Contribution e forum gfatm 2015 from serbiaAS Centar
The document is a contribution report from a Serbian organization called AS - Center for the Empowerment of Youth Living with HIV and AIDS to the E-Forum GFATM in Serbia in 2015. It discusses challenges facing people living with HIV/AIDS in Serbia, including lack of access to diagnostic tests and newer treatment drugs, as well as high prices for HIV treatment. It calls for strengthening cooperation between civil society organizations and health institutions to improve support services and ensure their sustainability. The organization proposes establishing a civil society forum for HIV/AIDS in Serbia to facilitate participation of people living with HIV in policy processes and development.
This document provides an alternative report on torture and ill-treatment in Serbia to the UN Committee against Torture. It summarizes issues related to the criminalization of torture, treatment of asylum seekers and irregular migrants, torture and ill-treatment in detention, investigation and prosecution of such cases, reparation and rehabilitation for victims, human trafficking, and treatment of vulnerable groups. Several NGOs contributed sections on their areas of expertise. The report finds that Serbian law does not properly define and criminalize torture in line with the UN Convention and recommends amendments to address this. It also notes issues with statutes of limitations and calls for reopening past cases.
Report is made on the basis of inclusion guidelines for civil society organizations in the process of making regulations: Official Gazette of Republic of Serbia (conclusion 05 number 011-8872/ 2014), adopted by the Government of Republic of Serbia in Belgrade, on 26. August 2014. LAIC advisory process was conducted with the aim to engage and build a partnership public administration bodies and civil society organizations for active participation in the preparation, decision-making and monitoring with initiatives European Commission in order to ensure their effective and efficient implementation.
Forum organizacija civilnog dru?tva za HIV i AIDS - FOCDHAAS Centar
Forum organizacija civilnog dru?tva za HIV i AIDS (FOCDHA) je nastao kao ishod aktivnosti projekta ?Mladi koji ?ive sa HIV-om udru?eni za zastupanje svojih interesa doprinose unapre?enju svog polo?aja“, koji sprovodi Centar za osna?ivanje mladih osoba je ?ive sa HIV-om i AIDS-om ?AS“, u partnerstvu sa Krovna Organizacija Mladih Srbije (KOMS) i Kancelarija za mlade (KZM) i saradnju sa udru?enjima gradske uprave grada Beograda (GNEZDO), a finansira Ministarstvo omladine i sporta Republike Srbije (MOS).
AS Centar je aplicirao za dodatna sredstva za realizaciju okruglog stola i kao rezultat te aplikacije, TACSO kancelarija u Srbiji i TACSO Resursni centar Gradjanske Inicijative (GI) i konzorcijuma koji ?ine Ku?a ljudskih prava Beograd, Centar za razvoj neprofitnog sektora (CRNPS), Fondacija za nove komunikacije Dokukino, podr?ali su odr?avanje prve konferencije Foruma organizacija civilnog dru?tva za HIV/AIDS (FOCDHA) kao konsultativnog tela Evropskog Evropskim forumom organizacija civilnog dru?tva za HIV/AIDS CSF i ?lanova odbora EU HIV/AIDS Think Tank foruma koga ?ine predstavnici dr?ava ?lanica EU i zemalja u okru?enju, uz ko-predsedavanje EU grupe za terapiju AIDS-a EATG i EU AIDS mre?e AAE.
Support of civil_society_organizations_and_institutions_of_serbiaAS Centar
Civil society organizations, networks, associations, institutions and individuals from Serbia today gave strong support to the initiatives of the European Commission and invited Minister of Health of the European Union, countries in the region and directors of pharmaceutical companies in Abbvie, BMS, Gilead, Janssen and Merck/MSD.
? AS Center promotes solidarity, motivate and encourage the community, PLWHA, their families, friends, people who are affected by prejudice and increased risk for HIV infection, to join forces to build healthy lifestyles, tolerance and equality, to provide respect for human rights and freedoms, to create a tolerant environment in which to accept and appreciate diversity and to provide high quality and universal access to social, legal and health protection.
Report from AS Center for Youth Empowerment of people living with HIV and AIDS and 34 partners organizations of civil society, institutions and activists with technical logistic support SOSYEP GIZ project in Serbia, marking the first Pan-European campaign "European HIV Testing Week", 2013 in Serbia.
Report was prepared, written and presented to the public Djurica Stankov, executive director of the AS Center.
In the campaign, the participants were divided into 100 manual for peer educators on prevention of sexually transmitted infections, "Either you or STI" created as part of a project conducted by the Center for AS empower young people living with HIV and AIDS, with the financial Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Serbia, then 20,000 free Durex condoms; 100 pickups with the mark of the Center AS, 100 badges, insignia AS Center, 100 pieces of natural aromatic soaps and 8,000 brochures:
??Strengthening structures for empowerment?;
??Do not judge delusion!?;
??Who can infect??;
??Code of Ethics for Civil Society?;
??Prevention of torture?;
??Were you tortured??;
??Platform of the role of CSOs?;
??Prevention of torture and rehabilitation?;
??Rights above all?;
??I Choose?;
??Sexually Transmitted Infections?;
??First time at the gynecologist?;
??Let's talk about hepatitis B?;
??Let's talk about hepatitis C?;
??Let's talk about AIDS?;
Global civil society letter to the inter agency expert group on sdg indicator...AS Centar
Over 100 health and Development organisations, including several IAPB members, sign advocacy letter to body working on SDGs monitoring framework
Universal health coverage (UHC) is a target under the health goal for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to be finalised in September 2015. The UHC target is a key one for eye health – there is a need for a more sustainable, universal approach to health and comprehensive building up of health system capacities, within which eye health can be integrated, as acknowledged in the “Universal eye health; A global action plan 2014 -2019” (GAP). Further, the recent joint WHO/ World Bank report ‘Tracking Universal Health Coverage First Global Monitoring Report’, recognises the usefulness of cataract surgical coverage as an indicator to contribute to measuring success in universal health coverage.
However, current proposals for measuring UHC within the SDGs fall far short of expectations. IAPB and many members have joined health NGOs in a call to the Inter-Agency and Expert Group on SDG Indicators (IAEG-SDGs) to review and improve upon their proposal. The IAEG-SDGs are proposing to measure only one component of UHC, either financial risk protection or health service coverage. As has been made clear by civil society partners, the WHO and World Bank, UHC comprises both measures and measuring only one component would give a worryingly incomplete picture of progress which may negatively affect SDG implementation, and it could reduce possibilities for entry points for advocating for eye health inclusion when it comes to setting national level priorities. Measurement largely directs policy and SDG indicators will have significant consequences for SDG implementation.
The IAEG – SDGs is made up of a number of member states’ national statistic offices. If your country is listed here we would also encourage you to send a copy of the final letter to your national statistics office.
If you have any queries, please contact Zoe Gray, Advocacy Manager, IAPB.
Target 3.8 must be tracked using these two indicators on:
AIDS i nezadovoljstvo - Ucutkivanje gay seksualnosti u SrbijiAS Centar
This dissertation analyzes how the perpetuation of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Serbia directly results from the rejection and silencing of gay sexuality. Rates of HIV diagnosis remain high, with 30% of cases identified at the terminal stage. Gay men with HIV face double discrimination based on their sexuality and illness status. This causes them to conceal their sexual identity and HIV status for as long as possible. Discrimination against gay sexuality is structured around the majority's silence on the issue. This enforced silence leads to mimicry in gay people's body politics and forces "coming out" in medical settings, revealing sexuality in a discriminatory society. The dissertation argues Serbia's public health policies fail to address the epidemic due to lack of sexual education and inclusion
The "PROTECT YOUR LOVE - SAVE THE FUTURE" promote solidarity and motivate the community, people with HIV, their families, friends, people who are under the influence of prejudice, at increased risk for HIV infection and are subject to discrimination, to join forces to provide respect for human rights, create a tolerant environment in which to accept and appreciate diversity and to provide high quality and universal access to social, legal and health protection for all people. Solidarity of society is the basis of acceptance of personal responsibility and is essential for reducing stigma and discrimination and promote efficient and transparent participation of vulnerable, disadvantaged and socially marginalized people in social processes
Priru?nik za vr?nja?ke edukatore na temu polno prenosivih infekcija - AS CentarAS Centar
Svedoci smo sve ranijeg stupanja mladih, posebno srednjo?kolaca, u seksualne odnose, pove?ane stope abortusa me?u tom populacijom i pove?anja preno?enja polno prenosivih infekcija (PPI). Reproduktivno zdravlje mladih podrazumeva normalni polni razvoj i sazrevanje. Tako?e je bitno da mladi imaju zadovoljavaju?i i siguran seksualni ?ivot, razvoj zdravih, ravnopravnih i odgovornih odnosa, ostvarenje reproduktivne funkcije na zdrav i ?eljen na?in, kao i spre?avanje polno prenosivih infekcija, oboljenja i povreda u vezi sa seksualno??u i reprodukcijom.
Rade?i sa u?enicima srednjih ?kola u Beogradu, osmislili smo bro?uru ?ILI TI ILI PPI!“ sa osnovnim ciljem da upoznamo mlade osobe sa osnovama prevencije i le?enja polno prenosivih infekcija (PPI). Ovom bro?urom, ?elimo da skrenemo pa?nju mladima o rizi?nim oblicima seksualnog pona?anja i posledicama koje mogu nastati usled neodgovornog seksualnog odnosa.
Bro?ura pru?a korisne informacije o polno prenosivim infekcijama i adrese na koje se mladi mogu obratiti, a prilago?ena je tako da mo?e biti korisna i pripadnicima nevladinih i drugih organizacija, budu?im vr?nja?kim edukatorima, pojedincima i svima koji se bave za?titom reproduktivnog zdravlja i prevencijom polno prenosivih infekcija (PPI).
Bro?ura je nastala kao proizvod u okviru projekta: ?ILI TI ILI PPI!“ koji sprovodi AS Centar za osna?ivanje mladih osoba koje ?ive sa HIV-om i AIDS-om, uz finansijsku podr?ku Ministarstva omladine i sporta Republike Srbije.
Presek stanja kreiran na osnovu dostupnih informacija i uz veliku pomoc? i podr?ku pacijenata, udru?enja pacijenata, njihovih saveza i organizacija civilnog dru?tva koje se ?titi od prava pacijenata u Srbiji.
Program 3P:
Prevention of chronic diseases.
Partnership of public, private, civil sector, patients and citizens in the local community.
Support for the patient and their family members.
Priru?nik za organizovati svetski dan hepatitisaAS Centar
Priru?nik preveden u okviru projekta ?Ko je heroj? 2, realizuje AS Centar za osna?ivanje mladih osoba je ?ive sa HIV-om i AIDS-om, finansira Ministarstvo omladine i sporta Republike Srbije.
Priru?nik preveli u?esnici projekta ?Dobro je znati - NAPOR se isplati!“ kao deo programa "Bez muke nema nauke, bez NAPORnih koraka kvalitetu pomaka! - dopunjeno izdanje" koji realizuje AS Centar za osna?ivanje mladih osoba je ?ive sa HIV-om i AIDS-om, u okviru obuke za omladinske lidere/ke koji sprovodi Nacionalna asocijacija prakti?ara/ki omladinskog rada - NAPOR, finansira Ministarstvo omladine i sporta Republike Srbije
Krovna organizacija mladih Srbije - KOMS, Savez udru?enja acijenata Srbije - SUPS, Kancelarija za mlade Obrenovac, Kancelarija za mlade Loznica, Forum organizacija civilnog dru?tva za HIV i AIDS - FOCDHA, Muzi?ko opersko teatarska organizacija - MOTO, Udru?enje gra?ana "Vi?e od pomo?i - AID+", Udru?enje gra?ana OEF, Asocijacija ?ena plus, Organizacija Addicted i LGBT Srbija, uz medijsku podr?ku LGBT Radija.
?Stavovi izra?eni u ovoj publikaciji isklju?iva su odgovornost autora i njegovih saradnika i ne predstavljaju zvani?an stav Ministarstva omladine i sporta Republike Srbije.”
Testiraj se!
#?SvetBezHepatitisa?, #?WHD?, ?#?Belgrade,? ?#?Serbia,? ?#?KOMS,? ?#?SUPS,? ?#?Youth?, ?#?KoJeHeroj?? #AS_Centar #MOS
Nezavisni izvestaj revizorske agencije za projekat zivi duhoviAS Centar
Nezavisni izve?taj revizorske agencije za projekat "?ivi duhovi“ koji je sproveo Centar za osna?ivanje mladih osoba koje ?ive sa HIV-om i AIDS-om ?AS“ a finansirala Kancelarija za ljudska i manjinska prava Vlade Republike Srbije (KLJMP)
Nezavisni izvestaj revizorske agencije za projekat ko je herojAS Centar
Nezavisni izve?taj revizorske agencije za projekat "Mladi koji ?ive sa HIV-om udru?eni za zastupanje svojih interesa doprinose unapre?enju svog polo?aja“ koji je sproveo Centar za osna?ivanje mladih osoba koje ?ive sa HIV-om i AIDS-om ?AS“,u partnerstvu sa: Krovna Organizacija Mladih Srbije (#KOMS) i Kancelarija za mlade - Beograd (#KZM) i saradnju sa udru?enjima Gradske uprave grada Beograda ?GNEZDO“ a finansira Ministarstvo omladine i sporta Republike Srbije (MOS).
Letter from participants of the G7 Civil Society Taskforce which met in Rome (1-2 February 2016) to members of the G7 Health Experts Working Group meeting in Tokyo (18-19 February 2016)
Report from AS Center for Youth Empowerment of people living with HIV and AIDS and 34 partners organizations of civil society, institutions and activists with technical logistic support SOSYEP GIZ project in Serbia, marking the first Pan-European campaign "European HIV Testing Week", 2013 in Serbia.
Report was prepared, written and presented to the public Djurica Stankov, executive director of the AS Center.
In the campaign, the participants were divided into 100 manual for peer educators on prevention of sexually transmitted infections, "Either you or STI" created as part of a project conducted by the Center for AS empower young people living with HIV and AIDS, with the financial Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Serbia, then 20,000 free Durex condoms; 100 pickups with the mark of the Center AS, 100 badges, insignia AS Center, 100 pieces of natural aromatic soaps and 8,000 brochures:
??Strengthening structures for empowerment?;
??Do not judge delusion!?;
??Who can infect??;
??Code of Ethics for Civil Society?;
??Prevention of torture?;
??Were you tortured??;
??Platform of the role of CSOs?;
??Prevention of torture and rehabilitation?;
??Rights above all?;
??I Choose?;
??Sexually Transmitted Infections?;
??First time at the gynecologist?;
??Let's talk about hepatitis B?;
??Let's talk about hepatitis C?;
??Let's talk about AIDS?;
Global civil society letter to the inter agency expert group on sdg indicator...AS Centar
Over 100 health and Development organisations, including several IAPB members, sign advocacy letter to body working on SDGs monitoring framework
Universal health coverage (UHC) is a target under the health goal for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to be finalised in September 2015. The UHC target is a key one for eye health – there is a need for a more sustainable, universal approach to health and comprehensive building up of health system capacities, within which eye health can be integrated, as acknowledged in the “Universal eye health; A global action plan 2014 -2019” (GAP). Further, the recent joint WHO/ World Bank report ‘Tracking Universal Health Coverage First Global Monitoring Report’, recognises the usefulness of cataract surgical coverage as an indicator to contribute to measuring success in universal health coverage.
However, current proposals for measuring UHC within the SDGs fall far short of expectations. IAPB and many members have joined health NGOs in a call to the Inter-Agency and Expert Group on SDG Indicators (IAEG-SDGs) to review and improve upon their proposal. The IAEG-SDGs are proposing to measure only one component of UHC, either financial risk protection or health service coverage. As has been made clear by civil society partners, the WHO and World Bank, UHC comprises both measures and measuring only one component would give a worryingly incomplete picture of progress which may negatively affect SDG implementation, and it could reduce possibilities for entry points for advocating for eye health inclusion when it comes to setting national level priorities. Measurement largely directs policy and SDG indicators will have significant consequences for SDG implementation.
The IAEG – SDGs is made up of a number of member states’ national statistic offices. If your country is listed here we would also encourage you to send a copy of the final letter to your national statistics office.
If you have any queries, please contact Zoe Gray, Advocacy Manager, IAPB.
Target 3.8 must be tracked using these two indicators on:
AIDS i nezadovoljstvo - Ucutkivanje gay seksualnosti u SrbijiAS Centar
This dissertation analyzes how the perpetuation of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Serbia directly results from the rejection and silencing of gay sexuality. Rates of HIV diagnosis remain high, with 30% of cases identified at the terminal stage. Gay men with HIV face double discrimination based on their sexuality and illness status. This causes them to conceal their sexual identity and HIV status for as long as possible. Discrimination against gay sexuality is structured around the majority's silence on the issue. This enforced silence leads to mimicry in gay people's body politics and forces "coming out" in medical settings, revealing sexuality in a discriminatory society. The dissertation argues Serbia's public health policies fail to address the epidemic due to lack of sexual education and inclusion
The "PROTECT YOUR LOVE - SAVE THE FUTURE" promote solidarity and motivate the community, people with HIV, their families, friends, people who are under the influence of prejudice, at increased risk for HIV infection and are subject to discrimination, to join forces to provide respect for human rights, create a tolerant environment in which to accept and appreciate diversity and to provide high quality and universal access to social, legal and health protection for all people. Solidarity of society is the basis of acceptance of personal responsibility and is essential for reducing stigma and discrimination and promote efficient and transparent participation of vulnerable, disadvantaged and socially marginalized people in social processes
Priru?nik za vr?nja?ke edukatore na temu polno prenosivih infekcija - AS CentarAS Centar
Svedoci smo sve ranijeg stupanja mladih, posebno srednjo?kolaca, u seksualne odnose, pove?ane stope abortusa me?u tom populacijom i pove?anja preno?enja polno prenosivih infekcija (PPI). Reproduktivno zdravlje mladih podrazumeva normalni polni razvoj i sazrevanje. Tako?e je bitno da mladi imaju zadovoljavaju?i i siguran seksualni ?ivot, razvoj zdravih, ravnopravnih i odgovornih odnosa, ostvarenje reproduktivne funkcije na zdrav i ?eljen na?in, kao i spre?avanje polno prenosivih infekcija, oboljenja i povreda u vezi sa seksualno??u i reprodukcijom.
Rade?i sa u?enicima srednjih ?kola u Beogradu, osmislili smo bro?uru ?ILI TI ILI PPI!“ sa osnovnim ciljem da upoznamo mlade osobe sa osnovama prevencije i le?enja polno prenosivih infekcija (PPI). Ovom bro?urom, ?elimo da skrenemo pa?nju mladima o rizi?nim oblicima seksualnog pona?anja i posledicama koje mogu nastati usled neodgovornog seksualnog odnosa.
Bro?ura pru?a korisne informacije o polno prenosivim infekcijama i adrese na koje se mladi mogu obratiti, a prilago?ena je tako da mo?e biti korisna i pripadnicima nevladinih i drugih organizacija, budu?im vr?nja?kim edukatorima, pojedincima i svima koji se bave za?titom reproduktivnog zdravlja i prevencijom polno prenosivih infekcija (PPI).
Bro?ura je nastala kao proizvod u okviru projekta: ?ILI TI ILI PPI!“ koji sprovodi AS Centar za osna?ivanje mladih osoba koje ?ive sa HIV-om i AIDS-om, uz finansijsku podr?ku Ministarstva omladine i sporta Republike Srbije.
Presek stanja kreiran na osnovu dostupnih informacija i uz veliku pomoc? i podr?ku pacijenata, udru?enja pacijenata, njihovih saveza i organizacija civilnog dru?tva koje se ?titi od prava pacijenata u Srbiji.
Program 3P:
Prevention of chronic diseases.
Partnership of public, private, civil sector, patients and citizens in the local community.
Support for the patient and their family members.
Priru?nik za organizovati svetski dan hepatitisaAS Centar
Priru?nik preveden u okviru projekta ?Ko je heroj? 2, realizuje AS Centar za osna?ivanje mladih osoba je ?ive sa HIV-om i AIDS-om, finansira Ministarstvo omladine i sporta Republike Srbije.
Priru?nik preveli u?esnici projekta ?Dobro je znati - NAPOR se isplati!“ kao deo programa "Bez muke nema nauke, bez NAPORnih koraka kvalitetu pomaka! - dopunjeno izdanje" koji realizuje AS Centar za osna?ivanje mladih osoba je ?ive sa HIV-om i AIDS-om, u okviru obuke za omladinske lidere/ke koji sprovodi Nacionalna asocijacija prakti?ara/ki omladinskog rada - NAPOR, finansira Ministarstvo omladine i sporta Republike Srbije
Krovna organizacija mladih Srbije - KOMS, Savez udru?enja acijenata Srbije - SUPS, Kancelarija za mlade Obrenovac, Kancelarija za mlade Loznica, Forum organizacija civilnog dru?tva za HIV i AIDS - FOCDHA, Muzi?ko opersko teatarska organizacija - MOTO, Udru?enje gra?ana "Vi?e od pomo?i - AID+", Udru?enje gra?ana OEF, Asocijacija ?ena plus, Organizacija Addicted i LGBT Srbija, uz medijsku podr?ku LGBT Radija.
?Stavovi izra?eni u ovoj publikaciji isklju?iva su odgovornost autora i njegovih saradnika i ne predstavljaju zvani?an stav Ministarstva omladine i sporta Republike Srbije.”
Testiraj se!
#?SvetBezHepatitisa?, #?WHD?, ?#?Belgrade,? ?#?Serbia,? ?#?KOMS,? ?#?SUPS,? ?#?Youth?, ?#?KoJeHeroj?? #AS_Centar #MOS
Nezavisni izvestaj revizorske agencije za projekat zivi duhoviAS Centar
Nezavisni izve?taj revizorske agencije za projekat "?ivi duhovi“ koji je sproveo Centar za osna?ivanje mladih osoba koje ?ive sa HIV-om i AIDS-om ?AS“ a finansirala Kancelarija za ljudska i manjinska prava Vlade Republike Srbije (KLJMP)
Nezavisni izvestaj revizorske agencije za projekat ko je herojAS Centar
Nezavisni izve?taj revizorske agencije za projekat "Mladi koji ?ive sa HIV-om udru?eni za zastupanje svojih interesa doprinose unapre?enju svog polo?aja“ koji je sproveo Centar za osna?ivanje mladih osoba koje ?ive sa HIV-om i AIDS-om ?AS“,u partnerstvu sa: Krovna Organizacija Mladih Srbije (#KOMS) i Kancelarija za mlade - Beograd (#KZM) i saradnju sa udru?enjima Gradske uprave grada Beograda ?GNEZDO“ a finansira Ministarstvo omladine i sporta Republike Srbije (MOS).
Letter from participants of the G7 Civil Society Taskforce which met in Rome (1-2 February 2016) to members of the G7 Health Experts Working Group meeting in Tokyo (18-19 February 2016)
Registar transparentnosti vodi "Zajedni?ki sekretarijat registra transparentnosti".
U njemu su zaposleni zvani?nici iz odeljenja za transparentnost iz EU Parlamenta i EU Komisije.
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