This document outlines the procedures for conducting a firm survey using tablet computers including:
1) Developing an Android application for data entry on tablet PCs and storing data in the cloud.
2) The survey procedures include sampling design, survey tool development, fieldwork planning, interviewer recruitment and training, and fieldwork management.
3) Advantages of using tablets include cost effectiveness, easier administration, faster research cycle, accuracy, and ease of use.
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5. 2. Survey tool
Cost effectiveness
Easier survey administration
Faster research cycle
Ease of Use
Endless supply
Sampling design
Survey tools development
Fieldwork plan
Interviewer recruitment
Interviewer training
Fieldwork management and supervision
Data analysis
Survey report writing
8. 1. Sampling Design
Using most updated, reliable sampling frame (Agro census,
Enterprise census, VHLSS, MOLISA census, etc)
Sample size must be optimized to ensure the
representativeness and cost efficiency.
Sample coding to avoid overlapping and to merge with other
popular comprehensive database for further analysis.
Sample list is provided to locality at least 1 week prior to
fieldwork for logistic arrangement.
For this project, survey frame is a merge of Enterprise census
2013 data and Tax authority data. Block randomization design
is used for sampling.
9. 2. Survey tool development
Paper questionnaire design and finalization
Tablet data entry software (tab-form) development on
Excel file.
The tab-form version 1 should be completed before piloting
(if any). It also can be finalized during enumerator training.
No revision is allowed after fieldwork.
Sample list is also included into Tablet software for
interview convenience and reducing errors (cascading).
Tabform for this survey is build in both English and
10. Team work (2 5 persons), 1 team leader
A team will be assigned for interviewing in 1 PSU
within 1 -2 days, 0.5 day for travelling
Number of team members depend on workload
Fieldwork plan (enumeration area, timeline)
should allow optimum travelling route
Survey time from 7 to 30 days maximum
(enumerators health, learning curve, travelling
3. Fieldwork plan
11. 3. Fieldwork plan
Individual enumerator
Round 1: 18 enumerators x 25 working days
(4 firms/day/enumerator)
Round 2: 14 enumerators x 10 working days
(5 firms/day/enumerator)
Fieldwork plan is based on invitation and
appointment confirmed with firms.
12. 4. Interviewer recruitment
MDRI interviewer network (2000 research social work
Pool of 300 candidates applied: graduate students,
professional interviewers, retired
Interviewer selection process:
Round 1: CVs scanning
Round 2: Face to face interview ( part of
questionnaire + presentation skill)
Round 3: Interviewer training
20% more candidates will be called for training course
for final selection and reservation
13. 5. Interviewer training course
Direct training provided to every enumerators
Covering contents of:
Background information for the survey
Detailed contents of the questionnaire set
Presentation and Interview skills, problem solving skill
Using Tablet PC and data entry software
Practicing, demonstration and Q&A
Fieldwork principle and protocol
Field piloting
Logistics and financial issues
#16: Identify factors affecting the accuracy, validity and reliability of survey data
How to prevent and correct errors,
How to avoid common causes of mis-reporting
#18: Most of the surveys do not provide adequate survey documentation, making it difficult for users to fully understand the survey protocol, and apply for their future surveys. Our survey documentation will describe in detail all steps, from survey design to survey implementation with sampling methodology, survey design strategy, enumerator recruitment and training, issues and problems in survey execution. This will be useful to data users, survey designer and implementor and provide a good reference for future surveys.