人,撒玛利亚人,基督教和穆斯林 traditions all associate the well with Jacob.18雅各從巴旦亞蘭回來的時候,平平安安地到了迦南地的示劍城,在城東支搭帳棚,19就用一百塊銀子向示劍的父親、哈抹的子孫買了支帳棚的那塊地Shechem situated at the foot of Mt. Gerizim and Mt. Ebal.Only place on earth where one can draw a circle of a few feet and say confidently that the feet of Christ have stood within the circumference.Location, ShechemMount Gerazim? Deuteronomy 11:29 (see PDF). Jews exiled from Eygpt and fought the wars at Jerico and lost. They land in the two mount. Six tribes on one mount. Another six tribes on the other mount. Before entering the promised landMount Gerazim = God's grace and blessing. Mount Ebal = God's justice and curse. This is the gospel.The Two mountains - Blessings and Curses. Mt. Gerizim and Mt. Ebal ?Deuteronomy 27 http://www.bible.ca/archeology/bible-archeology-altar-of-joshua.htm
#22: Who is this woman?Married five times. The woman cannot marry anymore. She has already married five timesResemble PagansSignificance:The Well. New Bride. Patriots (Abraham, Issac, Jacob) (they are blessed and they always find water) and Moses find their bride at the well Jesus found his bride. The church.
#23: If Nicodemus cannot make it nobody can't make itIf Samaritan woman can make it anybody can make it
#26: Jesus drank from Samaritan's well. Jesus break all culture. Do you share common ground with your gospel prospects?
#27: Sow and reap. Hire two groups of people. Both celebrate harvest. In spirituality, sow and reap are done at the same time. There is no division of season. Like the old ancient organ (one play the other bump to create compression)35你們豈不說『到收割的時候還有四個月』嗎?我告訴你們,舉目向田觀看,莊稼已經熟了(原文是發白),可以收割了。36收割的人得工價,積蓄五穀到永生,叫撒種的和收割的一同快樂。37俗語說::『那人撒種,這人收割』,這話可見是真的。38我差你們去收你們所沒有勞苦的;別人勞苦,你們享受他們所勞苦的。」39那城裡有好些撒玛利亚人信了耶穌,因為那婦人作見證說:「他將我素來所行的一切事都給我說出來了。」40於是撒玛利亚人來見耶穌,求他在他們那裡住下,他便在那裡住了兩天。41因耶穌的話,信的人就更多了,42便對婦人說:「現在我們信,不是因為你的話,是我們親自聽見了,知道這真是救世主。」
#28: 難道有人拿東西來給他吃了嗎?Live for the eternal even while you need to suffer by the physical. If you don't live for the eternal, the physical become meaningless.Is Jesus's passion your passion?31這其間,門徒對耶穌說:「拉比,請吃。」32耶穌說:「我有食物吃,是你們不知道的。」33門徒就彼此對問說:「莫非有人拿甚麼給他吃嗎?」34耶穌說:「我的食物就是遵行差我來者的旨意,做成他的工。